Tag: logrotate

87 logrotate configuration file syntax - multiple wildcard entries possible? 2011-03-10T21:09:37.603

55 Log rotation of stdout? 2011-06-01T04:58:21.747

15 Logrotate no longer reads symlinked configuration file due to non-root ownership 2014-08-06T02:16:27.893

11 How to logrotate with systemd? 2017-04-24T14:39:05.397

10 logrotate unable to rotate logs, getting "No such file error" 2014-06-26T09:03:07.677

5 LogRotate use regex for filename 2012-03-01T15:47:23.977

5 Will cron.daily wait for jobs to finish before starting the next one? 2014-01-05T22:22:41.313

4 How to rotate enumerated filenames similar to logrotate? 2014-04-24T17:58:59.790

4 Why the logrotate's bin path is `/usr/sbin` 2016-04-04T06:44:07.540

3 Logrotate Error 2011-11-09T17:59:58.250

3 logrotate configuration and execution 2012-12-12T23:10:24.020

3 Logrotate appending file name with a “.1” 2013-08-19T13:03:30.403

3 logrotate: How to configure and override defaults? 2015-05-12T00:09:25.697

2 Is it sufficient to put my configuration file under /etc/logrotate.d to logrotate? 2011-09-15T19:09:56.903

2 Logrotate olddir with date 2012-02-08T08:57:33.740

2 rsync: excluding log rotation files .gz.1, .gz.2 etc 2013-02-13T18:26:08.983

2 Merge and view rotated and compressed logfiles 2013-09-17T13:47:33.037

2 Is there a tool like `cronolog` or `rotatelogs`, but also with compression and removal like in `logrotate`? 2014-01-15T21:43:21.970

2 Logrotate - can I configure multiple services in one configuration file? 2018-10-26T01:02:27.750

1 Capture directory & contents, Rotate for only the last three days 2010-09-21T18:42:08.463

1 How do I efficiently rename and compress old logs after turning on compression in logrotate? 2012-02-22T15:49:01.847

1 Log rotation with automatic *.log file discovery 2012-08-29T08:58:53.510

1 Weird Disk space usage Ubuntu 10.04 2013-02-17T19:11:04.293

1 Are the .log.gz old log files? 2013-03-05T23:00:11.337

1 Logrotate append to existing file and truncate original 2013-09-22T13:37:55.017

1 Logrotate says "log needs rotating" and then does nothing 2013-12-18T10:25:17.720

1 Disable Logging on Raspian/Debian 2014-10-15T23:56:15.953

1 Logrotate error: No file found 2015-01-21T09:10:51.550

1 logrotate in SUSE Enterprise Server 2015-02-12T13:40:37.813

1 Logrotate won't rotate log while saying it does 2015-12-09T09:10:08.607

1 logrotate does not rotate at the time specified in crontab 2017-08-07T10:22:51.670

1 My Linux logrotate and my huges log files 2017-08-09T21:50:03.447

1 logrotate failing to rotate, permission denied as root user 2017-09-28T19:25:32.113

1 Reading log files using logstash which rotates every day 2019-04-16T06:46:02.207

1 How to troubleshoot logrotate / journal on Debian 9 2019-08-27T07:36:21.533

0 logrotate w/apache2 log files 2011-11-29T21:28:10.333

0 What is the effect of the size specifier of logrotate? 2011-12-09T13:33:58.130

0 linux logrotate how to set rules for all log files in an directory(including files in sub-directory) 2013-01-02T08:40:35.797

0 How to make sure to have always enough disc space by deleting files from directories that are the oldest 2013-01-07T08:52:40.560

0 Logrotate not doing any rotation 2013-10-23T15:20:24.907

0 Capture logrotated files on change 2014-01-10T10:11:37.643

0 Use logrotate with manual file management 2014-03-12T23:37:55.903

0 LogRotate Custom Script Logs Breaks Script? 2014-06-26T00:49:39.567

0 Remove leading null blocks from a sparse file 2014-11-06T17:57:31.250

0 Logrotate not rotating on file size 2014-12-10T12:48:37.797

0 How to run logrotate as a local user? 2015-01-23T09:03:33.223

0 How do I stop recurring error messages from appearing in messages and auditd.log? 2015-02-06T18:46:05.497

0 Logrotate not rotating my logs 2015-06-04T06:02:47.960

0 Logrotating all logs in a directory causes date duplication 2015-06-22T12:07:59.273

0 How can logrotate execution result in "service: not found"? 2016-01-19T16:07:17.973

0 Logrotate wildcard fails on missing files with "missingok" AND "olddir" 2016-03-30T08:19:50.240

0 Nginx write logs to the old file after running logrotate 2016-05-16T06:13:03.233

0 logrotate files older than x hours 2016-07-23T23:14:46.020

0 What is rotating my haproxy logs? 2017-05-11T09:36:36.707

0 Configure Logrotate to only rotate partially 2018-01-24T16:15:35.257

0 Watch (rotating) log in screen 2018-02-01T11:38:29.357

0 logrotate for already rotated logs 2019-01-08T11:00:58.627

0 How to get new generated file name on logrotate? 2019-02-06T05:37:45.987

0 Systemd logrotate to specific folder 2019-02-07T13:22:56.307

0 How do I keep 110 files before allowing linux to rotate the logs? 2019-03-12T05:06:04.803

0 looking for continuous Screen Capture for retroactivly reproducing errors, timeback machine 2019-04-26T10:16:55.437

0 logrotate not rotating my logs for a specific folder (tomcat) 2019-07-19T18:00:52.503

0 chattr command in logrotate prerotate script; selinux blocking with "operation not permitted" 2019-08-05T23:18:50.600

0 /var/log/firewalld is not getting rotated 2020-02-01T00:36:49.373

-2 Logrotating postgres logs 2018-01-12T10:07:17.930