How can phpMyAdmin be restarted after /etc/phpmyadmin/ is changed?



How can phpMyAdmin (running on Ubuntu 10.04) be restarted after the /etc/phpmyadmin/ file was changed?


Posted 2010-05-21T14:17:33.430

Reputation: 1 217

I've never liked using a package manager for phpMyAdmin. I've always found it easier and faster to download directly form, copy the sample config file to, and edit that

– wag2639 – 2010-05-23T14:51:30.667

1What does this have to do with the question anyway? It's about how a change in the config file gets applied. – BloodPhilia – 2010-05-23T15:43:19.853



No need to restart phpMyAdmin, changes in /etc/phpmyadmin/ are automatically applied.


Posted 2010-05-21T14:17:33.430

Reputation: 27 374

2so why when uncomment :$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE; I get still message: Login without a password is forbidden by configuration (see AllowNoPassword) – Yosef – 2010-05-21T14:43:03.370

Are you using root account without password? And which version of PMA are you using? – BloodPhilia – 2010-05-21T14:50:00.517

i am using as root and 4.3.3 – aWebDeveloper – 2010-12-15T05:39:15.207

@Yosef: been there too. There are 2 lines in config file with this setting. I'm not sure which one needs to be uncommented, but if you do just one - 50% chance is that's the wrong one unless you know exactly what you are doing. – tishma – 2012-09-29T11:20:16.103


I was in a similar situation on Ubuntu 10.10 (phpmyadmin 3.3.7deb3build0.10.10.1) and even after editing /etc/phpmyadmin/ I couldn't login (because of AllowNoPassword).

I had to cp /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ and then add the $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = TRUE; line to it.

It is strange, but it worked.


Posted 2010-05-21T14:17:33.430

Reputation: 131

The same issue with me. It seems that Ubuntu ignores /etc/phpmyadmin/ but loads /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ Uncomment "Storage database and tables" section and "Designer" mode will be enabled. – bancer – 2012-10-14T19:02:33.970


Try and open it using:

sudo gedit /etc/phpmyadmin/

Uncomment it and save, but keep it open - then try opening phpMyAdmin. It should work.


Posted 2010-05-21T14:17:33.430

Reputation: 21