Tag: linux-terminal

51 How to show output on terminal and save to a file at the same time? 2010-07-01T18:03:05.927

35 How to run programs from a linux terminal without blocking the terminal? 2010-06-19T16:52:32.960

33 Google Search from Linux Terminal 2009-09-26T14:03:33.987

32 Replace OS X's shell commands with the linux versions? 2012-09-18T13:12:56.667

28 How to prevent a command in the zshell from being saved into history? 2011-11-01T16:01:40.480

23 How do I copy a link in Lynx? 2009-12-14T10:41:11.537

17 Using Ctrl or Alt AND backspace to delete last word in Bash 2011-06-13T16:43:04.270

17 Keep Session with Terminator 2013-06-28T14:45:57.103

16 bash save history without exit 2013-02-21T14:47:25.067

14 Script or launcher to setup multiple terminal tabs in different locations 2013-06-20T13:04:02.060

10 How to turn on/off leds by terminal? 2012-06-16T00:32:42.613

8 Highlight a single word *always* in a terminal 2012-01-16T23:44:25.380

7 How to switch to non-graphical view in ubuntu? 2010-01-26T03:50:14.183

6 rxvt - how to clear scrollback 2013-04-11T03:45:06.317

5 Linux console output - pause after each screen 2010-08-02T19:21:03.763

5 How to remember multiple tabs' session in terminal in ubuntu? 2012-12-31T13:01:39.217

5 What is the significance of baud rate in stty settings on linux? 2014-09-10T04:26:56.520

4 Terminal programs to replace desktop programs 2009-12-01T13:46:43.377

4 Why is unmute not working with amixer command? 2014-08-31T19:29:26.523

3 How to display escaped characters in tmux status bar 2012-10-23T20:52:33.403

3 Is there a way to have a Y/N confirmation after Remove file/directory 2014-03-21T21:18:48.947

3 How do I properly re-send a process to background after fg in Linux 2018-06-05T12:32:29.717

2 Return to KDE after starting new terminal 2012-12-04T19:20:09.033

2 Terminal menu bar hidden 2013-02-05T11:18:58.017

2 How to log out current user? 2014-02-06T18:43:54.783

2 How do I disable pastying into my xterm? 2014-02-25T22:35:02.190

2 How to execute multiple commands in Bash, some in the background 2015-09-26T15:13:18.567

2 Make Terminal recognize PageUp and PageDown when remapped to different keys 2016-10-11T01:15:34.090

2 Virtualize Multiple instances 2017-03-29T20:01:27.757

2 Pipe STDOUT to an image? 2017-06-28T19:07:25.407

2 Setting specific attributes for a linux terminal instance 2019-03-12T13:12:50.320

2 Why does the Command prompt and PowerShell give different output results than the Terminal? 2019-10-06T02:11:23.170

2 ColorDiff - change colors 2019-10-10T21:37:12.230

2 How do you output a QR code to the linux cli terminal for scanning? 2019-10-15T17:12:54.793

1 How to remove string pattern using linux's terminal? 2011-07-27T00:06:01.597

1 Linux Locate Command false info 2012-01-18T18:07:55.377

1 Enable Alt-tab in Windows running through Linux terminal 2012-10-18T14:16:59.947

1 How to terminate a program in linux command line (ctrl+c and ctrl+z are not working)? 2014-01-30T07:40:13.300

1 MobaXTerm colors are washed out - how to configure the scheme 2014-02-26T16:46:09.540

1 Is there any way I can control the output of my webcam? 2014-09-08T22:54:32.037

1 arp -a command not working doesn't list devices 2015-02-05T15:59:57.060

1 Terminal: go through autocompleted options after pressing tab 2015-03-06T13:06:49.057

1 Duplicate a remote session in terminal in Linux (Ubuntu) 2015-03-15T08:39:10.923

1 Do I really need to "exit" from an SSH session in Linux using PuTTY? 2016-04-02T20:19:32.673

1 Why can't I copy a folder from remote server to local with this command? 2016-08-12T23:13:55.963

1 is there a quick way to change part of a file name in every file and folder in a collection of nested folders a few layers deep? 2017-09-14T07:29:03.123

1 How can I share a folder on VirtualBox? 2017-10-22T11:49:46.910

1 How to interpret the results from calling top in terminal 2017-11-17T06:05:18.880

1 Adding margin to rasterized PDF using ghostscript 2018-08-15T16:03:11.927

1 Trouble running Ubuntu terminal command on files on external hard drive 2019-04-14T18:35:55.880

1 Doesn't have a 'Release file' when upade Ubuntu 18.04 2019-06-03T18:39:01.560

1 Fix Alignment of Split Terminal Panes 2019-07-24T02:52:21.400

1 producing animation on terminal 2020-02-25T21:23:10.930

0 terminal of linux 2010-12-25T10:50:48.697

0 double click/click-drag-release on terminal to select a text results CTRL-C 2011-06-13T03:59:48.427

0 Strange characters in Linux console 2012-05-08T21:14:13.230

0 virtual machine just like another terminal window in Linux? 2012-06-24T09:51:38.573

0 Infinite history in centos gnome terminal 2012-07-13T05:08:45.010

0 Ubuntu pervasive RubyGems 2012-07-19T22:59:21.217

0 How to switch to another window when Ctrl + B does not work for tmux? 2012-09-24T20:12:41.373

0 How to stop grep matching in terminal escape sequences (or colorize to multiple colours)? 2013-01-31T15:37:37.090

0 remove duplicate values in a text file 2013-07-22T18:53:51.423

0 "gksu" doesn't prompt for the root password 2013-12-01T18:46:08.650

0 Serial device not detected by Lubuntu 2015-01-24T04:50:13.293

0 Is there any way to open a new window in terminal using root? 2015-03-30T19:25:02.760

0 Is there a way to emulate vt52 or any other terminal type in linux just like xterm? 2015-07-19T17:42:51.690

0 How to use source within a bash script to change the terminal prompt? 2015-11-06T19:22:57.747

0 how to merge two similar image's differences into one image in terminal? 2016-01-20T17:24:17.807

0 mobaxterm doesn't correctly pass ctrl-shift-arrow sequences 2016-02-06T00:26:53.620

0 Keep track of linux terminal commands in git 2016-03-14T07:33:38.907

0 ubuntu : redirecting ssh command to existing xterm 2016-08-08T10:52:35.693

0 Download Project using Linux mint 2017-03-11T08:48:02.303

0 How can I change the colorscheme through command line? 2017-03-30T15:34:04.953

0 Execute Command with xterm and close 2018-03-09T06:58:06.810

0 How can I create, using one command, a GNU session with 4 windows, each running different command? 2019-01-30T20:41:55.590

0 How to increase font size of tab title in Terminology (terminal emulator)? 2019-04-16T07:15:50.710

0 update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for x-terminal-emulator 2019-04-26T00:31:46.770

0 installing packages using pip and pip3 throws an error 2019-06-06T12:53:22.977

0 How can i achieve Word wrap with no word breaking or splitting in Linux terminal or using Xshell? 2019-06-10T14:07:50.467

0 Configure dnsmasq to selectively resolve domains using two DNS providers 2019-09-01T20:35:12.570

0 'rxvt' terminal emulator resets settings after logout 2019-10-12T04:43:53.160

0 How to scroll much further back in Linux Server running Bash 2019-11-19T20:54:41.570

0 zsh: always buffer last command's output 2020-01-24T15:05:11.700