Tag: ext3

48 Is there a way to make ext-filesystems use less space for themselves in Linux? 2018-08-05T18:36:58.197

28 How can I access EXT3 partitions on Windows 7? 2009-12-20T01:04:51.173

24 How to mount an encrypted ext3 filesystem under OS X? 2010-02-17T15:08:16.550

21 Moving 2TB (10 mil files + dirs), what's my bottleneck? 2013-09-06T15:48:04.727

15 After deleting lots of large files, free space increases with a large delay 2014-01-13T23:18:13.543

11 View bad blocks on mounted ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem 2011-03-18T07:05:45.727

9 How to read external USB hard drive formatted ext3 from Windows 7? 2010-02-02T05:24:50.277

9 Stuck choosing between ext4 and ext3 for the file system 2011-07-07T14:51:26.033

9 Linux - how to format multiple file systems within one file? 2011-12-12T16:18:13.983

9 How can I get access to EXT2, EX3 and EXT4 partitions on Windows 7? 2012-01-02T14:31:42.050

9 Resize underlying partitions in mdadm RAID1 2012-09-02T01:37:11.733

7 Which ext4 features are missing on an upgraded filesystem? 2011-01-04T16:44:23.840

7 How can I mount a single RAID 1 disk/partition as ext3? 2011-07-07T12:53:28.380

7 Reverse lookup of inode/file from offset in raw device on linux and ext3/4? 2012-10-21T22:06:23.163

6 Free filesystem drivers for ext3 on OS X Leopard 2009-08-02T10:44:15.043

6 Does ext3 fragment when run at near-full capacity? 2009-09-02T00:32:50.323

5 Mount ext3fs in Windows 2009-07-18T23:21:23.060

5 ExtX file system on my usb key 2009-07-23T23:06:29.957

5 When does Linux do SSD garbage collection? 2009-08-30T17:13:40.860

5 How to calculate proper amount of inode/block sizes for a linux filesystem 2010-05-08T22:21:44.023

5 Disk fragmentation on Linux 2011-06-12T21:15:38.847

5 Performance of file operations on thousands of files on NTFS vs HFS, ext3, others 2011-06-26T22:44:51.607

5 How can I format an SD card with a more robust Linux-usable filesystem with a specific cluster size for better write performace? 2012-01-22T19:08:58.263

4 How can a linux disk be full, but files total to significanly less? 2009-09-17T22:00:14.457

4 Is it possible to convert an ntfs partition to ext3? 2010-01-10T01:52:01.880

4 Transferring existing files from ext3 to ZFS (on FreeBSD) 2010-04-17T00:18:47.977

4 Perform bad blocks scan on root partition in Linux 2010-11-28T08:56:54.930

4 file-name encoding problems 2012-11-05T21:56:29.123

4 Using dd command fails after the first mount 2015-11-05T12:58:43.910

4 Data copied from NTFS drive to ext3 drive disappears upon reboot in Windows 7 2016-10-21T20:33:16.597

4 Accessing a LUKS encrypted ext4 HDD from Windows 10 2018-08-06T21:38:30.887

3 Should I use VFAT or ext3 for a 1TB external USB hard drive? 2009-07-20T19:05:26.127

3 Mount an ext3 partition in Windows, inside a Dynamic Disk? 2009-10-05T19:37:32.653

3 linux df and OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device 2010-10-11T23:43:54.750

3 About file size and disk usage in ext3 2010-12-04T17:20:10.540

3 Is UDF an ok substitute for ext3? 2011-06-28T13:28:56.783

3 Is there a way for cygwin to access a Linux (ext3) partition? 2012-04-15T15:48:45.953

2 Fastest way of copy files from Ext3 to NTFS? 2010-01-11T17:26:10.783

2 Mount ext2/ext3 in Mac OS X Snow Leopard 2010-02-20T18:50:42.263

2 Determine which sectors of a hard disk a given file occupies? 2010-06-22T02:33:50.517

2 What partition type is faster for virtualization? 2010-07-01T13:52:36.607

2 Why does "ls -a" hide some existing directory from the root user? 2010-09-02T12:09:31.700

2 Determining if Linux partition is ext2 or ext3 without /etc/fstab info 2010-10-03T05:48:15.763

2 Upgrade root (also boot) filesystem from ext3 to ext4 on Debian 2010-12-17T14:44:19.307

2 Ext3 partition doesn't mount on Snow Leopard using MacFUSE 2010-12-20T00:47:49.627

2 Accessing a ReiserFS partition from Windows 7 x64 2011-04-01T18:20:10.130

2 ext2 or ext3 filesystem with the most available space 2011-05-21T12:15:35.803

2 How to mount Ext3 drive in Cygwin? 2011-07-26T16:30:24.730

2 Calculate minimum ext3 partition size for certain amount of data 2011-08-05T15:38:32.240

2 Shrink EXT3 and Expand NTFS 2011-10-23T05:43:43.593

2 How to convert ext3 partition to use encrypted file system without losing data? 2011-12-19T13:42:03.400

2 How to extend a Linux ext3 partition? 2012-01-26T19:10:38.570

2 Is it possible to reformat an NTFS drive as Ext3 while keeping the data intact? 2012-06-02T00:22:26.930

2 How to copy the files from my Linux-formatted external drive to Windows? 2012-07-03T18:31:06.733

2 find amin to retrieve executed php files by apache 2012-11-26T12:13:45.977

2 formatting ext3 to fat32/ntfs on windows 7 2012-12-11T23:27:24.050

2 Changing max inode count number in ext3 filesystem in Cent OS 2013-04-21T10:09:10.533

2 Why is there a lot of CPU usage on mostly IO operation? 2014-03-07T16:11:21.973

2 External HDD appears to be mounted rw, but switches to ro 2015-01-12T19:43:53.117

2 Do ext3/4 file systems accumulate errors naturally (as reported by fsck)? 2017-01-16T16:09:17.257

2 Resize Partition and Filesystem Within Disk Image 2017-04-27T21:52:04.643

1 Can I mount a Linux-formatted VMWare disk image from Windows? 2009-08-20T01:36:32.643

1 repairing ext3 partitions using windows? 2009-09-24T01:57:27.717

1 Copy directory from ext3 to FAT32 ignoring symlinks, pipes, etc 2009-11-13T11:13:31.750

1 How can I best prepare a 3 drive Windows system for Linux? 2010-02-21T22:46:47.987

1 Issue when viewing the super block in ext3 file system 2010-02-23T09:51:54.220

1 How to set ext3 partition hidden flag? 2010-04-15T16:17:20.123

1 How to change the inode size on an EXT3 partition? 2010-06-29T08:56:36.397

1 Should external drives be converted to ext3? 2010-07-29T19:51:59.220

1 External USB harddrive going unresponsive after a few hours of use 2010-10-06T00:20:40.083

1 Questions about solid state drives? 2011-02-03T23:08:48.087

1 Convert NTFS to EXT3? 2011-02-09T18:29:46.337

1 Partition table is corrupt 2011-02-16T04:52:20.267

1 Truecrypt + EXT2IFS/EXT2FSD Safe? 2011-04-06T15:28:36.210

1 Disadvantages of having a virtual machine with a different file system than host 2011-04-15T11:54:25.167

1 Damaged NTFS Partition by GParted 2011-04-25T09:27:48.690

1 ext2explore for windows doesn't read ext3/4 sparse files what does? 2011-06-28T13:13:51.930

1 Read ext3 filesystem on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 2011-08-12T14:35:28.170

1 fat and ext partitions on same drive, readable by Windows 2012-03-23T04:07:55.683

1 How can I recover files from an hd I accidentally converted from NTFS to EXT3 2012-04-08T18:05:49.757

1 Adding Space to RAID5 using mdadm, lvm and ext3 2012-05-01T06:19:03.857

1 Lost file mode information on ext3 directory hierarchy 2012-06-20T10:08:38.193

1 NAS Drive Not Correctly Reporting Files, Directories from a DOS/Command prompt in WIN7 2012-09-24T18:28:56.500

1 Lost files on ext3 external drive 2012-11-30T18:43:48.373

1 I have an ext3 iso disk image. Can I use it and write it to a ext4 partition? 2013-04-30T12:20:42.030

1 How to format a disk in ext3 file system with a Block size greater than 4096 2013-05-01T13:39:34.080

1 Does shrinking a partition to its minimum size then expanding it increase performance? 2013-11-24T17:25:39.163

1 Network Error : Windows Cannot access on Ext2Fsd ext3 drive 2013-11-28T14:44:22.097

1 ext3 vs ext4 bonnie++ rand/seq create speed 2013-12-12T13:39:35.563

1 Can ext2fsd be used to turn a volume as NTFS? 2016-06-11T23:04:27.267

1 Unable to mount a USB disk on Raspberry Pi 4 2019-10-22T20:42:55.170

0 Resizing a partition with gparted resulted in an error, how do I recover the old Linux ext3 partition? 2009-12-11T04:12:01.120

0 Proper way to set permissions on an external disk's ext3 partition 2010-03-19T17:06:17.373

0 Ubuntu Wubi "drive" failure; mount drive in XP? 2010-04-05T03:38:54.017

0 Read raw HD partition in Linux at a particular offset 2010-06-02T06:09:09.240

0 Debian: Unable to mount a second drive as a subdirectory inside of another partition 2010-06-14T14:06:25.270

0 Is there any tool to read ext3 partition directly in XP 2010-07-12T08:37:24.083

0 Files have disappeared on my ext3 external hard drive 2011-02-09T19:51:33.280

0 ext3: maximum recommended partition size / handling large partitions 2011-02-12T15:17:04.570