Tag: dnsmasq

51 Why is Chromium bypassing /etc/hosts and dnsmasq? 2014-03-02T19:07:56.193

16 How can I set up a 'local' domain so that everyone on my local network can view a locally hosted site? 2012-04-08T17:55:59.933

15 Using dnsmasq with NetworkManager 2013-11-29T04:46:53.653

12 DD-WRT: DNSMasq expand-hosts not working 2010-02-21T22:40:34.740

11 How to log all DNS requests made through OpenWRT router? 2013-08-15T05:44:24.870

10 Ubuntu 18.04: Disable dnsmasq-base and enable full dnsmasq 2018-04-29T11:04:22.203

9 DD-WRT serving additional DNS servers instead of just the router’s IP 2012-01-20T20:18:29.243

9 resolv.conf keeps getting overwritten when dnsmasq is restarted, breaking dnsmasq 2015-03-26T22:31:09.957

7 Verify dnsmasq configuration 2013-11-28T04:44:48.583

7 Tell docker to use the DNS server in the host system 2018-03-13T06:31:52.890

6 Where to set external DNS in DNSMASQ? 2013-02-02T23:55:36.647

6 How to use dnsmasq with DHCP-assigned DNS servers? 2013-03-06T08:07:34.657

6 how can I combine dnsmasq and urlblacklist? 2013-10-07T20:05:48.027

6 DD-WRT: dnsmasq headaches with static hosts 2014-02-15T06:09:17.110

5 linux dnsmasq: how do I increase the ttl? 2009-10-16T16:46:35.153

5 dnsmasq without altering /etc/hosts file manually 2011-07-19T22:04:32.783

5 How to register subdomains on dnsmasq 2013-02-01T05:00:02.620

4 dnsmasq not working to point .local addresses to 2014-07-21T09:11:37.467

4 Extend OpenWRT DNS with lines to resolve local IP 2017-06-18T06:43:31.320

4 Get all the IP addresses given out by DHCP Server with dnsmasq and hostapd 2017-08-08T07:23:33.503

3 IPv6 addresses in dnsmasq 2012-01-08T08:48:44.317

3 OpenWRT based gateway with dnsmasq and internal server with bind 2012-12-18T16:06:53.677

3 Create alias to local hostname 2013-01-03T10:18:34.913

3 Block (nullroute?) an IPv6 hostname using /etc/hosts 2014-10-16T17:28:14.267

3 OpenWRT router's dnsmasq settings block lan name resolution? 2015-10-01T20:56:02.090

3 RADVD for IPv6 assignement, DNSMasq for DHCP handing out DNS for IPv6 clients - how to do? 2016-07-06T17:09:20.080

3 How do I configure dnsmasq to resolve local hostnames with dualstack ipv4 & ipv6? 2017-09-09T13:49:58.957

3 DNSMASQ not answering DNS queries from routed subnet 2017-10-01T04:17:13.100

3 Setting up a srv record with dnsmasq - do I need to use a FQDN? 2018-11-15T21:10:43.037

3 Local hostname not working without the trailing dot 2018-12-16T14:42:50.567

2 Using dnsmasq on OS X when not connected to the Internet 2012-04-30T18:54:29.810

2 Replacing stock dnsmasq with optware dnsmasq 2012-08-14T20:18:16.577

2 What do I need to make Linux host names resolvable on LAN? 2012-10-08T19:15:05.043

2 Windows not recognizing local network domain name 2012-10-15T01:03:18.090

2 Subdomains for server behind NAT 2013-02-03T15:13:02.580

2 How to skip pushing the default gateway via DHCP in OpenWRT? 2013-05-15T21:40:06.197

2 In OS X, how can I prepend to the list of DNS servers obtained through DHCP? 2013-11-24T12:20:50.013

2 reverse usb tethering in strict dns environment 2014-04-03T04:08:16.370

2 dnsmasq doesn't get udp queries 2014-06-30T13:30:25.367

2 Cannot access internet and local DNS server using OpenVPN on DD-WRT router 2014-09-01T14:39:30.647

2 dnsmasq circular loop error 2014-09-28T22:42:23.370

2 Using dnsmasq to address machines by name and resolve external hostnames 2014-11-03T03:00:05.537

2 dnsmasq not working without internet connection in OS X Yosemite 2014-11-04T06:48:08.710

2 Windows 7 DHCP flooding server with requests 2014-11-17T14:38:09.823

2 Native IPv6 on Debian Router 2015-03-09T03:32:09.710

2 making dnsmasq listen on only one interface 2015-06-06T20:31:34.323

2 No connection between devices in local network 2015-11-18T07:02:15.850

2 How do I figure out what's caching the DNS for a specific domain? 2016-01-11T23:37:33.480

2 Why does dnsmasq return different first answers 2016-04-11T13:00:25.300

2 How to configure dnsmasq to send DNS server Info via DHCPv6 2016-05-11T15:36:50.890

2 How do I configure DNS when sharing a VPN connection in linux? 2016-09-22T12:56:57.197

2 Configure dnsmasq to behave differently per interface 2016-11-28T08:11:02.080

2 Why does Windows 10 seem to ignore the DNS query replied from my router? 2017-01-27T19:50:04.223

2 dnsmasq fails to answer queries on ubuntu 16.04 2017-03-06T09:30:15.913

2 using dnsmasq to resolve all dns queries in my local LAN 2017-03-29T15:17:52.917

2 DNSmasq configuration in multiple network 2017-04-28T07:54:02.140

2 Why does my dnsmasq refuse DNS queries from its own local DHCP clients? 2017-05-15T18:36:55.720

2 Change netmask to increase number of IP addresses 2017-05-21T11:09:32.217

2 DNS server merging 2017-05-25T11:38:00.823

2 DNS solution for LAN or local home network 2017-09-30T16:58:30.170

2 Why is dnsmasq forwarding already resolved addresses? 2018-03-23T10:56:49.187

2 dnsmasq is providing the same IP to two different clients 2019-01-20T00:51:03.080

2 Nameserver unable to resolve domain names 2019-02-15T19:34:56.350

2 How to setup dnsmasq on Ubuntu 18.04 to allow windows clients to find hosts without trailing dot 2019-04-25T00:19:02.960

1 Is it possible to use dnsmasq to map example.local to IP:port? 2011-05-08T16:19:29.483

1 Request forwarding 2011-08-08T20:42:54.973

1 Outside lookups broke when using DNSMasq on inside AP 2011-09-01T04:20:08.187

1 WiFi Conflict with dnsmasq (OSX) 2011-12-14T01:40:00.447

1 How to advertise iTunes Server using dnsmasq 2012-03-02T20:15:23.500

1 Send local IP from VPN instead of remote IP 2012-03-27T08:26:12.263

1 Two DNS servers, one Windows, one Linux 2012-05-23T13:14:46.457

1 dnsmasq: how to handle the local domain (A, PTR)? 2012-07-27T08:35:45.093

1 Debian 6 Internet connection sharing aka IP masquerade not working 2012-09-13T08:59:19.350

1 Ping to dnsmasq's host resolvesto 2013-02-01T04:52:04.867

1 OSX running dnsmasq not always handling default dns queries 2013-04-08T14:10:02.297

1 Restrict static IPs (Only DHCP) on Debian Squeeze 2013-04-27T14:52:33.430

1 Setting up DNS server inside network 2013-07-04T15:36:50.547

1 DNS server returns valid IP, but browser can't find server? 2013-07-13T21:37:43.927

1 Home Router (DD-WRT) and using DMASQ for a host via dynamically assigned via DHCP 2013-08-29T03:24:22.447

1 dnsmasq fails to start on boot Ubuntu 13.10 2013-12-05T18:31:37.720

1 dnsmasq - Redirect URL request to guest VM 2014-03-01T22:01:46.933

1 Domain Resolving To Wrong IP Using DNSMASQ 2014-04-09T23:11:58.883

1 Ask dnsmasq the hostname used to find to an IP address 2014-04-21T12:36:59.770

1 how to pick addresses and DNSMasq server for PPTP VPN client (in DD-WRT)? 2014-07-12T00:01:29.057

1 How do I configure DNSMasq on DD-WRT when using Active Directory? 2014-10-25T03:38:00.883

1 Locate Host Name on LAN with DNSMasq 2015-02-25T20:45:07.827

1 Running ipv6 tunnel on windows 7 alongside local dns server 2015-03-01T18:16:34.470

1 Redirect all http & https requests with lighttpd 2015-05-29T22:59:49.720

1 hostapd & dnsmasq Obtaining IP forever 2015-06-24T21:30:21.303

1 Secure dnsmasq dns daemon with whitelist 2015-06-29T13:31:47.887

1 How do I simulate a DNS server returning a SERVFAIL in response to a A query? 2015-07-24T20:01:44.663

1 DD-WRT DNSMasq Stops working when advanced options entered 2015-08-03T16:04:03.660

1 Disable or change port of ASUS RT-AC56U DNS server 2015-10-16T16:40:35.660

1 Can I use /etc/hosts file to block ads when using Ubuntu 14.04.3 OpenVPN server? 2016-01-17T17:13:41.697

1 dnsmasq different replies based on source 2016-01-20T09:57:36.373

1 How to stop dnsmasq from adding ISP DNS servers to a VPN connection? 2016-02-19T01:52:47.703

1 Distinguish between DNS-requests from local network and internet 2016-03-04T14:19:27.937

1 Set proxy while sharing internet from dnsmasq server 2016-03-07T11:28:14.007

1 How to set up dnsmasq on PC to mimic router's comfort functions? 2016-05-18T09:41:57.163