Tag: locate

240 What's the equivalent of Linux's updatedb command for the Mac? 2010-02-16T15:23:59.240

27 Difference between locate and which in Linux 2016-03-29T09:43:30.313

22 Faster alternatives to "find" and "locate"? 2011-09-29T13:15:30.350

17 Unix-type "locate" on Windows? 2011-08-23T19:28:21.743

15 How to a open a file in vim using pipe 2014-06-16T11:56:19.283

14 How to use locate in cygwin? 2009-11-22T00:20:22.767

13 A file shows in "locate" command but don't exist. Why? 2012-02-08T20:22:13.253

10 FreeBSD 9: How to locate an exact filename? 2012-09-27T13:24:18.650

9 How to use updatedb command as an ordinary user? 2012-08-28T02:03:05.173

9 `locate` wildcard strange behavior - why? 2013-06-29T10:31:26.927

7 How to display file details (size, date, etc.) from Linux “locate” command? 2013-05-19T12:11:28.720

5 Cannot manually update database for locate? 2010-07-08T05:10:14.150

5 What folders are indexed / covered by 'locate' 2011-01-24T07:11:58.547

5 How to use locate to search for folders only 2012-04-03T13:57:42.327

5 linux locate command sort by date 2012-08-27T11:27:55.093

4 How to run updatedb, excluding some paths, but not removing previous indexed content for those paths? 2012-11-27T14:40:57.833

3 locate doesn't find all the files it should 2014-08-23T15:03:52.950

2 How can I make locate/updatedb ignore certain file extensions? 2009-10-02T14:51:20.970

2 Which tool is most flexible for searching my whole system, locate or mdfind? 2013-12-26T17:05:08.780

1 locate/updatedb like tool (Linux CLI) for CDs/DVDs 2009-08-21T19:52:19.270

1 Linux Locate Command false info 2012-01-18T18:07:55.377

1 Mac OS X locate command returning nothing 2012-07-18T00:10:48.953

1 Problems with locate 2013-05-06T00:30:00.040

1 Finding files on mounted disk with locate 2013-10-09T07:27:32.047

1 mlocate re-index only one folder 2014-11-14T04:55:13.113

1 How to use locate to search for parent folder of a file? 2015-11-20T06:46:23.060

1 Tracking launchtl locate database creation 2017-03-10T14:12:04.367

1 What is the difference between find and locate? 2017-08-03T23:11:04.197

1 the `locate` command (Linux) doesn't show any files in homedirectory 2018-11-17T12:27:39.773

0 Strange 'locate' behavior and icon changing 2012-11-03T17:09:01.160

0 is it possible to create a locate database for a network volume in Mac OS X? 2013-03-26T21:35:53.277

0 Ubuntu 12.04 trashed file disappeared 2013-05-31T07:47:24.097

0 Locate displaying old files? 2014-06-27T22:37:17.540

0 How can I locate a local html file that has been loaded into the browsers element inspector? 2015-11-07T01:51:46.373

0 how do I sort the output of 'locate' by file modification time 2016-03-29T19:41:50.890

0 Locate database must always be updated before search 2018-10-26T12:27:56.003

0 Find system sounds in a software 2019-05-24T18:26:20.983

0 how works updatedb and locate? 2019-06-01T12:27:59.947

0 How to find all files,with substring, e.g. xyz (caseinsensitive) in filename within particular type (*.txt) using linux command line? 2020-01-24T00:57:50.503

-1 Windows alternative to locate on ubuntu 2013-07-11T12:16:47.577