how to hide public ip adress on irc channel



I have public ip address (for example When somebody type /who on irc channel he sees:
How can I hide under a domain? For example


Posted 2013-01-06T09:30:26.747

Reputation: 311



Depending on the network you're connecting to, there are many ways to do this.


Some networks have a usermode +x, which will mask your IP address. It requires you to have a registered account, on most networks. Once you've identified, you can do:

/mode YourNick +x


Some networks have the option to enable vhosts or cloaks. Enabling vhost will turn Linkas@ into

Basically a Vhost a string of letters and numbers, with periods instead of spaces. Many networks have HostServ services, and enabling your vhost is really easy. Once you've identified, you can request a vhost:

/msg hostserv request

Some networks like freenode provide users with cloaks. It's used to show affiliation (or lack thereof) to a particular group or project, but it also masks your IP as a side-effect. To get a cloak, you can join the #help channel for that network, and request a cloak there.


Some networks allow access via Tor. The instructions for setting up Tor on freenode network can be found in the links given below:

I hope this helps :)

Amal Murali

Posted 2013-01-06T09:30:26.747

Reputation: 736

1Does freenode allow the /mode YourNick +x mode? When I tried this, I got the message ***Unknown MODE flag – modulitos – 2015-02-07T13:50:18.603

4No, it doesn't. Instead, you can ask for an unaffiliated cloak in #freenode channel. Note that it's not foolproof - if you want to truly hide the IP you're connecting from, use Tor. – Amal Murali – 2015-02-10T13:26:38.683

@AmalMurali what do you mean it's not foolproof? how can one get the ip of an unaffiliated person? – yukashima huksay – 2018-07-30T10:18:47.280

@yukashimahuksay: For example, if you accept DCC connections from someone, it discloses your IP to them (since DCC is client-to-client). I can think of at least 3 other ways to get the IP. In the end, unaffiliated cloaks aren't a fool-proof way to hide your IP. – Amal Murali – 2018-07-31T03:24:33.130

@AmalMurali Where can I learn about those other three methods and ways to prevent them? – yukashima huksay – 2018-07-31T09:38:43.283

@yukashimahuksay: I can't stress this enough - **Hostname cloaks do not hide your IP address.** Their purpose, on freenode, is to show the affiliation towards a project (or lack thereof), not to hide your IP address. You should use Tor (or a different proxy mechanism) with SASL if you're paranoid about other people discovering where you're connecting from. Refer and for more information.

– Amal Murali – 2018-08-01T17:55:08.927


The easiest way would be using bouncer/BNC. In short, the bouncer connects to the server for you. There are many advantages beside hiding the IP. Please read instructions in bouncer as the usage may vary.

Here is a list of bouncers.


Posted 2013-01-06T09:30:26.747

Reputation: 564

@neo link is broken – yukashima huksay – 2018-07-30T10:19:48.240

@yukashimahuksay: Try this one: - If you want my recommendation, go with ZNC. It's the most popular one. It is being actively maintained as well.

– Amal Murali – 2018-07-31T03:36:29.143

1ok but I guess like web proxies, it's one thing having the software to run the proxy, but it's another to have it on a computer with a different ip. in one case you run the server yourself(if you have a computer with another ip to use), in another case you use somebody else's BNC. Do you have any info on who offers BNCs free for use? – barlop – 2013-05-23T08:39:41.307