Tag: gradient

25 Make one side of image fade to transparent with GIMP? 2011-02-21T17:07:19.550

8 Why don't two 50% opacity layers of the same color make the solid color in Photoshop? 2011-12-01T04:55:28.080

4 Photoshop gradients just got ugly 2009-08-15T13:07:29.537

4 How do I make a gradient color background fill in GIMP? 2009-09-16T19:30:46.603

4 Batch-processing images of documents to look like a fax 2013-12-26T16:14:26.087

3 transparent gradients with graphicsmagick 2013-03-07T16:14:50.057

2 How to change Firefox 4 full screen title bar gradient 2011-04-14T19:11:26.200

1 Gradient fill text effects 2009-09-10T09:06:07.980

1 Changing image color 2009-10-27T16:19:24.997

1 Illustrator CS4 Gradient Following a Path 2010-02-25T05:47:38.483

1 Adding multiple gradients to object in Adobe Illustrator 2010-09-19T23:03:34.030

1 Add noise to gradient photoshop 2010-12-07T17:52:52.580

1 Transpose in gradient layer 2013-02-01T08:05:10.647

1 Excel stacked bar chart - fill color based on cell value from gradient 2017-09-06T16:20:48.813

0 Photoshop CS tool display problem 2010-05-01T06:05:25.513

0 Rectangular Gradient in Illustrator 2012-05-02T19:07:06.827

0 Setting a gradient's angle in Photoshop 2012-09-17T12:19:11.480

0 Swapping color gradients with Gimp 2013-04-09T00:34:50.503

0 Illustrator CS6 Gradient in Logo 2013-05-07T20:48:29.273

0 SVG gradient does not yield correct start and end colours 2015-12-05T21:02:36.337

0 Excel conditional formatting gradient text color 2016-08-24T10:41:24.197

0 How to pick the gradient color? 2016-11-15T10:46:44.487

0 Can I create a multi-color cell without a gradient in Excel? 2018-10-22T07:25:47.653