Tag: localhost

252 What's the difference between and 2015-08-02T13:17:54.277

85 Why is localhost IP 2009-08-29T05:39:35.783

63 Why is my localhost not but ::1, and what notation is that? 2013-10-31T18:53:17.233

46 How to kill a localhost:8080 2019-03-05T01:08:15.083

37 ERR_ICANN_NAME_COLLISION when trying to use localhost .dev in Chrome 2015-05-25T10:50:39.143

34 The easiest way to serve a page to localhost on OS X 2015-02-14T20:59:32.427

32 Why is there a difference between ping "localhost" and ping "local IP address"? 2012-04-18T19:23:11.910

31 Why does the registered domain name “localtest.me” resolve to 2017-12-29T02:38:23.743

30 How to find out what is running on localhost port 2014-02-06T22:28:44.237

30 Curl local host names on Mac OS X Yosemite 2014-10-24T02:26:50.047

30 How can I use curl with ::1 for ipv6 based loopback? 2015-03-05T06:37:56.900

26 Why does the “Internet of Things” enforce the need for IPv6 addresses? 2015-10-30T22:25:21.840

25 IE doesn't work with localhost + port 2014-01-15T20:38:27.483

24 How to alias a hostname on Mac OSX 2010-06-14T02:06:12.093

24 How to prevent Firefox converting 'localhost/*' URLs into search queries? 2012-01-27T02:36:18.033

22 How do I ping localhost using IPv6? 2015-11-25T14:09:04.060

21 Is there a way to disable IPv6 in Google's Chrome? 2010-08-11T14:10:57.257

21 Why is "It works!" showing up at my (localhost)? 2011-10-03T20:12:01.087

19 How can I specify IP and ports for a hostname in the Windows hosts file? 2010-02-21T18:39:26.957

19 How to allow remote access to my WAMP server 2012-06-05T08:24:05.527

19 I have a domain name that I want to redirect to my local server. How do I do this? 2013-03-01T23:49:09.187

17 Google Chrome is slow to localhost 2009-09-19T15:44:34.813

17 How does localhost work? 2011-08-11T06:52:05.277

17 How to SSH to localhost without password? 2011-09-16T02:21:16.940

16 How to map an IP adress to localhost? 2011-11-30T15:31:30.753

16 Kill what ever is running on port 8080 2013-06-20T00:29:23.077

13 Redirect Domain Name to Localhost 2010-06-01T15:34:06.203

12 Why does my "hosts" file entry have no effect when accessing network shares? 2012-02-07T13:29:47.697

12 How to avoid google chrome proxy bypass for localhost? 2019-03-28T23:32:32.073

11 Can't connect to localhost via browser. Can ping localhost 2011-01-31T22:17:26.807

11 localhost not working on OS X Yosemite 2014-08-04T20:38:49.453

10 How to change default browser to open localhost in wampserver 2010-07-06T23:50:15.000

9 Can't resolve localhost on Mac OS X Server 2010-05-19T02:03:56.440

9 Isn't localhost simply on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)? 2012-03-28T23:39:40.313

9 Why is there more than one loopback IP address? 2015-09-30T01:39:15.380

8 Why I can't visit http://localhost via IE? 2010-01-17T07:21:47.313

8 localhost in sudoers 2010-07-29T10:27:55.300

8 How to connect to Google App Engine server in internal network iMac? 2011-02-09T20:32:32.673

8 Google chrome is slow on refreshing localhost website 2014-06-01T04:37:22.033

8 Chrome Localhost Connection Refused 2015-08-23T13:51:55.543

7 Safari is unable to reach localhost ( 2009-08-27T16:22:50.740

7 How to connect to localhost from OperaMini 2010-03-03T16:16:47.370

7 Allowing access to localhost outside network 2011-01-04T14:04:32.917

7 how do I get to resolve to localhost when browsing a url that contains 2013-01-14T18:50:13.570

7 How do I install userscript from the local machine with GreaseMonkey 1.12 (2013 autumn)? 2013-11-18T07:17:30.383

7 Is 'localhost' considered fully qualified? 2014-01-17T18:46:43.513

7 Is listening on a port on the localhost of a server the same as listening on that port of the server's public IP address? 2014-04-22T21:29:52.130

7 Localhost tcp throughput performance differences 2014-12-27T22:23:06.450

6 Map "Sites" folder to http://localhost on OS X 2009-09-05T15:51:51.387

6 How do I allow a remote user to connect to a web app running on my PC? 2010-01-08T09:21:32.137

6 How can I capture traffic to localhost using Wireshark? 2010-06-29T22:20:42.823

6 Firefox on Ubuntu can't connect to local virtualhost when network is unplugged 2011-06-14T14:07:11.603

6 http://localhost:8080 is not working on running apacher Server through XAMPP 2011-12-01T09:24:45.487

6 vncserver -localhost and ssh tunneling 2014-02-11T23:15:50.403

6 Connecting to mysql from instead of from localhost 2014-04-23T09:52:09.053

5 Localhost not recognized in windows 7 machine 2012-08-09T17:09:23.740

5 Something is using port 80 and I can't figure out what 2012-08-28T04:14:21.173

5 Deny access to a port from localhost on OSX 2012-11-13T17:01:15.393

5 I replaced httpd.conf in mountain lion and can no longer connect to localhost 2012-12-09T18:29:41.137

5 Broswers open localhost instead of remote server 2013-08-23T12:02:32.767

5 How can I get Apache 2.4 localhost subdirectories to resolve when root resolves perfectly? 2014-10-20T16:15:53.483

5 Google chrome ignorning localhost for SOCKS5 proxy 2019-05-25T14:27:48.783

4 Firefox and Chrome slow on localhost; known fix doesn't work on Windows 7 2009-11-03T15:29:55.757

4 Exclude localhost from htt_proxy 2010-05-04T07:34:48.630

4 How can I use my iSight camera as an IP camera? 2010-07-17T14:53:46.023

4 Connect to localhost from another computer 2011-07-09T12:36:35.117

4 Chrome slow on request against via "fake" domain (domain.local) 2011-07-24T16:28:40.997

4 read localhost mail and send to locahost using Mail.app (or any other std mail client app) 2012-02-10T12:26:07.280

4 How to share my localhost over the internet? 2012-04-28T19:39:33.213

4 How can I redirect "localhost" to another local IP? 2012-07-01T19:04:15.870

4 Browsing to localhost is slow when connected to Internet 2013-05-14T02:27:13.907

4 localhost as hostname confusion 2013-11-09T03:48:23.323

4 Which Powershell Function could check whether a certain port is in LISTENING state on localhost? 2014-06-17T17:11:21.113

4 http://localhost:3000 works, but doesn't 2015-04-25T19:28:32.700

4 Override localhost IP Adress in Windows 8.1 2015-07-06T17:44:53.407

4 windows ssh localhost: connection refused 2015-08-12T16:03:18.660

4 Can't connect to socket listening on but works for 'localhost' in Windows 10 2015-08-25T04:15:36.067

4 When listening to a port (taskserver) should the local address be `localhost` or ``? 2018-04-17T19:51:53.367

3 Accessing localhost ( when off line 2009-09-08T06:16:14.423

3 Installing SQL server express 2008 SP1 on Windows 7 2009-12-27T22:02:30.763

3 WAMP not working anymore 2010-03-02T13:18:38.017

3 Load local file in place of remote file (HTTP) address in Windows 2010-05-12T23:49:51.770

3 ssl on localhost and apache server 2010-06-21T06:20:08.977

3 Use name instead of IP address for home network 2011-01-15T07:51:35.550

3 Why in Windows 'localhost' connection is reset while and other specified in 'hosts' file work? 2011-04-04T16:30:12.957

3 How to access http://localhost on the host operating system if the server is in a virtual machine? 2011-10-22T01:46:50.813

3 Proxying fake domain to a localhost port 2011-11-25T22:24:14.820

3 How can I send emails from my app "locally"? 2011-11-29T03:37:17.610

3 How Do I Access localHost From VMware when even the computer isn't accessible from the network 2012-03-13T14:58:10.257

3 Can you do "ping %localhost%"? 2012-05-09T11:29:04.947

3 PHP code is returned instead of executed 2012-05-16T11:18:02.860

3 Firefox not taking note of /etc/hosts? 2012-06-16T15:00:48.107

3 What would happen if I changed my hostname to 'localhost'? 2012-08-28T20:46:16.960

3 If localhost is called 'localhost', why is the gateway not called 'gateway'? 2012-12-08T08:25:35.643

3 I accidentally hijacked my localhost 2012-12-13T18:26:14.377

3 How to reset Host Only Adapter Networking for Oracle VirtualBox VM Manager 2012-12-20T15:29:08.267

3 How to access localhost with a port on a Virtual PC 2013-05-23T09:04:45.460

3 Firewall blocks localhost but only if it's turned on 2013-06-25T00:45:18.997

3 Install a PEAR package without an Internet connection 2013-07-19T13:46:02.350