Free panning/scrolling on LibreOffice Draw



LibreOffice Draw allows me to scroll vertically or horizontally using my mouse as follows:

Scroll Wheel: Scroll vertically
Shift + Scroll Wheel: Scroll horizontally

My question is: Is there any way to have free scrolling/panning on it? By free scrolling/panning, I mean the ability to pan in any direction, e.g. diagonally. Many applications allow you to freely pan using methods like:

  • A hand tool/ panning tool (click and drag, as in Photoshop or Illustrator)
  • Middle click button on the mouse

If LibreOffice Draw doesn't support these scrolling methods natively, is it possible to simulate free-scrolling externally? Maybe using an AutoHotkey script that sends the scroll vertically or horizontally events when moving the mouse?

Amelio Vazquez-Reina

Posted 2011-10-17T14:54:53.267

Reputation: 5 686



There is, in fact, a panning tool. It is referred to as "Shift". It looks like an orange gloved hand hovering over a piece of paper: orange hand hovering over a piece of paper

Hope this helps!

James Brewer

Posted 2011-10-17T14:54:53.267

Reputation: 394

Hi James / G-Man, Do you know where I can find the button for this panning tool? I cannot find that image on my version of Draw. LibreOffice Version: (x64) Thanks, – Ryan Jensen – 2019-06-05T17:48:33.610


There is a tool to do this. It's called Zoom & Pan.

  • go to View -> Toolbars and check Standard (not Standard Viewing Mode)
  • find and click on Standard panel a button with magnifying glass enter image description here (The panel should be just below program menu)
  • to use that tool in pan mode you need to hold Shift key

Tested in LibreOffice


Posted 2011-10-17T14:54:53.267

Reputation: 21