Is there a tool like `cronolog` or `rotatelogs`, but also with compression and removal like in `logrotate`?



I want simple piped logging without config files or system-wide rules for periodic command execution.

Are there any projects that allows to do that? Expecting something like this:

./my_program_that_generate_logs | cronologrotate /var/log/ololog/%Y_%M/%d.log --compress-after '30 days' --remove-after '1 year'


Posted 2014-01-15T21:43:21.970

Reputation: 13 705

Why not stick with logrotate and write a little crontab that compresses after 30 days and deletes after a year? If you're interested in this I can post the relevant cron lines. – terdon – 2014-01-15T23:36:46.873

For example, to avoid accessing the system as root (or other user that edits crontab). Also using logrotate is having config files which I also sometimes try to avoid. – Vi. – 2014-01-16T02:15:20.473

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