Tag: nvidia-ion

7 Htpc aka "Media Center": cheap and *silent*? 2009-12-05T10:51:59.960

4 NVidia ION and /dev/mapper/nvidia_... issues 2010-02-18T11:00:30.500

3 Can Acer Aspire Revo (Atom 330) be used with two monitors simultaneously? 2009-09-24T18:04:41.763

3 Will this hardware handle Netflix View Instantly? 2009-09-29T02:38:29.817

3 HDMI Audio on an Acer Aspire Revo (Nividia ION) is only stereo 2010-01-16T11:02:39.567

3 Can the NVIDIA ION chipset handle streaming and gaming reasonable well? 2010-03-15T23:27:40.877

2 Connecting HDMI MediaCenter PC to Standard Def TV 2009-12-22T00:14:58.187

2 Using native resolution on external display results in stretched, out of bounds image 2010-01-19T11:35:08.717

2 Ubuntu 10.04 with HD flash 2010-05-18T20:22:43.220

2 XBMC Live with NVIDIA ION2 no 720p or 1080p options 2011-05-15T15:42:19.560

1 Forcing Windows Media Player to use EVR via GPU to decode h264 encoded files 2009-11-03T06:05:31.147

1 1080p resolution problem (nvidia ion) 2009-12-30T04:37:36.890

1 Tuning Nvidia driver in Nvidia X Server Settings in Ubuntu to avoid tearing? 2011-02-12T01:21:15.260

0 Can nvidia ION's HDMI output to 2560x1600p ? (geforce 9400m, Aspire revo R3600) 2009-09-03T20:39:32.593

0 Better graphics or better cpu on a budget laptop 2009-12-15T00:32:30.660

0 Ubuntu 9.10 not detecting screensize and wont let me set the right resolution 2010-01-02T13:10:53.173

0 Nvidia Ion HDMI output problems with Acer Revo 2010-04-09T23:31:53.407

0 Fedora 16 slow with multiple nvidia cards 2011-11-30T02:12:34.910

0 How can I get Youtube / Adobe flash player to use a my NVidia ION to offload video rendering in Windows 7 x64? 2012-07-04T03:19:50.280

0 Window 8 Accelerated Open GL 2013-01-21T19:17:51.230