Tag: hostname

86 Difference between host name and domain name 2009-10-22T20:38:20.367

83 How can I stop Mac OS X overriding my hostname when I receive a DHCP request on Snow Leopard? 2009-10-02T08:58:20.073

32 How can I display host name on windows desktop 2010-12-04T08:10:41.380

31 OSX Terminal showing incorrect hostname 2011-11-14T04:24:11.843

26 How To Resolve IP Addresses To Domain Names? 2011-07-27T10:04:27.993

19 Correct domain name for a home desktop Linux machine 2015-03-14T05:13:33.123

17 What is a hostname? 2011-06-05T21:28:39.193

17 Hostname issue in Mac OS X Lion 2011-08-03T13:17:00.977

17 RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 - Edit Hostname 2012-07-19T17:26:40.310

15 What is a hostname versus a computer name versus a subdomain versus www? 2015-03-09T01:30:49.403

11 Address VMWare Fusion Linux guest by hostname? 2009-11-18T16:22:51.443

10 Why doesn't "hostname --fqdn" work on my Ubuntu computer? 2010-07-07T22:56:44.973

10 Finding IP or hostname of origin machine (ssh) 2013-08-15T03:00:14.477

10 Why does my network set my hostname? How can I stop this? 2013-09-02T00:38:14.953

8 Clear Windows 7 network computer names cache 2010-11-08T10:27:05.907

8 How to remotely find out a linux hostname without the use of DNS? 2013-03-14T09:14:11.907

8 Why is ping resolving to an IP for any random hostname that i type? 2014-11-07T03:13:04.250

7 Hostname redirection using Hosts file 2010-02-16T09:13:53.050

7 Purpose of LAN Domain? 2011-02-16T21:58:28.523

7 Is it possible to connect to a device using its hostname? 2013-12-10T16:51:19.813

6 What is the maximum length for a Windows XP hostname? 2009-12-23T12:17:05.637

6 Get Hostname from IP address/MAC address 2010-12-06T21:35:31.147

6 Windows XP: how to change computer name without reboot? 2011-07-19T02:27:23.737

6 Strange NS behavior on OS X — can't connect to SSH server 2011-08-23T11:09:36.960

6 How can I map a domain name to an IP address and port? 2012-02-25T23:35:47.323

6 Is computer name a hostname that I can point it to an IP? 2014-05-22T07:27:36.247

6 Period character used for local computer name 2014-12-23T22:11:15.353

6 Can I map a IP address and a port with /etc/hosts? 2017-03-27T13:00:49.933

5 How do I find out my computer network name (Linux)? 2011-02-18T01:34:24.447

5 How do I set the hostname of a Windows machine? 2012-03-08T14:28:13.677

5 Can't resolve hostnames over LAN 2012-06-01T14:54:05.990

5 Change hostname and prompt in OS X terminal 2012-06-29T04:46:33.047

5 Can I use an SSH alias as part of a hostname? 2013-05-28T18:07:50.483

5 Resolve wildcard.hostname in local network? 2015-12-14T00:52:40.500

4 hostname Override in firefox 2010-01-25T05:27:06.620

4 Change windows hostname from command line 2010-06-09T01:52:08.647

4 How to disable Microsoft hostname lookup "enhancements"? 2010-06-25T23:29:35.900

4 From which hosts have I sshed 2010-11-29T20:17:19.467

4 Difference between NETBIOS, host name and computer name? 2011-12-16T11:28:43.850

4 Local hostname fails to resolve only in browsers 2012-06-27T12:50:08.627

4 How to change cygwin hostname 2012-08-12T05:07:18.123

4 creating a named host for virtualbox accessible from host 2012-08-14T02:30:00.407

4 How do I hide my username in irc? 2013-03-13T00:27:14.043

4 Retrieving Bonjour (Zeroconf/mDNS) name from IP address 2015-09-05T19:25:59.457

4 Linux HostName is in lowercase, Just curious why its in lower when its all setup as Upper 2016-08-16T20:19:53.463

4 Extend OpenWRT DNS with lines to resolve local IP 2017-06-18T06:43:31.320

3 Windows 7 machine, can't connect remotely until after ping 2009-11-09T12:14:11.547

3 How to create a fake hostname in windows? 2009-12-11T02:15:45.103

3 Custom hostnames? 2011-04-18T16:38:04.940

3 How to point a domain name from Name.com to my home web server? 2011-08-08T22:59:47.757

3 How to resolve OSX computer name to ip address for local web service? 2011-09-20T21:59:08.493

3 Putty can't connect over SSH to hostname, IP connection works 2012-08-03T08:23:27.470

3 What would happen if I changed my hostname to 'localhost'? 2012-08-28T20:46:16.960

3 VirtualBox Issue: virtualbox changed my Computer Name's ip address in Windows 2012-10-30T02:55:25.847

3 Why doesn't D-Link router's DNS return local hostnames? 2013-01-20T14:27:13.003

3 How can I make OSX terminal tab names the same as .ssh/config host aliases 2013-02-08T04:19:58.567

3 Hostname resolution of Linux machines with static IP 2013-02-18T11:26:05.777

3 Creating hostsname aliases through dscl does not work in Mountain Lion 2013-03-13T09:29:35.920

3 Only root can resolve DNS hostnames on Debian 2013-07-07T14:32:28.850

3 Is there a way to connect to a Windows machine from Linux by name instead of by IP? 2015-03-29T01:42:08.300

3 Changing hostname for remote login on a Mac 2016-07-21T00:18:59.427

3 Address resolution service by a device that isn't a gateway or DNS server? 2017-08-14T14:18:44.817

3 Slow DNS resolution of local network computer 2017-09-10T03:47:17.990

2 How to redirect a domain to another one on my machine only? 2010-01-07T13:02:21.877

2 How can browsers in VMs resolve hostnames of websites on parent PC? 2010-03-10T14:30:02.023

2 How to set the hostname according to the DNS name on Ubuntu 9.10? 2010-04-09T17:48:10.273

2 How to define IP and hostname of another PC in Windows XP? 2010-06-18T13:10:13.233

2 Assign hostname to IP without editing hosts file 2010-10-12T18:16:04.673

2 How to set the static IP address and change the Host Name of a FreeBSD machine? 2010-10-27T05:59:59.780

2 How to make ping more persistent with unresolved hostnames 2010-12-15T01:32:30.910

2 LAN hostname resolution 2011-04-04T05:44:45.443

2 Simulating an UNC path with a leading dot 2011-06-21T15:50:28.563

2 How to stop Windows from overriding a DHCP assigned hostname? 2011-09-12T23:57:51.667

2 Linux change environmental variables without rebooting for all shells 2011-10-30T01:55:38.780

2 How to resolve NetBios names on Mac OS X? 2011-12-05T06:01:27.173

2 Synergy in Ubuntu not recognizing computer name change 2012-05-28T08:59:42.963

2 Access mac server from iphone using hostname? 2012-08-10T15:09:18.360

2 Cygwin netcat nc doesn't resolve hosts through /etc/hosts 2012-10-24T19:52:17.887

2 What is the `/etc/hostname` used/required for? 2012-11-22T15:57:24.580

2 Reliable cross-platform way of determining hostname from IP address 2012-12-16T19:18:23.350

2 Detecting computer name 2013-11-12T18:58:32.803

2 Windows 7 sometimes fails to resolve hostnames correctly 2013-12-13T19:04:42.897

2 Why is Facebook's host machine not on the same network as its domain name? 2014-07-14T03:23:24.130

2 Hostname is not displayed appropriately on command prompt & syslog messages 2014-07-28T06:59:05.843

2 Windows 8.1: How to make it forget an updated computer name? 2015-02-08T17:12:42.390

2 How can I find what a Windows PC thinks its name is, given its IP? 2015-04-17T08:43:31.133

2 dropbox keeps asking to login and link every reboot 2015-07-21T10:22:08.677

2 Sending and receiving email messages to localhost with a specific domain name 2015-11-20T13:18:53.500

2 Synergy takes the wrong hostname 2016-01-19T08:20:57.123

2 Why can I ping machines using the .local suffix, but not without? 2016-01-25T23:55:58.163

2 cannot see HOSTNAME field in /etc/sysconfig/network file in RedHat Linux 2016-07-08T00:00:36.767

2 Changing hostname on boot on Debian Stretch 2017-11-11T18:59:35.813

2 What will log file be written when the hostname is changed? 2018-02-18T19:25:46.343

2 How to access a host with known host name from device supporting only IP numbers? 2018-03-24T09:35:51.133

2 PC-name, localhost, hostname e.t.c 2018-06-16T12:34:34.027

2 How are names resolved on modern local networks? 2018-09-20T01:28:51.847

2 Can a PC have more than 1 hostname with a single operating system or with 2 operating systems? 2019-03-29T20:37:11.697

2 How to set up local domain name (.home)? 2020-02-07T21:32:54.777

1 emacs error: "Symbol's value as variable is void: hostname" 2010-02-01T15:10:03.423