Tag: filevault

42 is there a way to stop mac osx disk encryption in progress? 2012-08-14T22:34:38.570

17 How do I resize a FileVault 2 encrypted partition? 2011-07-27T15:09:57.243

9 Why does OS X automatically logout my user? 2011-01-08T13:23:38.117

7 Mac OS X full-disk encryption, with Time Machine 2009-11-20T17:01:13.377

7 Reclaiming deleted disk space from file vault 2010-01-04T21:17:48.930

6 How secure is Time Machine/FileVault/Dropbox/Google? 2009-10-04T12:23:04.543

6 Is Linux full-disk encryption with seamless user experience ala FileVault (macOS) or BitLocker (Windows) possible? 2017-04-26T19:47:42.563

5 Decrypting and reading a FileVault sparsebundle in Linux? 2009-11-16T13:07:13.370

5 Will using FileVault shorten the lifespan of an SSD? 2011-03-19T23:24:23.310

5 Time Machine encryption versus disk encryption 2014-03-18T00:04:17.580

5 Unlocking FileVault encrypted drive from Terminal (to allow pasting password) 2014-11-02T16:32:45.593

4 FileVault performance Snow Leopard 2009-09-09T14:39:41.970

4 Mouse/Touchpad not working in Mac OS X Lion Pre-Boot Authentication (PBA) with File Vault 2 2011-08-14T21:57:11.940

4 What are the .efires files on OS X Lion's Recovery HD? 2011-12-04T21:46:10.523

3 Unable to Disable FileVault in Mac OS X Snow Leopard 2009-09-11T13:40:47.883

3 How do I recover data from a vaulted macbook drive? 2010-01-08T14:30:49.793

3 FileVault is not finishing 2010-01-18T02:27:06.463

3 How to store the data of mysql on OS X in an encrypted state? 2011-01-04T01:26:54.107

3 Does FileVault2 on OSX Lion encrypt bootcamp partitions? 2011-07-23T06:13:55.780

3 Mounting a FileVault 2 encrypted external Home Drive at boot with OS X Lion 2011-07-27T19:19:43.367

3 How to allow root user to start up under FileVault 2 in Lion? 2011-10-28T23:19:01.787

3 What’s the password for my FileVault 2 boot volume? 2011-11-17T01:22:36.390

3 Switch Windows 8 from a hybrid MBR/GPT => GPT only on Macbook Pro Retina 2012-10-07T08:48:24.677

3 How do I use "noatime" with FileVault 2 FDE on Mountain Lion? 2012-10-15T10:45:42.907

3 How can I allow only one user to access an external drive? 2013-01-02T20:11:59.337

3 Is it possible to have BitLocker and FileVault on the same MacBoock Pro with Mac OS X Yosemite or El Capitan and Windows 10? 2015-11-07T13:36:47.597

3 Apple OSX - Prevent second partition asking for FileVault Password 2016-02-03T03:31:20.147

2 OS X Default Browser Resetting to Safari 2009-07-15T16:26:08.263

2 Is it possible to recover deleted files from a home folder encrypted with FileVault? 2009-09-06T13:50:32.070

2 MacBook Migration Assistant and FileVault 2009-10-19T18:40:14.073

2 Mysterious OS X FileVault-related home directory 2010-05-14T23:15:57.073

2 How to login a user with decrypted FileVault home directory? 2012-01-14T16:02:24.633

2 Dual boot OS X 10.7/10.8 with File Vault and encrypted backup 2012-07-27T06:35:31.063

2 Fastest encryption configuration for Parallels Desktop 9 running a software development environment 2013-11-11T14:23:13.750

2 How can I make Boot Camp use unallocated space? 2014-09-03T23:27:51.260

2 How do I remove a password from FileVault? 2015-04-20T22:37:35.670

2 Setup sshd to start at boot on OSX El Capitan 2015-12-29T16:35:24.163

2 Time Machine did not back up because FileVault was encrypting or decrypting a disk. Backups will resume once FileVault finishes 2019-04-08T07:23:25.833

2 Vault "Failed copying contents" from CRXDE Lite 2019-07-17T06:37:25.513

1 OS X Filevault doesn't dismount when remote login (e.g., ssh) ends, locking out console login 2010-07-08T17:13:47.140

1 Using FileVault and online backup on OS X 2010-07-27T23:07:04.547

1 How to use Time Machine with File Vault 2010-10-14T20:44:08.800

1 How can I get my Time Capsule to be encrypted with FileVault now that my Macs have full disk encryption? 2011-07-22T14:57:49.887

1 How do I change the FileVault login icon on OSX Lion? 2011-11-29T22:39:45.507

1 In OS X how to avoid typing passwords twice if FileVault 2 is enabled? 2012-08-06T03:30:05.243

1 Disallow user from decrypting the startup disk 2012-09-08T11:06:11.783

1 OS X: How to use different passwords for screensaver/sudo vs FileVault / Time Machine? 2013-03-15T15:38:23.340

1 Does Filevault 2 encrypt deleted files created before Filevault activation? 2013-10-23T22:13:04.930

1 Mac OS X Disk Encryption - Automation 2013-11-09T20:21:44.500

1 OSX 10.9 Mavericks: admin password lost - recovery mode doesn't work 2014-03-25T22:15:26.857

1 OS X: Run script at Login screen with FileVault on 2014-11-01T10:03:56.853

1 How can I convince Time Machine that FileVault has completed encrypting or decryption a disk? 2018-06-20T00:05:21.133

1 Disk corrupted after failing FileVault decryption 2019-01-02T19:20:02.533

1 Is there a way to pause FileVault encryption if it is in progress? 2019-06-19T21:29:31.967

1 How to manually lock a FileVault encrypted external hard drive stuck in "unlocked" 2019-09-29T16:42:29.723

0 Is it possible to recover a deleted FileVault sparse bundle in OS X? 2009-09-23T20:08:09.140

0 Apple remove dir - user.sparsebundle 2010-02-14T17:11:00.673

0 A mac with two hard drives and file vault, what are my options? 2010-06-04T09:37:28.047

0 OS X: Storing MySQL data securely, on an encrypted FileVault image using a soft link 2011-01-08T17:46:33.117

0 Full Disk Encryption for Mac (Not PGP) 2011-02-15T15:09:53.093

0 FileVault / DiskCorruption 2011-04-12T12:29:33.857

0 Install Truecrypt on a MacBook for whole disk encryption of the Win7 partition in GPT mode? 2011-11-25T23:20:49.787

0 Can diskutil encrypt already existing primary boot partition on OS X Lion? 2012-03-19T10:29:18.253

0 Mac OS X Lion (10.7) Drive Encryption 2012-04-01T02:27:16.083

0 How to troubleshoot problems with a hard disk encrypted with FileVault 2? 2012-05-28T15:58:49.123

0 Recover from botched full disk encryption using FileVault2 2012-12-17T00:35:55.830

0 How to access remote iPhoto Library with FileVault on? 2014-02-17T09:12:49.467

0 Recreate MacBook Pro's overwritten GPT partition table 2014-05-19T00:10:04.433

0 MacBook (SSD + FileVault) doesn't restore after battery depletion 2014-11-05T22:11:51.710

0 How to clone existing Filevault encrypted HD to SSD with a linux live cd/usb 2014-12-08T04:35:59.453

0 OSX - How to prevent / remove FDESetup defer that has been set 2015-03-10T11:51:15.297

0 Generate a recovery key for a FileVault 2015-04-20T22:39:21.570

0 Recover/Reset OSX administrator password 2015-04-23T06:58:33.073

0 Advantages of Enabling Firmware Password Protection 2015-05-29T16:10:05.827

0 How to re-enable guest account after enabling FileVault or Find My Mac? 2015-10-24T01:30:36.277

0 OSX Yosemite FileVault encryption issue 2016-08-10T23:46:18.417

0 How do I determine my title_drive? 2017-04-17T18:27:53.063

0 Would unexpected power loss while disk encryption harm my HDD? 2017-06-29T00:27:02.250

0 Filevault 2 not accepting any new passwords after recovery key unlock 2017-08-29T16:08:56.247

0 best process after drive upgrade (High Sierra APFS with FileVault encryption) 2018-06-26T17:18:09.357

0 What can cause FileVault password to change by itself 2018-07-16T18:44:57.780

0 Unlock FileVault encrypted drive knowing only user password 2019-05-08T22:13:08.313

0 How to retrieve or change Filevault password (not user login PW) using FV Recovery Code? 2019-06-03T11:14:18.557

0 The safety of changing FV password 2019-11-23T11:12:53.697

0 Reverting a hard drive encryption process on Mac stuck on X percent 2019-12-09T19:47:48.283

-1 Can i have a second partition with a full system in it, encrypted with FileVault/Truecrypt/Whatever? 2013-08-29T13:48:56.557

-1 Changing FileFault encryption key size 2015-10-09T23:30:05.890