Tag: dhcp-server

18 How to find my DHCP server IP address via a command prompt in Windows? 2011-07-22T17:11:19.163

14 Can a computer running a DHCP server assign its own IP address? 2020-01-12T19:22:51.307

9 Running two DHCP Servers in the same network 2014-09-10T05:02:02.033

7 Executing a script when DHCPD give an IP 2010-11-16T14:03:16.780

7 How to create a wifi hotspot in Windows 7 + redirection to a local webpage? 2014-08-31T23:27:43.673

5 What's better RADVD or DHCPv6 for local network with IPv6? 2016-02-27T17:57:29.633

4 dhcp option 252 what is it? 2012-01-27T08:42:18.663

4 How could I fix "No subnet declaration for restart ("? 2012-10-04T19:09:05.947

4 How do I use a single wireless adapter for both an access point and client on Raspberry Pi? 2013-06-26T06:14:27.787

4 Stateless IP being assigned instead of DHCP address 2018-06-24T15:10:06.183

3 "Network Scan" gives "DHCPServer FAILED", but it's checking the wrong address 2011-08-01T03:00:11.087

3 How does DHCP distribute or choose which IP to give within the scope? 2011-11-12T02:54:52.853

3 Which server is selected by the client if it receives Offer from 2 DHCP servers at a time? 2013-12-03T13:50:51.700

3 Android dhcp assigning bogus dns server 2015-05-01T22:37:43.390

3 D-Link DGS-1210 DHCP Relay Option 82 2016-11-12T15:01:28.913

3 How can I configure and enable DHCP Server inside the VirtualBox? 2017-07-06T12:56:56.100

2 My Very Own DHCP Server 2009-11-10T00:34:53.183

2 How to setup a DHCP-Server who serves to different ip-ranges (e.g. 192.168.1.x and 172.16.x.x) 2009-11-22T21:39:51.727

2 DHCP disable client DDNS updates 2011-02-02T12:26:30.073

2 Redirect unregistered users to the site on local machine 2012-09-25T19:34:57.353

2 DHCP misbehavior 2014-06-11T07:14:15.697

2 DHCP Offer already sent to my local IP address 2016-06-17T13:03:55.667

2 Short DHCP lease from ISP, causing problems with built-in NIC but not with pci NIC 2016-10-11T16:46:31.917

2 My Own WiFi Router + DHCP Server on a Public Wifi 2016-11-10T22:48:27.183

2 Roommates have several IP addresses on LAN : how and how to stay at one? 2017-12-05T02:43:53.367

2 Server 2016 DHCP vs Router DHCP or Both 2018-07-13T14:54:42.440

2 Ubuntu DHCPD won't start 2019-07-03T11:37:20.950

1 How To Enabled DHCP in Windows Vista? 2009-08-31T08:02:03.680

1 Dhcpd Daemon is trying to lease itself? 2010-04-10T19:16:36.513

1 fedora, dhcpd fails to start 2010-06-07T21:38:15.253

1 Edimax wireless router is not providing DNS services correctly 2010-11-27T16:21:48.813

1 How to configure mobile as DHCP server? 2010-12-23T03:05:43.360

1 Which IP should I provide if I am on a DHCP network? 2011-01-07T19:30:48.000

1 DHCP on Windows Server 2008 - Without Domain 2012-04-25T08:50:38.273

1 Can I set up a Wi-Fi network with multiple access points and DHCP servers? 2012-05-09T09:51:16.150

1 Why is my DHCP server assigning an address outside of the DHCP scope? 2012-05-25T11:28:14.093

1 Testing dhcp server locally on one physical machine with virtual machine 2012-06-16T13:17:30.010

1 eth0 always has and ignored a network with a DHCP server 2012-07-31T16:32:21.683

1 Negate global parameter in dhcpd.conf 2013-03-08T22:29:55.190

1 Computer gets IP from DHCP server but has no internet connection 2013-07-23T15:55:43.383

1 Can port forwarding setting of router be effective if dhcp is disabled and ip address distributed by other device out of my control 2013-12-16T09:09:12.273

1 DHCP server which only configures default gateway 2014-04-11T06:02:20.583

1 Unable to Set up DHCP and TFTP on Ubuntu 2014-11-15T04:27:08.523

1 Is it possible to create network shares with multiple DHCP servers running on the same network? 2014-12-08T03:57:54.293

1 Can I seed what DHCP options are offered on my network connection WITHOUT server access 2015-02-12T19:52:55.743

1 Is it a common practice for a DHCP server to send a hostname to a client? 2015-10-09T12:22:10.260

1 Why isn't my DHCP server working? 2016-03-25T19:43:05.703

1 DHCP-Enabled Router Sometimes Won't Talk to Host with Static IP 2016-04-11T04:02:46.233

1 Can you have static leases without DHCP? 2016-05-26T17:58:30.843

1 Different IP series for Wireless Clients 2017-02-16T09:00:41.070

1 DHCP Asking A Server For The Hostname Of An IP Lease 2017-02-28T22:09:10.200

1 Configure two DHCP relay agent in same Vlan 2017-03-03T10:58:54.490

1 udhcpd instance reports address already in use 2017-03-26T21:00:24.437

1 Setting up an external DHCP server causes Huawei B310 to stop responding 2017-12-01T21:16:18.330

1 Intermittent failure of IP address provision after moving to new AP router area on same network 2018-01-18T22:20:45.257

1 How to give a DHCP server priority over another server 2018-03-29T01:59:14.543

1 virtualbox, host-only network, dhcp ack, router missing 2018-05-09T23:30:05.220

1 Struggling with WDS and UEFI/BIOS Bootissue 2018-08-03T12:52:21.570

1 What is preventing a DHCP client from getting the default gateway route? 2018-08-24T18:30:46.417

1 Default gateway has the same IP as the DHCP Server 2018-09-05T21:31:51.737

1 Can the DHCP relay agent use the DHCP offer IP's subnet to shrink switch flood domain? 2018-10-05T05:30:44.697

1 How to setup ipv6 network from Hurricane Electric with fixed address delegation? 2018-12-31T20:23:21.827

1 Internet via ethernet, switch and another pc wifi 2019-02-08T20:13:43.543

1 Two PCs with own routers on the same LAN 2019-02-10T20:18:24.073

1 How to determine in a shell script whether DHCP is running or not 2019-03-11T15:36:35.583

1 Steps into trouble shooting DHCP on Windows 2019-09-17T20:22:38.500

1 Arch Linux Install Cannot Enable dhcpcd 2019-10-16T15:25:11.140

0 Changing the DNS server IP address(es) on O2 Router 2011-01-21T21:42:18.733

0 ASA DHCP relay configuration 2011-01-25T19:49:39.427

0 dhcp.lease showing strange entries 2011-11-22T10:58:14.253

0 dhcp6 server config problems 2012-02-27T01:20:40.627

0 dhcpd not processing broadcast DHCPDISCOVER 2012-11-16T17:56:49.427

0 DHCP not updating DNS 2012-11-22T00:12:11.850

0 Restrict DHCP server to listen only to AP? 2013-07-02T10:39:00.073

0 Which network configuration? 2013-08-02T13:48:28.150

0 Reproducible DHCP Addreses 2013-12-03T18:11:21.703

0 Home LAN - heterogeneous network with two SOHO routers as WLAN Access Points - Failing 2014-01-27T15:47:13.883

0 router dhcp config for pxe boot 2014-02-14T12:23:40.113

0 Running a network of two wireless routers on a switch and two different DHCP servers plus some static ip addresses 2014-02-26T19:23:11.267

0 What does infoblox network applicance does 2014-03-27T08:12:11.080

0 How to create a dhcpd.conf file 2014-06-10T06:36:56.147

0 setup Mac Book Wifi interface as Wifi hotspot using specific DHCP option 2014-06-10T07:50:36.810

0 How to disable DHCP on Netgear CG3700EMR-1CMNDS? 2014-06-20T11:25:58.577

0 How the WLAN interface of a home router do to reply DHCP requests just at connection time? 2014-06-29T00:06:43.737

0 How to resolve physical device for home LAN's 2014-07-20T13:10:53.640

0 Failed to Start DHCP in Linux Redhat, Need Help ASAP 2014-07-25T03:06:09.587

0 Running DHCP for ipv4 and ipv6 on different servers in the same network 2014-08-29T18:53:13.137

0 DHCP REQUEST is getting no response 2014-09-10T18:27:56.910

0 IPV6 DHCP server configuration 2014-09-23T13:33:24.347

0 Using dnsmasq with KVM 2015-02-05T12:46:16.047

0 Both Public and Private DNS not working. How make it work properly without any conflict 2015-03-05T07:35:54.040

0 detect DHCP server on a wired network 2015-03-23T13:43:05.453

0 Creating a DHCP server on a Virtual Machine 2015-05-17T06:49:18.090

0 isc-dhcpd sanity check fail even though everything looks right 2015-05-27T02:30:16.087

0 OpenWRT: Set individual DHCP credentials for different clients? 2015-05-31T01:33:13.857

0 How to Create new scope under super scope in windows using command? 2015-09-21T08:26:20.147

0 Installing DHCP3 Server 2015-10-12T23:39:24.217

0 Setting DHCP server in Linux centos 2015-10-31T02:01:19.830

0 Old DHCP IP showing in ipconfig /all 2016-06-08T22:01:46.243