Tag: nextcloud

5 Nextcloud client : No keychain service available 2018-03-18T07:51:13.830

3 SSL certificate for connection to home server through socat 2017-09-29T13:07:42.953

2 How to resolve dynamic dns domain to internal ip WITHOUT NAT Loopback OR DNS change in /etc/hosts? 2017-02-18T08:52:49.663

2 Access Nextcloud files via SMB/CIFS 2017-09-28T16:21:48.423

2 DigitalOcean Droplet (Ubuntu 18.04) Password Reset Loop 2018-12-05T21:55:45.650

2 Adding Nextcloud via WebDav Errors Out 2019-10-07T13:12:26.363

1 Multipurpose home server/NAS memory requirements 2017-10-08T08:13:15.083

1 Nextcloud server 2018-08-06T20:56:17.017

1 Hosting snap-installed nextcloud on own /nextcloud URL 2018-09-05T15:34:48.137

1 Advanced image search in private cloud 2019-01-20T10:54:54.733

1 Is there any way to share a files/folders via a link without authentication when using Nextcloud? 2019-02-05T00:39:15.647

1 Nextcloud share not working in nginx reverse proxy 2019-03-29T08:03:16.697

1 Nextcloud and Thunderbird: Finishing tasks is really slow 2019-04-03T18:46:53.537

1 Nextcloud service discovery not fully working 2019-04-08T21:58:30.503

1 Installing NextCloud on Windows (IIS/PHP/MariaDB) 2019-04-16T20:14:49.837

1 Should I use DMZ for a public NextCloud server hosted on a home network? 2019-10-09T13:54:32.510

1 Don't redirect somewhere instead of returning 404 2019-11-24T03:04:25.950

0 install nextcloud on nas4free or raspbian? 2017-02-17T22:09:23.477

0 Nextcloud live doc editing w/ Collabora Online (CODE) cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user 2017-06-28T13:23:40.593

0 Running OPENVPN client (through VPN ISP) with Apache Webserver on 443 Ubuntu 16.04 2017-07-06T08:23:41.907

0 Docker compose host volume data not in container folder 2017-08-19T11:16:12.417

0 HTTPD pretty URL for NextCloud 2017-09-07T14:14:12.973

0 Nextcloud users' settings "Group admin for" - what is it? 2018-01-03T19:02:27.197

0 Proxmox - sharing storage across VMs on different subnets 2018-02-03T22:41:49.673

0 "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid" while mapping a remote webdav URL 2018-02-12T06:49:11.393

0 WebDAV share can be mounted only after another share was mounted 2018-02-14T08:23:38.493

0 hetzner ubuntu minimal vs nextcloud 2018-03-04T00:05:34.230

0 rsnapshot doesn't backup new folders 2018-04-15T14:58:35.993

0 Decrypt Nextcloud Files with Recovery Key 2018-04-16T03:45:20.393

0 How can I find out why the Nextcloud console installation does not generate tables in ProstgreSQL? 2018-05-12T19:08:44.760

0 Why does nextcloud not work after dist upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04? 2018-11-18T08:59:53.877

0 What's killing my network? 2018-12-03T06:48:29.977

0 How to Get Web Access Panel After Installing NextCloud Server from Snap? 2019-01-13T22:01:31.093

0 How to set file permissions on shared folders to be used with NextCloud on NAS 2019-02-12T07:34:52.567

0 NextCloud and KDE Wallet integration 2019-03-17T06:02:13.313

0 How to setup subdomain to nextcloud at home, step by step? 2019-04-05T20:04:44.303

0 Nextcloud on Docker behind nginx as reverse proxy 2019-05-13T19:37:42.140

0 Nextcloud docker installation behind Apache reverse proxy - wrong server url 2019-06-10T17:14:34.020

0 Error when installing certbot on Nextcloud Ubuntu 19.04 2019-07-15T13:54:48.360

0 Connecting RStudio-Server and Nextcloud in Ubuntu 16.04 2019-07-30T15:00:08.497

0 Win 10 Share with NextCloud 2019-08-19T12:30:56.600

0 Raspbian NextCoud "Access through untrusted domain" because of HTTPS 2019-08-29T09:18:35.957

0 Change Nextcloud logo image 2019-10-15T10:39:26.437

0 Map two network drives on the same server with different credentials 2019-12-14T02:30:42.423

0 Apache2 seems to be redirecting all SSL to port 443 2019-12-24T18:00:57.767

0 Nextcloud app installation - SNAP_NAME not found 2020-02-10T16:43:18.400