Tag: irc

83 How do I "identify with services" on IRC? 2010-02-10T06:07:35.370

35 What is Internet Relay Chat? 2011-07-29T04:51:45.443

20 how to hide public ip adress on irc channel 2013-01-06T09:30:26.747

19 How do I change WeeChat's default nick? 2010-03-22T22:53:58.117

18 Any IRC clients with VI key binds? 2011-02-09T16:02:30.743

18 How do I search for channel names in WeeChat? 2013-07-14T22:09:13.230

17 How do I set a default nick for new irssi connections? 2011-05-22T00:13:05.970

16 How do I register a nickname on freenode’s IRC network, using Colloquy? 2010-12-09T17:54:51.027

16 How can I set status messages in IRC? 2011-03-26T19:24:17.260

15 Kill ghost on connect to freenode in xchat? 2010-01-03T05:33:50.893

14 irssi tries to join #python before sending the identify message 2012-01-03T05:47:42.740

14 How do I display the last x messages before I joined a channel in irc? 2012-01-24T23:34:44.030

14 How to ping someone on IRC 2012-12-09T14:17:09.803

12 Is there a way to make a persistent IRC account that I can read missed / old messages with? 2010-06-28T23:27:44.430

12 How can I ignore all JOINS, PARTS from all but a few channels? 2010-07-17T22:26:55.797

12 (IRC) How do I find out when a user was last seen in a channel? 2013-02-11T13:06:32.500

11 On freenode, how do I keep NickServ from messaging me when I log in? 2010-05-09T17:34:06.463

11 irssi grep some pattern on history 2011-02-02T20:10:31.077

10 How can i auto logon to different servers on MIRC automatically, join certain channels and have a diff nick for each server? 2009-11-11T08:44:45.213

10 How does hostname spoofing/customization work on IRC networks? 2010-07-06T18:40:21.383

10 Running a persistent irc client over ssh 2011-04-13T11:45:09.997

10 Whats the safest way to chat on freenode 2013-08-19T11:10:09.393

9 Accessing freenode without ports 2010-03-17T11:07:48.217

9 View a nick's idle time in /whois info on irssi 2011-04-17T18:03:16.097

9 IRC newbie needs detailed "How To" directions for freenode.net connection with OS X IRC app 2011-09-16T03:59:48.940

9 How do I see the chat history in an IRC channel? 2013-08-25T12:07:27.450

9 How to change/select your nickname for IRC using NickServ 2013-10-11T14:40:47.377

8 Google Talk Chat/Conference Solutions 2009-08-21T15:13:20.203

8 Force Colloquy not to use built-in Growl notifications 2011-01-06T04:17:54.653

8 Automatically reclaim my IRC nickname (without underscores) globally? 2012-10-04T16:11:21.570

8 IRC: Cannot send to channel: #ruby-lang 2013-05-04T19:12:36.020

7 Modern IRC client? 2011-09-25T09:55:52.203

7 Getting a list of the ops for an IRC channel 2013-08-01T00:55:37.057

6 Portable IRC multi-computer usage with same user 2012-07-18T12:42:04.777

6 IRC ghost - how do I unghost and get back my original nick? 2012-09-14T07:45:57.480

5 There is any IRC command to ignore a person? 2009-07-17T14:19:06.877

5 Talk on multiple IRC channels at once? 2010-02-15T19:01:05.040

5 Using Tor and IRC 2011-03-22T20:00:36.823

5 Irssi in tmux - Messages overwritten 2012-12-28T21:04:15.410

4 Do all irc commands start with /? 2010-04-27T13:25:07.687

4 How do I search in lists with irssi? 2011-06-12T14:34:24.517

4 IRSSI /list Considered Harmful 2011-07-03T19:44:56.283

4 With ERC in Emacs, how can I automatically alias server buffer names? 2012-02-17T10:28:28.257

4 View log of what happened in IRC while I was offline 2012-07-09T20:45:10.840

4 irssi irc /list command 2012-09-25T17:56:19.327

4 IRC command-line client for Windows 2012-10-27T22:26:53.937

4 How do I hide my username in irc? 2013-03-13T00:27:14.043

4 IRC over SSL on Weechat gives "error: An unexpected TLS packet was received." 2014-12-27T21:00:15.203

4 How do I deploy a Shout IRC client to OpenShift? 2015-02-13T03:33:45.357

4 Can people on IRC get notified if I do /whois on them? 2016-02-18T23:26:14.897

3 Display time in irssi in 12-hour format 2010-10-16T19:45:07.730

3 Ignore certain nicknames with irssi? 2010-11-17T01:17:21.957

3 Using rcirc with a IRC bouncer like znc 2011-02-23T20:45:34.343

3 How do I register an irc channel that I'm not an OP of? 2011-11-10T02:38:04.403

3 IRC "proxy" for persistent connection between several computers 2012-03-18T16:07:17.393

3 How do I set up a domain-like hostname on IRC? 2012-04-10T13:34:39.067

3 Ignore IRC messages based on contents in WeeChat 2012-05-28T02:37:01.700

3 How can I set IRCD-Hybrid server password? 2012-08-27T19:58:23.510

3 Posting a message in weechat starting with a slash 2013-12-11T22:50:04.410

3 Setting up an IRC server with persistent chat history and timestamps on Raspbian? 2014-03-24T10:52:47.157

3 How to make ZNC replay what previously happened on the channel when I reconnect from a client? 2014-05-28T21:29:25.647

3 Ignore JOINS/PARTS/QUITS unless the user has recently talked in the channel 2015-04-12T10:35:58.603

3 How to ignore highlight in a channel in irssi? 2015-07-13T18:43:10.400

3 IRC "The nickname <nick> is already in use on asimov.freenode.net" 2018-09-24T14:11:45.843

2 Irssi: /LASTLOG match -file /tmp/irssi_discussion 2009-08-13T06:08:40.067

2 Terminal IRC client with xterm-256color support 2010-01-19T02:09:50.763

2 multiple IRC clients, none of them connecting 2010-01-27T06:19:48.253

2 Irssi prevent logging joins/quits 2010-02-09T00:39:24.123

2 IRC/Colloquy sleep message 2010-05-09T19:52:08.737

2 Log highlighted lines to window in irssi 2011-01-01T23:43:01.853

2 Can I configure mIRC to alert me whenever a regex is matched? 2011-03-22T00:59:47.517

2 Replacement for NoNameScript that works with latest version of mIRC? 2011-03-31T09:34:33.913

2 Disable the WATCH command on ZNC 2011-04-05T00:31:34.617

2 Where to store short strings (with my key) on the internet? 2011-06-23T14:53:47.543

2 Mac IRC client with offline channel log 2011-08-14T22:40:04.227

2 Get the names of users to display in irssi window? 2011-09-06T02:58:22.017

2 How to export and import an user profile from one Quassel core to another? 2012-01-23T01:18:32.160

2 How do i get automatic coloured nicknames in Macirssi? 2012-02-02T23:33:35.073

2 Inputting formatted IRC text in Pidgin 2012-06-23T00:55:57.737

2 Bitlbee and Facebook group chats 2013-06-30T14:28:18.440

2 Do you get Notifications from Adium IRC on Mac? 2013-07-31T17:41:02.210

2 How do I join a second IRC server in Emacs' rcirc? 2013-09-15T20:21:22.563

2 Is there a windows IRC client that supports embedding media 2013-10-11T17:36:05.333

2 IRC Server refusing my connection 2013-10-16T13:57:23.447

2 How do I hide Joins/Parts/Quits in Quassel IRC globally? 2013-10-26T22:03:32.627

2 What's the difference between Password and Personal Password, as well as username ad Nickname, in IRC? 2013-12-22T07:36:10.873

2 Unable to connect from Unreal IRC Server to Anope IRC Services 2014-01-31T08:06:54.600

2 Cannot get HexChat to connect to IRC 2014-05-27T19:08:36.060

2 Bitlbee without password 2016-06-01T20:06:54.077

2 irc terminology: 'network' vs 'server' 2018-03-26T02:07:06.383

2 What's the difference between Chanserv and /mode commands in irc (freenode) 2018-08-23T05:28:08.390

2 How to specify a server when connected to multiple severs and running a command in WeeChat? 2019-06-20T11:56:30.593

1 Can I change the Trivia's Bot questions file with a command? 2009-08-31T12:36:39.053

1 Pidgin getting "Connection Refused" whenever I connect to IRC server 2009-11-16T05:39:18.800

1 Where does Colloquy on the Mac store its channel list? 2009-12-07T05:16:20.133

1 Use IRC through an Instant Messenger 2010-02-11T18:22:53.493

1 irc client with good logging/autoconnect/authorize upon connect capabilities 2010-02-16T19:03:07.807

1 BitchX - Segmentation fault 2010-03-16T21:12:19.763

1 Connect to Freenode using tor 2010-07-23T14:35:34.870