Tag: oh-my-zsh

64 zsh starts incredibly slowly 2011-01-24T02:30:09.007

46 oh-my-zsh history completion 2012-04-27T13:23:48.747

44 Tmux and ZSH custom prompt : bug with window name 2011-07-04T09:55:15.067

39 Using wildcards in commands with zsh 2013-04-17T20:50:13.033

29 How to change the default shell in Cygwin? 2015-07-14T16:10:39.277

18 How stop zsh from eating space before pipe symbol? 2013-06-29T23:06:16.860

16 How can I selectively disable zsh's version control integration when my CWD is on a remote filesystem? 2011-09-30T17:07:31.237

15 Typing 'git log --oneline' in oh-my-zsh pipes to 'less' 2014-10-04T23:49:58.037

14 How to 'source' a shell script using bash from zsh? 2012-02-08T09:14:11.883

14 What does 'd' do in oh-my-zsh? 2012-07-25T19:57:14.983

13 Change the sudo su shell 2013-07-31T17:56:01.527

12 oh-my-zsh turned on autopushd? How can I turn it off? 2012-03-17T01:23:36.407

11 make a certain software version the default in ubuntu 2013-11-04T11:59:03.790

10 How to make Zsh not store failed command 2015-04-16T08:05:31.100

9 How to reclaim ^S in zsh? 2012-02-02T15:07:50.490

8 How to draw a line between commands in zsh shell 2014-11-27T15:13:50.480

7 Oh my zsh on windows 2013-11-06T17:23:48.773

7 Why does updating Oh My Zsh give me an error about rebasing with unstaged changes? 2015-06-03T15:30:49.610

7 OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) Making Zsh Very Slow 2015-10-04T00:16:06.510

7 iTerm 2 ZSH colors/themes not showed correctly 2016-04-04T12:46:39.947

7 What is the right way to set $PATH variable in zshrc 2018-02-22T18:10:54.230

6 Aliases with numerical names 2013-02-23T20:46:19.820

6 What is the difference between .zshrc and .zshrc-e 2014-08-07T13:18:36.880

5 How to prevent zsh from showing environment variable name instead of current path? 2013-04-23T15:22:32.500

5 Sourcing an alias file in oh my zsh custom/ folder 2017-11-23T15:43:07.453

4 In ls, how can I remove bg color for sticky bit 2011-04-19T10:14:37.263

4 How to make 'zsh' to stop autocorrect for some words? 2013-01-16T17:48:27.870

4 zsh initial working directory 2013-09-17T20:03:04.227

4 zsh: Autocomplete filenames if no other completion available 2015-08-18T07:05:16.273

4 Create expandable commands 2015-10-15T16:24:59.273

4 Why does setting CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict break zsh's (oh-my-zsh) history? 2016-06-29T14:03:36.410

4 Zsh prompt with current working directory 2016-08-03T16:59:55.983

4 How do I install Oh My Zsh with a custom Zsh install? 2016-08-17T21:06:00.647

4 How I can specify a separate file for my aliases in oh-my-zsh? 2016-10-31T01:16:53.543

4 ZSH completion functions broken 2017-06-26T14:50:50.037

4 Change zsh auto titles to hide user and host 2017-08-21T07:14:40.713

3 iTerm2 zsh oh-my-zsh open tab with same directory 2012-05-30T08:03:55.313

3 Prevent zsh from setting the current prompt to the name of the variable that points to this path 2012-09-06T19:53:04.570

3 Gem Binaries not found with oh-my-zsh 2012-10-29T12:42:47.030

3 zsh prompts to correct executable when running bundle exec 2013-03-05T12:06:10.717

3 Adding file autocompletion in rake with zsh 2014-07-31T09:11:39.963

3 oh-my-zsh (terminal) how to change prefix & suffix of new prompt window 2015-02-06T20:01:59.053

3 ZSH DELETE keybinding 2015-10-06T15:54:56.640

3 Is it possible to use zsh in windows machines? 2018-10-03T23:25:48.457

2 Oh My ZSH plugins do not load on startup 2012-07-12T21:20:20.707

2 zsh history up-arrow history completion not working 2013-03-04T23:49:29.040

2 How do I use sudo with alias in zsh? 2013-06-08T22:46:43.593

2 How do I fix the serious lag with rake autocomplete in oh-my-zsh 2013-09-25T18:35:50.810

2 Terminator and Zsh: ctrl+D not closing session 2014-01-12T15:48:04.317

2 OSX Mavericks .zshrc cannot source 2014-03-31T15:19:17.960

2 zsh tab completion to run scripts in current folder (.<TAB>scr<TAB>)->./script.sh 2014-04-02T09:03:22.597

2 ZSH Cull Old Aliases 2014-08-13T04:05:48.280

2 Open a new terminal from within the terminal 2014-10-02T05:15:58.467

2 Start a new session from within tmux with ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART=true 2014-10-06T04:13:47.437

2 ZSH PS1 adding spacing when tabbing 2015-03-25T02:25:11.137

2 How to make zsh always show environment variable name instead of the path? 2015-04-06T13:07:41.290

2 Speedup zsh startup time 2016-06-16T08:39:55.940

2 How to copy or move files -n levels up on OSX via shell 2016-08-19T14:09:28.873

2 How to select text in Iterm using hotkeys 2016-08-29T13:05:50.923

2 Broken zsh with chmod; trying to fix with compaudit 2016-09-22T14:05:18.767

2 How to make oh-my-zsh path display on macOS case sensitive? 2016-12-02T08:20:37.770

2 Limit git prompt branch name width in oh-my-zsh 2017-06-27T14:49:34.763

2 Custom iTerm appearance doesn't save after quitting iTerm 2017-07-04T23:49:05.693

2 Stats on file creation in OSX 2017-08-08T19:13:27.203

2 Scroll back to last command prompt in termite 2017-08-11T12:27:39.203

2 Strange behavior for zsh auto completion 2019-04-16T16:50:59.747

2 In zsh on mac OS, where is the source of $PATH? I cannot find it in .zshrc 2019-07-27T14:32:26.593

2 Migrating from bash to zsh for Mac OS Catalina 2019-11-15T17:39:58.393

1 When I open zsh, some weird characters display as my prompt (oh-my-zsh on OSX) 2011-10-05T13:25:55.463

1 Repeat last command matching "two words" zsh 2012-02-19T02:47:30.973

1 zsh auto-complete event designator 2012-02-19T03:44:16.240

1 How to prevent unwanted string expansion in zsh? 2012-11-20T15:28:27.347

1 Git autocomplete stopped working in Oh My ZSH 2012-12-03T16:40:15.297

1 cd to last directory in oh-my-zsh 2012-12-04T17:56:36.427

1 Emacs + Zsh unexpected linebreaks 2013-08-17T22:51:20.303

1 zsh — ^W behavior with oh-my-zsh 2013-10-02T07:19:45.463

1 Steam locomotive in zsh 2013-11-17T20:24:36.833

1 Is there a syntax in ZSH for creating multiple aliases at once? 2014-02-28T21:15:20.277

1 Disable complete-ahead feature 2014-10-05T09:33:30.587

1 MySQL in OS X Terminal.app -- how to exit mysql command prompt but continue using the Terminal? 2014-10-10T18:54:59.833

1 "broken pipe" after every terminal command 2014-11-19T14:57:42.477

1 Menu with ZSH (not completion) 2015-10-29T02:43:27.673

1 Dynamic Zsh auto-completions 2015-10-29T07:07:41.587

1 Any idea why I can't get a specific environment variable to appear in my prompt? 2017-05-06T01:23:01.640

1 Oh-My-Zsh - Why did my ls colors for directories change after copying to usb? 2017-08-18T19:22:15.663

1 Inverse bolded % at zsh prompt 2017-11-17T06:42:58.457

1 oh-my-zsh history expansion on space or tab but not enter 2017-12-11T20:08:25.410

1 zsh+ohmyzsh+powerlevel9k: completions stop working when issuing 'sudo -s' 2018-05-03T21:08:09.517

1 How to configure zsh with oh-my-zsh to keep git history visible after pressing "q"? 2018-08-30T21:48:43.980

1 Everytime I open iTerm my .zshrc file gets a new vscode Path line 2018-12-26T19:45:35.450

1 Visual Studio Code not working with Zsh on Linux 2019-03-17T20:41:42.853

1 Missing icons when installing zsh and powerlevel9k on Google compute instance? 2019-03-21T03:14:33.617

1 git add tab completion doesn't return anything 2019-08-14T21:31:37.440

1 Show git pairs in (oh-my-zsh) terminal 2019-08-15T08:11:27.620

1 Pound sign (£) rendered as <ffffffff> in zsh 2019-09-17T17:16:21.083

1 ssh login causes repeating characters in my zsh 2019-11-06T18:21:34.310

1 Can't Run bash file inside ZSH 2019-11-12T09:17:55.210

1 ZSH evaluate history within a function? 2020-02-24T15:58:44.620

0 Zsh super slow inside my Git repo 2012-09-19T15:30:41.853