PowerShell uses the short 8.3 form for env:Temp



Please help me to deal with PowerShell environment variable.

I had learned that PowerShell has special syntax to access the system environment variable values. So I've tried to execute:


in the PowerShell 6.2.4 console on Windows 10. The output is strange:


It has my Windows user name shortened to the 8.3 form. The problem is that I can't use the cd $env:temp command, it displays the following error:

cd : An object at the specified path C:\Users\OD42B~1.BOR does not exist.

But I can do cd %temp% in the cmd terminal.

I've tried Windows PowerShell app (%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe) but cd $env:Temp does not works either.

I've checked environment variable configuration option (Sytem properties\Environment variables) and both TEMP and TMP variables are shown using the long form profile folder name, like c:\users\o.borolongprofilename\AppData\Local\Temp.

How can I make cd $env:Temp work for a non-8.3 profile name in the PowerShell?


  • PowerShell get-childitem env:Temp output is C:\Users\OD42B~1.BOR\AppData\Local\Temp.

  • Cmd echo %temp% output is the same C:\Users\OD42B~1.BOR\AppData\Local\Temp (but cd %temp% works in the cmd).

  • TEMP environment variable in the UI is set properly (value shown is like c:\users\o.borolongprofilename\AppData\Local\Temp).

    However TEMP value is shown like %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp when I try to edit TEMP using the UI.

  • PowerShell get-childitem env:userprofile displays full name like c:\users\o.borolongprofilename (surprise).


I've just checked PowerShell 7 rc2 but the result is the same: cd $env:Temp does not work.


Thank you for helping me. I've found the answer provided by the @Smock comment link:

cd (gi $env:temp).fullname


Posted 2020-02-12T10:53:02.443

Reputation: 161

What value does get-childitem env:Temp return ? Also check the environment variables set via the gui interface - is it 8.3 there? What does echo %Temp% from cmd prompt give you? – Smock – 2020-02-12T11:50:03.007

@Smock thanks for helping me. Please find question updated with answers you have requested. – oleksa – 2020-02-12T12:55:14.283


Perhaps this will provide a solution (if not a fix)? cd (gi $env:temp).fullname

– Smock – 2020-02-12T13:52:24.940

cd "$env:temp" – Bill_Stewart – 2020-02-15T04:49:20.523

@Bill_Stewart it does not work in PowerShell pscore6. The same as in 7-rc2 preview – oleksa – 2020-02-17T08:46:46.613

1When you say that it didn't work, you have to say how it didn't work. – Bill_Stewart – 2020-02-17T14:20:54.317

What is the returned value for [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp") ? – Theo – 2020-02-17T14:41:44.150

@Bill_Stewart it fails exactly the same as before cd : An object at the specified path C:\Users\OD42B~1.BOR does not exist., nothing new. Does it work on your side (with non 8.3 profile name)? Actually I've found the solution already (using the @Smock comment) – oleksa – 2020-02-17T14:43:23.350

@Theo [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp") powershell output is C:\Users\OD42B~1.BOR\AppData\Local\Temp – oleksa – 2020-02-17T14:45:59.093

Ok, then try to find if your Temp variable is not defined multiple times. There are three 'targets' for the environment vars: Machine, User and Process. Try ou these commands: [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine), [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User), [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Process) to see the different values returned – Theo – 2020-02-17T14:50:22.833

@Theo [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) produces the correct output like C:\Users\o.borolongprofilename\AppData\Local\Temp. – oleksa – 2020-02-17T15:02:54.220

..and the other commands? (Process in particular)? – Theo – 2020-02-17T15:05:40.143

@Theo Machine prints c:\windows\temp and Process outputs C:\Users\OD42B~1.BOR\AppData\Local\Temp. I've found the answer from @Smock comment thank you. But it is not possible to mark the question as duplicate since the answer is on stackoverflow site. – oleksa – 2020-02-17T15:10:36.123

Seems that it has a problem with 8.3 file names (hence why the expanded filename works). When you are in cmd, you can use dir /x to display the 8.3 filenames for files. Determine a short filename and see if PS works with it (gc, etc.). – Bill_Stewart – 2020-02-17T23:10:30.173



I don't know what causes this, but you could add a small piece of powershell in your profile:

$env:TEMP = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Temp", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

That way, $env:Temp will be updated each time you launch PowerShell


Posted 2020-02-12T10:53:02.443

Reputation: 151


Thank you for helping me. I've found the answer provided by the @Smock comment link:

cd (gi $env:temp).fullname


Posted 2020-02-12T10:53:02.443

Reputation: 161


You can also get the path from registry value and use it:

But not using this one: HKCU\Environment


The output also came with: %USERPROFILE%, so....

...try using this registry key: HKCU\Environment

[HKCU:\Volatile Environment]
LOCALAPPDATA    REG_SZ    C:\Users\ecker\AppData\Local

And concatenate only the output sequence with:TEMP ==> "$path_str\TEMP"

$path_str = (Get-ItemProperty "HKCU:\Volatile Environment")|Select-Object -ExpandProperty LOCALAPPDATA | Resolve-path ; cd "$path_str\TEMP"

# Or using aliases #

$path_str = (gp "HKCU:\Volatile Environment")|select -ExpandProperty LOCALAPPDATA | rvpa ; cd "$path_str\TEMP"

It Wasn't Me

Posted 2020-02-12T10:53:02.443

Reputation: 851