Launches irrsi
/connect irc.freenode.net
connects to freenode.
/join #ruby-lang
joins the ruby-lang room.
I can see people talking, but I can't talk. There is a blue bar at the top saying
'Nick registration required to talk'.
at the bottom:
[08:15] [james_(+i)] [2:freenode/#ruby-lang(+cnt)] [Act: 1,3]
Whatever I type to the right of [#ruby-lang] is simply ignored.
/msg NickServ REGISTER <my_password> <my_email>
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <my_nick> <my_password>
/nick AnotherNick
nothing. Seriously, the command just disappears and nothing happens.
What's going on?
This brings up nickserv's help dialogue:
/query nickserv help register
though I don't know how to then exit 'NickServ'. When inside 'NickServ' I can type
for some help. So I type it, hit enter and....nothing. Really annoying.
What's the output of the status window after those commands? Does the Irssi documentation say anything about this behavior? – Darth Android – 2013-10-11T15:29:12.280
Isn't this the same question as http://superuser.com/questions/657548/how-to-change-select-your-nickname-for-irc-using-nickserv
– Der Hochstapler – 2013-10-11T18:16:58.023