Tag: enigmail

23 HTML or rich e-mails do not work with Enigmal in Thunderbird 2011-05-11T11:20:57.780

14 Public/Private key locations with Enigmail and Thunderbird on Windows 2012-02-07T05:32:34.163

11 force gpg-agent to forget password 2013-04-24T08:15:30.990

10 Enigmail cannot communicate with gpg-agent 2016-02-26T17:47:31.227

8 How do I prevent Enigmail from encrypting my email, even when encryption is turned off? 2015-09-13T04:10:43.013

4 Send email via Thunderbird (Enigmail) as HTML 2015-07-24T08:53:44.377

4 Enigmial does not put the secret key into the secret keyring 2016-01-25T01:15:57.690

4 How to fix GnuPG after importing a poisoned key (without just deleting it) 2019-07-14T10:33:05.200

3 No HTML email after installing Enigmail in Thunderbird 3.1.10 2011-06-08T16:59:41.177

3 Fetch GPG public keys for thunderbird address book contacts 2012-11-27T13:55:19.253

3 gpg-agent fails with "command get_passphrase failed: End of file" on pinentry 2013-08-14T09:55:17.707

3 Is it possible to setup Enigmail for Thunderbird, so that signatures are sent as attachments? 2014-07-13T00:51:54.247

3 Why does using Enigmail with Icedove on Debian fail if I don't start gpg-agent manually? 2015-10-01T17:35:58.377

2 Email encryption and passphrase caching using thunderbird, enigmail, linux arch and kde 2014-02-16T15:33:58.897

2 Use PGP/Mime with Thunderbird and Enigmail 2014-11-22T20:43:17.923

2 Enigmail constantly prompting for password 2016-03-03T13:54:21.270

2 How and where does Windows save the password for pgp keys? 2017-11-28T20:22:22.907

1 GPG smartcards handling 4096-bit keys 2010-12-20T13:59:40.240

1 Multiple Enigmail User IDs for multiple accounts in Thunderbird? 2011-06-08T23:54:35.480

1 How can I start the integrated pgp-agent that comes shipped with the new KDE on openSUSE 12.1? 2012-02-05T00:04:42.170

1 Sign PGP key to which I added identity once again (i.e. also sign new identities) 2012-11-05T18:35:25.793

1 Enigmail: don't decrypt automatically 2013-12-11T12:03:22.293

1 Unable to sign message with Enigmail - No passphrase prompt 2014-03-30T05:51:35.123

1 Trying to verify file signature in GPG4win: Not enough information to check signature validity 2014-07-20T12:59:56.647

1 Enigmail stopped working: KEYEXPIRED/SIGEXPIRED 2014-09-02T08:45:26.970

1 Can Enigmail automatically not encrypt email for multiple recipients? 2015-03-12T14:28:06.400

1 How do I automatically sign HTML emails with Enigmail and Thunderbird? 2015-09-23T20:00:57.627

1 "Email address or key ID cannot be matched to a valid, not expired OpenPGP key" in Enigmail after moving to a new computer/account 2015-12-15T21:49:54.320

1 What do I need to do in order to use Enigmail on more than one PC? 2016-06-19T19:56:37.467

1 GPG4Win + Enigmail = The key ID <email address> configured for the current identity does not yield a usable OpenPGP key. How to resolve? 2016-07-17T16:10:58.083

1 How to analyze and fix a broken private PGP key? 2016-11-15T06:33:35.150

1 Thunderbird Enigmail does not recognize key - "error - no matching/private key found" 2016-12-24T22:13:24.093

1 How can I send email with the subject as well as the body encrypted 2017-01-28T09:07:01.287

1 gpg2 migration from ubuntu to fedora leads to missing secret key 2017-10-23T22:37:50.037

0 Enigmail Public Key Reference 2010-11-25T21:49:53.270

0 how to import gmail contacts to enigmail? 2011-01-14T06:46:22.520

0 Enigmail 1.5 / Thunderbird 17 line wrap signing order 2013-01-16T18:27:06.160

0 PGP: encrypt all parts as one or each separate 2014-07-13T07:43:44.187

0 Reading HTML mail with PGP/Mime encryption in Thunderbird with Enigmail 2014-11-23T15:57:01.380

0 GnuPG in Thunderbird w/ Enigmail on dual OS machine 2014-12-13T19:17:05.447

0 Using Enigmail encryption on mutiple devices 2015-02-10T22:03:03.623

0 Enigmail: Adding the User ID failed 2015-05-19T06:48:53.350

0 Is it possible to encrypt an email for two keys but the same email? 2016-01-26T13:28:45.313

0 Enigmail + GnuPG + Thunderbird hidden key error 2017-06-07T09:44:56.630

0 Restore Enigmail Private Keys from file system on Ubuntu 2017-11-30T17:29:59.177

0 Thunderbird cannot decrypt message even though it has the private key 2018-01-15T19:57:33.500

0 How do I import a public key that my friend stored in keybase.io into Thunderbird? 2018-02-06T15:53:34.457

0 Is there a way to let Enigmail automatically use the passphrase to unlock my key that's stored in keypass? 2018-02-07T15:03:03.933

0 Enigmail Security Info Error - decryption failed 2018-05-16T22:53:53.637

0 I deleted the new key generated upon installation on a new laptop, but now Enigmail can't import the old key 2018-08-11T12:55:51.710

0 Can't upload public PGP/GPG key to OpenSKS server 2019-01-07T08:44:25.437

0 why sometimes enigmail on thunderbird is using pep and sometimes pgp? 2019-12-17T15:24:05.707