Tag: libreoffice-draw

24 How do I add extra arbitrary connectors to a rectangle in LibreOffice Draw? 2012-04-27T18:20:50.113

22 Changing the page layout and canvas size in LibreOffice Draw 2011-10-06T17:34:19.890

8 Free panning/scrolling on LibreOffice Draw 2011-10-17T14:54:53.267

8 Export from Libreoffice Draw to PDF with autocrop? 2015-02-05T10:29:17.077

8 How to copy drawing from LibreOffice Draw to MS Word? 2015-06-09T02:12:57.337

7 How can I open PDF files in LibreOffice Writer rather than Draw? 2017-10-16T21:35:42.570

5 LibreOffice Draw: text on a connector 2014-02-10T19:13:03.220

4 LibreOffice Draw Custom Galleries? 2012-10-04T14:33:07.043

3 How do I set the default page orientation for LibreOffice Draw? 2011-11-11T19:41:43.957

3 Libre Office trying to save as PDF 2011-11-23T11:44:03.997

2 How to change size of embedded openoffice/libreoffice draw object in ms word document? 2013-08-12T09:13:07.187

2 Add glue points to table in Libreoffice Draw 2016-02-16T06:01:58.800

1 Copy all text in a LibreOffice Draw drawing 2011-06-04T03:10:49.490

1 How to draw a self-reference connector in OpenOffice Draw 2014-07-27T19:17:00.510

1 Import Libre Office Writer Document in Draw? 2015-08-31T15:29:10.843

1 How to draw a Gaussian Curve with LibreOffice Draw? 2016-03-21T19:20:23.350

1 Adjusting cell padding in LibreOffice Draw 2016-08-09T00:34:47.957

1 Libre office pdf export is not correct 2017-10-21T19:12:00.790

1 How do you draw freehand (like a pencil tool) in LibreOffice Draw? 2018-08-27T04:23:28.360

1 Ornamental border on a frame or page 2019-06-05T05:43:40.070

0 Move single point with keyboard in OpenOffice/LibreOffice Draw 2013-05-30T14:25:17.847

0 Full screen view in LibreOffice Draw? 2016-09-20T12:30:27.287

0 Annotate screenshots with LibreOffice Draw 2017-06-07T07:55:21.697

0 How can I group objects without losing their glue points? 2017-06-12T15:15:02.467

0 Arrow with multiple turns in Libreoffice Draw? 2018-05-22T12:58:24.173

0 Why do some viewers/editors not properly open this SVG file? 2018-06-25T18:25:08.000

0 in LibreOffice, a pdf brought into Draw from Acrobat Reader now has all highlights opaque 2019-03-14T13:44:09.667

0 Having pages in landscape and portrait mode in the same document (libreDraw) 2019-07-18T06:40:36.907

0 Wrap text around a LibreOffice Publisher object 2019-07-22T16:49:17.727