Tag: environment-variables

9 Prompt_command to reload from .bash_history 2016-12-21T00:04:33.280

8 Why does my LD_LIBRARY_PATH get unset launching terminal? 2009-08-21T19:07:03.307

8 Is there a way to set Windows environment variables from the command line PERMANENTLY 2010-03-14T18:54:55.720

8 Missing environment variables in Windows 7 2011-01-24T19:57:41.400

8 LANG=C is in a number of the /etc/init.d/* scripts. What does LANG=C do and why do you need to set LANG=C. 2011-09-12T20:36:20.810

8 Is it possible to "declare" a windows cmd-file (batch-file) as 32 bit? 2011-11-28T14:29:11.073

8 Is there a way to reload environment variables in emacs? 2012-08-16T17:04:04.787

8 Unix environment variables with arguments 2012-12-18T14:59:16.757

8 Using Environment variable in registry for command 2013-05-23T11:52:52.893

8 How can I set an environment variable permanently in CentOS? 2014-09-09T13:31:16.540

8 XCOPY can't read /EXCLUDE file 2015-08-22T09:36:54.330

8 How do I specify an IPv6 address in the X Window DISPLAY variable? 2015-10-23T20:17:19.623

8 Is it safe to edit the global PATH environment variable? 2016-07-24T00:40:51.817

8 BASH on Ubuntu on Windows (AKA Linux Subsystem for Windows) 10 - How do I set my PATH? 2016-08-04T00:23:39.690

7 When I run an app from the cmd-line, how do I find the exe's path? 2009-09-03T09:04:49.430

7 Why can't you resize the Windows Environment Variable box? 2010-02-18T19:31:34.730

7 Spawn a new terminal window (Mac OS X)? 2010-04-03T17:06:54.073

7 Set Permanent Environmental Variable in Windows XP 2010-04-27T04:53:33.590

7 How to export Environment variables to a text file 2010-08-16T10:45:47.177

7 Unexpected behavior in Bash 2010-10-25T18:54:19.297

7 What is the purpose of the environment variable asl.log? 2010-11-20T16:13:46.430

7 How do I substitute environment variables when I ouput a file? 2011-01-20T17:27:45.563

7 Is there any freeware to manage environment variables in Windows 7? 2011-08-25T14:11:04.367

7 How can I find out where an environment variable (like PATH) was set? 2012-02-20T13:30:09.863

7 Why can't I use %USERPROFILE% in %PATH%? 2012-06-27T13:51:32.717

7 WINDIR environment variable resolves to %SystemRoot% and not C:\windows 2012-09-19T10:54:43.100

7 Add a single exe in given directory to PATH environmental variable 2012-12-03T05:51:23.167

7 Can I change the environment on a per-process basis on Windows (like on Unix)? 2013-01-31T09:40:06.070

7 How to get to Environment Variables from Run 2013-09-27T10:11:26.073

7 How to determine whether a folder in %PATH% is required in Windows 7 2014-07-24T13:15:40.977

7 Why cmder does not import the user path variables? 2015-05-07T08:04:06.487

7 Why some programs need a Path value, and some others don't in Windows? 2015-12-25T09:59:55.127

7 Unexpected duplicate directory names after expanding `%~dp0` in a BAT file 2017-07-12T23:05:00.357

7 Path enviroment variable editor BUG 2017-07-26T17:46:18.010

7 Intel drivers add a lot of entries to my PATH, what can I delete? 2017-08-19T14:30:50.007

6 Irssi settings and Bash's Environment variables 2009-09-26T21:21:05.170

6 cmd.exe SET command does not save values for new cmd.exe sessions 2010-05-28T20:39:55.840

6 Windows XP environment variable for "local setting" folder 2010-06-17T06:16:11.980

6 How can I update cygwin shell environment variables set in System Properties window 2011-07-20T18:02:59.003

6 Any quick way to call a directory using an environment variable in Powershell 2011-10-14T23:47:31.470

6 How can I refresh my PATH variable from the registry, without a reboot, logoff, or restarting explorer? 2012-02-16T21:36:00.260

6 TEMP environment variable occasionally set incorrectly 2012-04-19T14:45:29.730

6 How do I set the TEMP environment variable for the "Network Service" user? 2012-06-06T15:55:40.633

6 $PATH is filled with duplicates 2012-07-16T17:47:17.213

6 zsh: automatically set environment variables for a directory 2012-12-19T18:59:57.033

6 Recover accidentally deleted Path environment variable 2013-04-25T04:14:54.707

6 On windows 7 admin can't change environment variables and virtual memory,etc 2013-07-06T00:24:25.383

6 Windows 10 System environment variables don't stick 2016-08-02T03:08:08.977

6 How do I keep each PATH entry only once? 2017-06-29T09:27:03.023

6 Running PHP works in Command Prompt but not Git Bash 2017-08-07T09:55:39.940

6 Setting variable in /etc/environment has no effect 2018-03-27T08:39:15.200

6 PowerShell uses the short 8.3 form for env:Temp 2020-02-12T10:53:02.443

5 PowerShell: can't modify environment variables 2010-01-17T09:46:25.950

5 Where do I initialise the LANG and LC_ALL sys variables under Ubuntu 8.10? 2010-05-06T18:54:17.367

5 How can I set up the python environment variable on Windows 7? 2010-08-01T22:58:16.493

5 How to save environment variable from Terminal? 2011-05-14T03:49:50.110

5 Global vs User Windows Environment Variables 2012-08-07T09:59:32.377

5 Is there a way to see current environment variables for a process with WMI? 2012-09-24T19:18:04.837

5 How to set environment variables for Xfce windowing environment 2012-10-09T15:30:24.057

5 Escaping Variable in Cat 2012-11-02T04:58:11.327

5 sudo -E not passing all variables 2013-01-31T14:49:19.687

5 How can I obtain a 'desktop' cmd.exe subshell environment when SSH'ed into cygwin? 2013-05-28T18:39:31.123

5 Go-lang go tool works with Bash but not Fish 2013-11-22T04:35:54.927

5 Meaning of LC_IDENTIFICATION environment variable 2013-12-16T12:12:03.020

5 Awesome WM: execute my aliases via run prompt? 2014-02-22T13:36:13.100

5 Apache2 SetEnv For Multiple VirtualHosts 2014-04-22T17:28:35.967

5 Is there a way to "source" a sh script from the fish shell? 2014-10-14T21:31:14.850

5 What is the scope of "exported" in Unix shell variables? 2015-03-22T08:36:57.220

5 Powershell: A variable within a variable; Variableception 2015-05-01T18:44:32.457

5 Can I change my PATH dynamically based on my cwd? 2015-05-13T04:46:33.497

5 To whom do environment variables belong? 2015-06-24T18:00:32.887

5 Windows Batch. Append to PATH Environment Variable, when It Contains Spaces 2015-07-13T21:25:45.217

5 Trouble defining an environment variable on Cygwin 2015-10-12T20:45:12.553

5 WMIC output property value without property name 2017-03-24T21:16:47.843

5 SSH not passing LANG environment variable 2018-01-01T23:25:51.753

5 setting environment variables from command line inside unit files 2018-11-26T21:54:50.020

5 Set and print content of environment variable in cmd.exe subshell? 2019-03-12T12:13:40.670

4 Setting environment variables in Linux for all processes 2010-02-22T15:07:12.220

4 Why doesn't my environment variable get set? 2010-04-12T16:39:16.083

4 Tricking Linux apps about current time with environment variables 2010-05-21T17:23:18.977

4 How to get an .exe file to execute no matter where the user types its name in command shell on windows 7? 2010-08-09T19:55:23.823

4 how to set path environment variable 2010-08-11T14:20:59.683

4 Use ~.ssh/config to always set TERM=cygwin for certain hosts? 2010-08-14T21:23:26.817

4 Are there any alternatives to adding to the PATH environment variable in Windows? 2010-09-16T13:50:55.877

4 Why can't my bash script export variables? 2010-09-17T16:29:53.413

4 When someone says "in your path," what does this mean exactly? 2010-12-14T14:00:05.640

4 Command line app 'not recognized as internal or external command.' 2011-01-27T17:36:25.380

4 Updating Environment Variables from .MacOSX/environment.plist 2011-02-23T11:59:21.367

4 How can I modify my KDE environment without restarting? 2011-04-27T23:50:11.793

4 How do you use environment variables in Advanced ActionScript 3.0 Settings of Flash CS5? 2011-06-30T18:10:45.667

4 Using a system variable with spaces without truncating prematurely 2011-11-14T09:48:42.950

4 where is %username% variable defined? 2011-12-25T02:15:00.970

4 Setting proxy via http_proxy on Mac 2012-01-31T16:38:27.490

4 Environment variables have different values depending how CMD.exe is launched 2012-05-28T12:42:11.487

4 Windows 7 environment variable not removable 2012-06-12T12:10:34.453

4 Is there a way to expand environment variables in *.ini files? 2012-07-24T18:33:44.063

4 Is there any way to recover an environment variable? 2012-08-03T13:47:50.683

4 How to capture session name into tmux variable? 2012-08-07T18:03:48.437

4 How to create a directory symbol like ~ for HOME? 2012-08-29T19:06:58.147