Tag: irssi

83 How do I "identify with services" on IRC? 2010-02-10T06:07:35.370

17 How do I set a default nick for new irssi connections? 2011-05-22T00:13:05.970

14 irssi tries to join #python before sending the identify message 2012-01-03T05:47:42.740

12 How can I ignore all JOINS, PARTS from all but a few channels? 2010-07-17T22:26:55.797

11 irssi grep some pattern on history 2011-02-02T20:10:31.077

11 Looking for non-conflicting cross-platform keybinding consistency 2012-01-16T20:57:18.830

10 How can I remove the clock from the Irssi status bar? 2013-08-19T13:44:22.293

9 View a nick's idle time in /whois info on irssi 2011-04-17T18:03:16.097

9 Reattaching screen (having irssi running) forces window resize 2012-01-04T23:05:43.537

9 Making TMUX use Alt+Num to select window 2013-11-25T07:01:44.497

8 How can I see who is currently in a channel? 2013-10-12T22:20:18.760

7 Get irssi to beep on new message in tmux session 2012-10-02T09:58:34.343

6 Irssi settings and Bash's Environment variables 2009-09-26T21:21:05.170

6 tmux notify when someone write me on Irssi 2013-02-06T09:47:12.367

6 How to get the nicklist in irssi to appear everytime? 2013-06-15T02:12:41.747

5 tmux: Link panes? 2011-08-10T17:05:11.440

5 Irssi in tmux - Messages overwritten 2012-12-28T21:04:15.410

4 To make Irssi System-beep 2009-08-10T15:27:36.273

4 Change the foreground color of statusbars in irssi? 2010-04-27T20:43:25.720

4 How do I search in lists with irssi? 2011-06-12T14:34:24.517

4 IRSSI /list Considered Harmful 2011-07-03T19:44:56.283

4 How to safely store passwords in Irssi? 2012-01-27T12:39:50.380

4 How to make IRSSI running under screen in a remote system to beep on my local pc for new messages? 2012-02-23T06:48:04.727

4 irssi irc /list command 2012-09-25T17:56:19.327

4 SASL authentication "fails" on Freenode / Tor, on irssi and weechat 2013-01-16T17:50:49.457

4 How do I hide my username in irc? 2013-03-13T00:27:14.043

4 Irssi IRC client: ignore text pattern in channel 2013-08-17T22:48:30.670

4 How to store confidential info whilst using dot files framework 2015-03-28T19:05:47.610

4 List windows in irssi 2017-10-10T11:29:02.557

3 Copying hyperlinks in Irssi? 2009-12-16T01:02:07.380

3 Display time in irssi in 12-hour format 2010-10-16T19:45:07.730

3 Ignore certain nicknames with irssi? 2010-11-17T01:17:21.957

3 How to pass bash variables (passwords) to IRSSI config file? 2012-01-09T17:33:06.537

3 Taking a screenshot of screen session over ssh 2013-02-25T20:55:20.287

3 Is there a way to check what is causing irssi lag? 2013-03-09T23:07:00.417

3 irssi: What to do if I have more than 19 irssi windows? 2013-09-28T21:04:10.453

3 Irssi is simply ignoring any attempt to register of identify 2013-10-11T15:21:20.300

3 Change the timezone (TZ environment variable) for a running irssi session? 2014-03-14T14:21:26.837

3 Ignore JOINS/PARTS/QUITS unless the user has recently talked in the channel 2015-04-12T10:35:58.603

3 How to fix my locale to display Unicode correctly in irssi? 2015-04-23T03:21:19.290

3 How to ignore highlight in a channel in irssi? 2015-07-13T18:43:10.400

2 Irssi: /LASTLOG match -file /tmp/irssi_discussion 2009-08-13T06:08:40.067

2 Irssi prevent logging joins/quits 2010-02-09T00:39:24.123

2 irssi in screen reconnecting to servers when ssh connection lost 2010-10-25T10:22:49.570

2 Log highlighted lines to window in irssi 2011-01-01T23:43:01.853

2 irssi cannot connect to IRC servers (cygwin) 2011-05-17T14:47:27.933

2 Get the names of users to display in irssi window? 2011-09-06T02:58:22.017

2 How do i get automatic coloured nicknames in Macirssi? 2012-02-02T23:33:35.073

2 IRSSI logs variables? 2012-03-18T12:09:49.817

2 How to bind ctrl-up/ctrl-down in irssi? 2012-04-17T06:29:09.910

2 Running Irssi in a Cygwin (bash) shell inside of the Console 2 wrapper 2012-08-10T03:34:56.080

2 How can I make hyperlinks in Irssi/Terminal.app be underlined? 2012-11-03T07:36:05.477

2 Changing the last log length in irssi? 2013-01-25T00:47:46.673

2 Changing join/quit message colors in irssi 2013-12-17T11:54:19.263

2 Make irssi-xmpp show me as using mobile when connected to Gmail/Google Talk 2014-01-28T16:30:06.387

2 ssh -n machine.com 'tail -f file' stops working silently after some time 2014-02-22T18:20:45.947

2 Highlight whole line in IRSSI when nick is mentioned 2015-03-23T16:52:32.560

2 irssi - /ignore a nick but have messages appear in logs 2015-12-19T20:43:44.330

2 Bitlbee without password 2016-06-01T20:06:54.077

1 How do I read logfiles with irssi? 2009-08-12T17:17:51.190

1 Using irssi, is there a way to copy URLs so I can open them in elinks? 2010-08-15T06:35:54.177

1 Running nicklist with irssi using screen inside tmux? 2011-04-18T13:11:51.960

1 $HOME is forgotten only when a remote SSHed "screen" session is detached 2011-05-31T08:24:39.837

1 irssi "Terminal doesn't support cursor movement" 2011-07-13T03:14:54.200

1 UTF-8 Not Working in PuTTY when using SSH Remote command 2011-09-03T17:48:05.887

1 How to resume XMPP groupchat window in Irssi (using bitlbee)? 2012-09-06T15:34:31.877

1 How to make special nohilight case in irssi 2012-11-22T14:45:53.367

1 How can I run multiple instances of bitlbee on OS X? 2013-01-18T18:11:15.753

1 How can I see what I've typed in irssi? 2013-02-09T16:17:13.027

1 How can I get notified by everything that happens in a specific channel in irssi? 2013-04-03T22:01:38.170

1 Correct use of Tmux and Irssi via SSH 2013-04-08T18:01:00.647

1 separate irssi services passwords from main configuration file 2013-05-12T07:42:01.937

1 Is there a command to reply to the last private message in irssi? 2013-07-12T17:55:54.493

1 How can I remove an extra (undesired) block item in irssi with advanced window list? 2014-02-22T22:51:45.463

1 IRC (or weechat in particular): how to prevent accidental text input 2014-04-25T09:42:33.997

1 Channel listing in irssi 2014-09-09T11:06:25.873

1 How to manually unbind a key mapping in the Irssi IRC client? 2015-03-14T20:35:44.847

1 How do I highlight my own messages? 2015-08-04T15:21:22.383

1 No notifications in irssi for new private messages 2015-08-07T10:56:13.907

1 Searching /list with irssi 2016-09-07T12:02:21.697

1 Highlighting (`hilight`) all messages from a specific channel 2018-07-27T19:18:41.330

0 Can I alias a person in irssi? 2009-08-12T17:15:36.123

0 Irssi: How can I close the DCC Server? 2009-08-13T22:29:20.403

0 cygwin - irssi not connecting and screen capturing c-a 2010-01-26T00:56:47.823

0 Catch highlights and URLs in new windows 2010-06-21T15:17:58.667

0 IRSSI screen_away.py script refuses to work 2011-02-07T20:20:03.707

0 Tor + Irssi (Ubuntu 10.10) 2011-02-12T09:43:50.743

0 How do IRC clients, shells and bouncers work? 2011-02-24T10:52:41.983

0 Macports irssi & perl5 installation issues 2012-07-09T20:53:48.030

0 irssi keybinding: backward_word/forward_word 2012-11-28T09:51:48.053

0 How do I put commands into my config file in irssi? 2013-07-22T17:50:11.647

0 How do I send a message on only one channel in irssi, if I have joined to multiple channels? 2013-07-22T20:13:49.250

0 Toggle join/leave in irssi 2013-09-11T13:16:46.287

0 Lost in Irssi and Znc 2014-01-02T09:02:21.883

0 Serving irssi log files over local network with Lighttpd 2014-05-22T21:38:42.770

0 How to make the "-- more --" prompt more visible in irssi? 2015-02-03T23:43:29.793

0 Auto detach after auto connecting in irssi 2015-02-26T23:27:18.207

0 Implementing irssi IRC Anonymity 2015-12-04T03:07:41.627

0 How can I move my current session from GNU screen to tmux? 2016-03-08T07:03:31.897