How can I mount a single RAID 1 disk/partition as ext3?



I need to copy data from a single HD, which used to be part of a Linux RAID 1. I've googled around, but can't find any clue how to mount partitions from this single HD.

Background: The HD comes from a linux based NAS box Synology DS207+. The NAS uses ext3 as filesystem. Both NAS disks are fine, but the other NAS hardware is dead and not worth repairing or replacing.

Christian Funk

Posted 2011-07-07T12:53:28.380

Reputation: 71

any idea how to do this on a Mac? I'll be needing an Ext4 driver for sure, but is there anything else that need to do to mount the formerly RAID-1 drive?

– adib – 2014-11-26T15:50:49.567



An important step is to have mdadm scan for the disk prior to attempting to mount anything:

mdadm --detail --scan

I can't recall from memory but the --assemble flag may be necessary but try the above first then try mounting via:

mount /dev/md# /path/to/mount 


Posted 2011-07-07T12:53:28.380

Reputation: 171

How to install mdadm to mac os x? – skywinder – 2016-08-31T18:21:28.893

You might need to launch mdadm --run /dev/md# to start a partially assembled array – Saïmonn – 2017-06-05T12:32:13.197

1@skywinder mdadm in Linux is just a tool to control the Linux kernel software RAID subsystem, so it won't be useful in a Mac unless there is also a software RAID driver with a Linux-style API added to the Mac kernel - and such a thing might not exist. – telcoM – 2019-12-18T05:18:28.447


When you only have a single part of a Raid array, it is in an incomplete state and for safety reasons, you basically have to force mount it.

There are many linux distributions, for me, in Ubuntu, I used:

 mkdir /mnt/tempdisk
 sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/tempdisk -o force

(replace sda3 with the hard drive)

if a *nix expert wants to down vote me, I will delete my answer as it has been a few years since I did this, and I followed a guide at the time.

William Hilsum

Posted 2011-07-07T12:53:28.380

Reputation: 111 572

Ext[234] has no "force" mount option, so this answer is nonsense. – psusi – 2017-04-23T01:54:41.083

3You don't have to force anything. Just mount the md device: "mount /dev/md1 /mnt/myfolder". The degraded array will run without any problem. But nothing garantee the Symbology use a standard Linux RAID. – Gregory MOUSSAT – 2012-04-26T17:50:16.923