Tag: lamp

20 How do I set default group ownership for files in a directory? 2012-06-15T05:04:41.407

20 What is 'Found' in Fail2Ban Log File? 2015-12-28T18:48:33.067

12 How can phpMyAdmin be restarted after /etc/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php is changed? 2010-05-21T14:17:33.430

9 When I start Ubuntu it enters tty[1-6] instead of my desktop (How do I get to desktop?) 2009-11-03T19:15:14.803

9 How do I set up a LAMP server from scratch using CentOS 6.7? 2015-10-29T07:03:05.117

7 Is there such a thing as a persistent ram drive? 2009-11-22T22:01:04.217

5 Best practices for setting up LAMP development environment 2010-01-15T11:15:55.757

5 How to build or find smallest linux with only LAMP 2010-04-30T05:29:39.213

5 How can make a web server publicly accessible? 2013-02-08T07:46:09.250

5 Email Setup to Prevent Identity Theft 2013-09-19T20:50:59.583

5 Cannot see index.php on localhost, Firefox prompts to open file in editor 2014-12-07T21:50:25.510

4 Looking for a opensource, web based, double entry accounting system 2010-04-08T19:48:21.573

4 How can I get log messages from the LAMP server on Ubuntu 10.04? 2010-06-02T09:55:27.780

4 Convert MySQL DB from MyISAM to InnoDB 2010-07-16T09:13:20.017

4 How to have external requests from a LAMP server bypass internet censorship? 2012-05-28T06:21:53.803

4 Running Linux OS in ram only 2012-08-15T18:18:02.540

3 Spreadsheet, PHP Script, or Linux program for employee shift scheduling 2012-02-27T09:00:09.767

3 Accessing virtual LAMP server from my browser? 2012-12-03T15:17:31.170

3 Apache configuration in Mint 14 not working 2013-03-09T20:24:37.913

3 Manage SFTP web project on multiple remote web hosts at the same time 2017-09-06T07:47:37.133

2 WAMP Server vs LAMP Server 2010-04-23T07:00:20.927

2 Installing LAMP stack on Ubuntu 10.X Desktop version 2010-05-17T05:58:26.937

2 AllowOverride for userdir 2010-05-26T17:20:00.433

2 Custom php.ini override for each user 2010-05-26T22:15:19.353

2 Turning a Laptop in to a Web Server 2010-07-10T00:29:54.833

2 Using Linux on a virtual machine to run a LAMP test server? 2011-04-09T18:28:46.783

2 Ubuntu LAMP server install issue 2011-04-10T16:20:52.807

2 How to make no one able to connect to my localserver except me? 2011-05-22T01:01:52.040

2 Could I run Visual Studio and check code into SVN, installed on Ubuntu, on the same machine? 2011-05-30T06:37:58.610

2 Does apache server need a router to connect? 2011-09-10T05:10:29.683

2 Debian - LAMP Install 2011-11-10T11:44:44.893

2 Install LAMP on a remote server 2012-12-20T06:22:29.550

2 Is LAMP needed in Centos 6.3 2013-03-02T10:39:38.933

2 PHP extension loading in CLI but not in CGI/FastCGI mode 2013-08-22T07:39:40.480

2 Setting home computer as www web server 2014-01-05T04:34:48.080

2 Can't start MySQL on Fedora 20 2014-02-13T06:30:14.430

2 Can't access website from outside the LAN 2015-02-06T07:47:04.850

2 Can't edit www-data files; my user already in group 2015-05-13T20:14:03.017

2 Block chrome or firefox from accessing localhost 2015-05-16T18:58:23.073

2 Should I install Node.js & LAMP in seperate docker containers or install them side by side? 2016-12-03T04:24:44.600

2 Can't setup/clean reinstall MariaDB/MySQL on Debian Stretch 9 2017-07-29T13:24:18.737

2 How to stream live video from one PC to an Apache server on a second PC 2018-08-09T00:50:56.467

2 What could be limiting my maximum upload file size on my Raspberry Pi LAMP stack? 2018-08-23T20:43:38.867

1 LAMP/TURNKEY LINUX/VIRTUAL BOX: Manipulating Files on a Virtual Machine 2009-11-12T01:44:13.713

1 Install SFTP on Debian Lenny use root user to login 2010-02-25T17:32:59.020

1 MySql Error(UBUNTU):The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement 2010-05-18T15:26:22.293

1 New web page and edited localhost/index.html gives a 404 error 2010-05-25T05:39:01.527

1 Ubuntu 10.04 LAMP installation 2010-06-22T17:26:32.013

1 BitNami LAMP stack on ubuntu 2010-12-13T22:20:02.223

1 Drupal on CentOS / RedHat 2011-02-03T12:09:24.107

1 PHP file wants to download, not display? 2011-05-11T16:13:11.363

1 Apache can't bind to address [::]:80, already in use 2011-05-21T23:32:27.483

1 Adding Webmin to Bitnami Lamp Stack 2011-05-25T07:52:37.760

1 Web Hosting at home on Old Hardware 2011-08-09T23:02:32.617

1 Is it possible to setup PC as a server over LAN, and run a real (test) website on it? 2011-08-13T16:57:48.287

1 Uninstall LAMP Ubuntu 11.10 2011-11-04T18:51:36.330

1 CENTOS 6 - How to install php-mysql when php-common @remi is present? 2012-11-14T03:14:44.543

1 while one website host is down, can I set up another host to take over, untill the first host goes back up 2013-01-11T15:32:25.310

1 How to resolve 403 Forbidden on localhost 2013-03-29T20:59:56.317

1 How do I setup a hassle-free developer machine after installing Apache in Ubuntu? 2013-07-28T11:59:33.103

1 Access web server behind router, port forwarding not available 2013-09-27T22:29:52.183

1 Moving the files and databases from one server to other 2013-10-21T07:51:44.660

1 Strange Virus Infecting My Server 2013-11-18T17:49:50.440

1 Error: tasksel install lamp-server 2013-12-07T04:03:12.770

1 Forward two different websites to the same server 2014-01-18T16:52:33.027

1 Local Server using Ubuntu to test web pages - MAMP Alternative 2014-01-18T19:10:34.623

1 Public/Private IPs; Server Problems 2014-02-04T23:24:33.177

1 localhost not accessible from a device that is connected to the same network over wifi 2014-02-12T12:31:20.363

1 Need help setting up my own public web server 2014-06-23T02:59:23.950

1 How to access LAMP server via internet connection? 2015-08-12T20:42:26.897

1 How to make a LAMP server accessible from the internet? 2015-10-03T07:31:21.697

1 LAMP server software requirements 2016-04-22T19:11:10.030

1 Access denied for folder with symlink 2017-02-27T18:39:42.273

1 Can't increase upload_max_filesize in a Wordpress LAMP stack 2019-02-06T15:20:08.940

1 MySQL Crashed, Logs Have Many Errors, DB Possibly Corrupted 2019-02-11T19:01:52.273

1 phpMyAdmin CentOS 7 cannot log in to the MySQL server 2019-06-14T20:29:54.607

1 htdocs folder not found in “/opt/lampp” after installing MySQL, PHP and Apache 2 successfully on Ubuntu 2019-09-02T11:51:34.613

1 Hosting a webpage in one of my VMs 2019-09-04T12:00:06.470

0 Local Apache web server works only when connected to the net 2010-05-18T07:48:42.340

0 Installed LAMP, but PHP does not seem to work 2010-05-23T11:20:14.717

0 LAMP: How do I set up http://myservername.com/~user access? 2010-06-01T14:44:47.583

0 (Ubuntu - Lamp) Why exist in Ubuntu lamp 2 PHP.ini files? 2010-06-01T19:07:16.980

0 What are the steps to install a LAMP configuration under Gentoo 2010-07-10T00:09:50.380

0 Ubuntu Server Edition 2010-07-15T16:10:16.357

0 Netbook for Developer 2010-10-04T16:16:52.470

0 Will the new 13" MacBook Air be enough to develop on and run a LAMP server in a Virtual Machine? 2010-12-16T08:29:29.100

0 A good resource for LAMP? 2011-02-13T23:16:45.000

0 Have Desktop Ubuntu Installed with 2nd HD having 2 LVM partitions: want to install LAMP 2011-02-23T01:45:40.283

0 Automated backup of Apache & MySQL sites to live remote servers 2011-07-11T17:19:00.700

0 Cannot symlink MyISAM databases 2011-09-12T18:28:33.343

0 Ubuntu 11.10 LAMP install Apache /var/www/ access denied 2011-12-08T18:21:12.510

0 VMWare Fusion on Mac w/ Ubuntu - Setting up shared LAMP Environment 2012-02-26T22:38:33.243

0 Cannot Login To phpMyAdmin 2012-03-14T05:03:29.753

0 Remove tasksel lamp-server? 2012-03-23T14:02:31.213

0 How do I set up a public server on a network? 2012-04-12T04:15:37.157

0 Where can I find per virtual host php settings on Debian 2012-07-20T10:19:08.790

0 Web-server with power consumption below 20 W? 2012-08-26T08:17:37.697

0 LAMP server with virtual host names 2012-09-18T10:15:20.197

0 Is it possible to install LAMP as non-root? 2012-10-04T02:46:13.537