Tag: macvim

101 The best way to make MacVim's vim (console, not mvim) the default instead of Mac OS X's vim? 2011-09-11T02:21:03.373

87 How does one switch between windows on VIM? 2011-05-07T17:59:23.013

53 Where does VIM (gvim/macvim) keep swap files for unsaved/unnamed buffers? 2010-10-05T00:59:44.670

49 Move cursor to beginning of non-whitespace characters in a line in Vim 2011-06-23T14:02:40.573

42 How do I move around and otherwise rearrange splits in vim? 2010-12-06T14:18:04.970

30 Vim in OSX: How to do page-up/page-down/go to EOL through a vim file opened in terminal? 2011-09-15T06:47:08.790

28 How do I only dp or do just the lines, not the entire block in Vim diff? 2012-03-24T16:55:54.713

24 Vim scrolls very slowly when a line is too long 2011-06-25T18:44:24.723

23 How can I discard my undo history in vim? 2010-11-24T18:29:20.453

19 copy-paste not working in MacVim when launched in tmux 2011-02-15T02:03:31.380

18 How do you set the default window size in MacVim? 2009-08-18T16:38:41.007

17 MacVim: Re-map command key combinations like <d-f> 2011-02-23T16:52:02.970

16 Shortcut to switch tabs in MacVim 2012-01-25T03:10:23.343

14 How can I use the Homebrew Python version with Homebrew MacVim on Snow Leopard? 2012-06-24T17:12:01.577

14 How can I use the Homebrew Python with Homebrew MacVim on Mountain Lion? 2012-08-15T05:29:49.250

12 How to specify shell for vim? 2011-05-24T16:17:41.780

10 $PATH in Vim doesn't match Terminal 2009-08-28T13:56:51.687

10 textwidth=0 and wrapwidth=0 in .vimrc.local not being respected 2011-02-25T04:05:57.770

10 MacVim is not found by Spotlight 2011-10-13T20:54:23.797

10 How to use vimium to select text from a page 2017-08-02T11:56:38.910

9 Is there a way to forward-delete in insert-mode in vim? 2010-06-16T20:04:12.613

9 Vim across multiple monitors 2011-10-25T15:19:30.580

8 Is there a way to "lock" the viewport in vim? 2010-05-20T03:49:20.187

8 VIM - leaves .swp files after crash 2010-06-21T15:16:56.563

7 How to configure MacVim to quit on exit? 2011-07-18T20:41:12.990

7 Is it possible to launch MacVim NOT in full screen mode? 2013-02-28T02:26:35.403

7 Vim: don't move cursor when I scroll (via mouse) 2013-11-21T13:26:57.590

6 Vim - Displaying Code Output in a New Window á la Textmate? 2010-04-23T02:24:36.423

6 How do you install plugins for MacVim? 2011-02-21T14:53:41.097

6 How can I open the current HTML file in a web browser from MacVim? 2011-05-10T16:20:30.797

6 Switch buffers in MacVim 2011-07-14T05:24:34.403

5 How can I add some padding to the macvim text area 2010-10-31T21:46:59.807

5 Vim - Viewing Command line history 2011-03-27T21:19:48.220

5 MacVim <K> not working correctly: WARNING: terminal is not fully functional 2011-05-29T02:45:34.283

5 How can I make terminal Vim look as good as MacVim? 2011-12-11T15:19:17.487

5 Second user vimrc file usage on vim running on Mac os X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion) 2013-10-16T13:27:53.320

4 MacVim + tmux or: The Copy Paste Riddle 2010-12-27T22:34:22.387

4 Installing Command-T breaks MacVim 2011-02-18T23:22:29.343

4 How can I automatically adjust the Gvim/MacVim window to the width of my vertical splits? 2011-06-05T05:45:53.373

4 Prevent MacVim copying every visual selection to clipboard 2011-10-19T08:18:28.667

4 Macvim lags while Vim on terminal is buttery smooth 2012-05-30T02:31:20.030

4 Multiple linked sessions/instances of Vim and R with Vim-r-plugin 2013-06-20T12:17:25.390

4 Why is MacVim much faster than Vim in the Terminal? 2013-10-11T12:29:59.833

4 Check if vim is compiled with +X11 in .vimrc 2015-01-26T19:18:09.487

3 Getting (Mac)Vim to Work With RVM 2010-08-07T22:24:27.287

3 How can I stop MacVim showing a whole screen of extra scroll? 2010-08-22T08:22:46.640

3 Macvim color scheme conflicting with .vimrc 2010-11-15T16:53:53.733

3 Change to normal mode when MacVim goes background 2011-01-22T17:53:18.800

3 Height of window resizing on tab close for Vim 2011-02-06T03:34:29.787

3 Emulate Typewriter Scrolling in Vim 2011-12-15T11:55:43.137

3 Minimizing the toolbar in MacVim on OSX Lion 2012-03-01T04:17:26.253

3 How do I set the cursor to stop when it hits the end of a line in Vim? 2012-04-27T16:57:44.643

3 Vim: Shortcut to move to beginning of next line / end of previous line? 2012-05-31T23:15:36.893

3 MacVim crash with Gundo 2012-08-14T04:00:28.877

3 Is there any way to use multiple fonts simultaneously in Vim? 2012-11-02T23:01:09.633

3 why doesn't my .gitconfig work? (for external diff) 2012-11-16T14:31:57.737

3 Vim + iTerm2 color issues 2013-02-01T18:39:00.490

3 How can I check if the cursor is at the end of a line? 2014-03-02T13:15:28.733

3 MacVim always return focus to terminal upon leaving 2014-08-29T17:59:27.253

2 Snippets in Vim not working 2009-08-25T07:25:41.740

2 How can I speed up the first file open from NERDTree in MacVim? 2010-12-05T18:37:39.043

2 Removing @'s in wordwrapped VIM text 2011-01-13T18:06:32.227

2 How do I disable middle-click-pasting functionality in MacVim? 2011-01-28T03:49:17.657

2 "Illegal starting char" error whenever opening MacVim 2011-02-24T03:00:44.343

2 Change default settings in MacVim 2011-03-10T15:31:14.710

2 Adding a plugin Vim Folder on a MacOSX 2011-04-13T06:01:09.953

2 How do you use snipMate HTML snippets in a PHP file without changing filetype? 2011-08-23T16:56:54.600

2 MacVim erases file color labels 2011-10-09T14:36:42.813

2 Map MacVim (mvim) movement keys in iTerm2 2012-03-25T17:46:12.410

2 Is it possible to show gridlines in the background in vim? 2012-06-28T22:24:22.063

2 MacVim, Command-T: SEGV 2012-07-01T12:23:07.220

2 Making MacVim/gVim “block” the terminal until closed 2013-08-06T01:14:02.840

2 Why is Vim adding asterisks to my .css file? 2013-09-16T19:56:47.510

2 How to use macvim to ssh into a headless server 2013-12-01T07:42:27.720

2 Is there a clever way to underline a heading? 2013-12-23T02:54:17.873

2 Opening files with MacVim from command line 2014-06-25T13:32:57.813

2 Vim conceal feature is applied to active line 2014-08-20T09:56:39.740

2 Vim - How Recognize Spaces as Tabs (set listchars=tab) 2014-08-25T15:07:17.483

2 Open Macvim within terminal without opening a new window 2014-09-03T08:40:24.493

2 why is vim calling this script on startup? 2014-10-17T22:40:51.487

2 MacVim / Vim retain content of all buffers (like Sublime Text). Preserve swap? 2015-01-23T07:23:09.927

2 How can I treat a logical block as a text object in Vim? 2015-10-27T15:35:01.020

2 MacVim.app doesnt open any edit windows 2015-11-06T11:45:54.360

2 Selecting the "Don't Save" button using the keyboard 2016-12-27T07:30:25.023

2 Vim - Detect Caps Lock Status 2017-06-20T13:13:28.303

2 Vim movement delay on lines with 40 or more symbols 2017-09-30T16:20:43.643

2 Homebrew “linkapps” command not found. What can replace it so I can use MacVim as default editor for some file types? 2018-08-05T03:45:26.647

2 MacVim - CTRL+C only exits insert mode after arrow key press 2019-02-05T18:41:53.867

1 Starting vim at top of the screen 2009-12-06T23:03:12.900

1 special characters in MacVim 2010-08-24T13:58:35.523

1 How to trigger VIM's autocmd key mappings for .js or .pl files 2010-09-11T13:32:37.577

1 In MacVim, how do I disable arrow keys in insert mode? 2010-11-14T23:42:13.973

1 Get OS X Terminal.app to accept Ctrl-+ for Vim 2010-12-28T10:42:20.393

1 MacVim does not pick up global mappings from plugins? 2011-01-28T16:23:44.063

1 How do you set up MacVim to compile and run Java? 2011-03-23T09:08:24.503

1 vim - tab awareness 2011-03-28T03:49:28.927

1 How to make Vim open existing buffers with NERDTree 2011-04-22T09:52:05.063

1 Mapping keys in VIM on Mac 2011-05-07T18:36:25.930

1 Corrupt vimrc file 2011-06-18T06:18:53.197