Tag: ext2

48 Is there a way to make ext-filesystems use less space for themselves in Linux? 2018-08-05T18:36:58.197

11 View bad blocks on mounted ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem 2011-03-18T07:05:45.727

9 How can I get access to EXT2, EX3 and EXT4 partitions on Windows 7? 2012-01-02T14:31:42.050

8 Understanding ext2 FileSystem 2011-06-04T00:44:39.217

8 How to format Ext2 in Windows XP? 2011-07-25T21:53:45.307

5 How to create ext2 image without superuser rights? 2013-06-08T08:49:13.773

5 Running fsck from cygwin shell? 2014-04-09T16:57:12.913

4 Create a multiboot USB drive with NTFS or ext2 2012-01-18T03:09:33.803

3 ext4 integration in windows 8 - access through explorer 2013-03-28T11:49:21.210

2 Determining if Linux partition is ext2 or ext3 without /etc/fstab info 2010-10-03T05:48:15.763

2 ext2 or ext3 filesystem with the most available space 2011-05-21T12:15:35.803

1 Trying to run QEMU with a file as hda 2010-04-05T23:09:23.023

1 Can't access Ubuntu partition in XP even with tools 2010-10-03T15:45:56.517

1 Which file-system is good for movable disk between many different OSs? 2012-02-14T07:20:03.300

1 Bad blocks detected by fsck. SMART says disk is good 2012-08-16T03:08:43.287

1 Two identical discs differ in allocated/free space 2016-01-20T13:34:48.687

1 Accessing EXT2 drive from "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" 2016-09-03T04:53:51.093

0 ext2 driver for OSX? 2010-01-11T02:10:14.037

0 Recover formatted ntfs files from ubuntu 2010-07-16T13:18:40.450

0 Command: How to format Ext2/Ext3 with Cygwin? 2011-07-25T22:28:33.607

0 Mount ext2 file on Mac 2012-01-28T20:17:24.070

0 FreeNAS 8 and ext fs 2013-01-27T08:07:57.910

0 Accesing EXT3 partition form WIN XP 2013-12-18T09:45:38.050

0 Using a memory stick containing multiple Ext2 filesystems in Windows? 2014-09-09T15:18:17.630

0 "cannot create hard link X to Y: Operation not permitted" on ext2 drive from cygwin cp -al 2015-03-25T21:36:35.903

0 On a FAT32 filesystem there was a file with ext2 filesystem image. Now it's truncated. How do I restore? 2015-04-02T01:53:38.303

0 Creating Ext2 partition using free windows tool 2015-08-23T00:50:12.683

0 Ubuntu Server: Cannot delete file "x", Structure needs cleaning 2017-08-23T21:57:45.113

0 ext2 - all files are size zero 2019-05-10T21:44:13.123

0 How to read Unix EXT2 disk using EXT2FSD on Windows 10? 2019-09-26T16:57:49.727