Tag: cut

4 Bash command substitution not working as expected 2013-06-24T12:37:48.817

4 How to echo only 1st line from 'curl' command output? 2016-02-19T11:19:59.387

3 GNU sort and git blame 2011-03-23T23:11:31.690

3 How to `cut` (extract a subset of columns) a CSV file that contains quoted strings` 2016-06-25T08:33:23.560

2 Add character at certain position in line 2012-05-08T12:25:59.173

2 In bash, how do I pass the while loops input to the cut command? 2013-03-10T22:41:40.987

2 Inconsistent results using cut on output of ls 2013-04-11T06:02:12.350

2 How to Extract Multiple substrings from Log FIle 2014-12-16T08:10:13.923

2 Printing all columns after 5th with awk 2017-02-09T11:36:50.683

2 Is it possible to find piece of audio inside of mp3 file? 2019-11-07T20:24:14.160

1 How to grep column after second pipe 2012-10-11T11:57:34.273

1 How to use cut command in UNIX? 2012-10-13T23:25:27.943

1 Cutting input with cut or awk? 2014-03-04T21:34:24.980

1 Cut - the delimiter must be a single character 2014-03-29T16:22:19.153

1 How to retrieve a name from another file with a Bash script? 2014-06-24T13:40:53.080

1 Cutting out two parts from the middle of a video with ffmpeg 2015-03-26T19:38:05.187

1 Cut lies if delimeter doesn’t exist 2015-04-01T18:24:05.423

1 Error with command cut: the delimiter must be a single character 2015-07-02T14:59:33.203

1 Cut part of every line in file possible? 2017-01-16T12:08:37.857

1 Use section sign § as cut delimiter 2017-02-21T13:46:50.820

1 Black frames at beginning of video file when file cut 2017-06-26T10:06:44.010

1 Is it possible to cut mp3 file with Audacity without losing any quality (recording, etc.)? 2018-08-19T13:31:52.700

1 Move all the files and folders with CMD (BAT File) 2018-08-24T18:16:01.420

1 How to extract all strings in require('')? 2018-10-22T02:25:28.487

1 Using 'cut' command on Windows 2019-03-13T07:55:39.283

1 Cut out the start and end of a .mp4 file 2019-06-05T19:28:51.807

0 chained commands to create directories on a remote server 2011-02-28T00:11:44.310

0 Piping a line of the file read with while read loop 2015-06-15T04:50:33.773

0 need to get average idle time using mpstat 2015-06-18T05:58:47.453

0 cut: |: No such file or directory 2015-09-24T09:37:01.567

0 Which program I can edit video (cut some scenes) without increasing the video's size 2016-02-18T04:30:19.917

0 how to filter text file on the basis another text file 2016-06-29T14:38:10.220

0 Cut Video with FFmpeg 2016-07-16T09:58:29.770

0 Audacity | Split | duplicate split-positions onto another layer 2016-09-06T05:27:15.247

0 awk and cut on a very large file 2017-01-27T19:47:27.173

0 In excel 2010, pushing ctrl+x will delete the highlighted words. They are not saved to the clipboard. Can't be recovered with undo. Why? 2017-05-04T20:45:45.370

0 cut: you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields 2018-09-25T02:47:32.017

0 Precisely cut videos with ffmpeg 2019-04-03T13:27:14.073

0 How to cut video resolution from 3840x2160 to 2184x1680 in VLC 2019-11-03T11:49:40.127

0 Sort lines in file by first field treated as number in shell 2020-01-16T00:06:09.013

-1 How can I filter a list of files to download those that don't already exist? 2016-06-28T07:16:45.777

-1 find number of teams from a file 2018-03-12T10:24:25.987