Tag: conditional-statements

5 Using a wildcard in a condition to match the beginning of a string 2016-03-22T22:08:49.480

4 Batch File IF Statement Time Taken 2014-04-30T14:51:18.503

3 Bash script that execute command only if port is free 2014-03-19T15:15:08.533

3 Write a formula for "If Cell 1 contains a keyword, Then Cell 2 changes background color" 2019-11-05T19:52:33.720

2 SUMPRODUCT and IF conditional (LibreOffice) 2014-05-22T22:09:30.157

2 IF and then condtional format 2014-11-21T05:59:40.570

2 windows 7 search: multiple condition "find folders of this size that does not contain this and that" 2015-11-16T07:28:58.470

2 Vector Compare to Scalar 2016-02-10T18:20:47.973

2 Multiple IF statements and concatenation in Excel 2016-03-29T04:30:59.920

2 Bash Regex oddity when using =~ operator 2016-04-17T17:01:07.760

2 Sending specific email based on cell values in Excel 2016? 2018-01-16T23:30:51.897

1 How do I write a conditional assignment in a Linux script? 2013-12-13T11:37:13.637

1 what does =~ in linux means used in if condition to compare values 2014-03-09T07:28:46.190

1 Odd issue with OR operator in zsh 2014-06-05T05:39:46.117

1 Excel - Compare two cells and display the larger number? 2014-07-14T09:23:55.953

1 If statement that returns original function if false (similar to iferror, or substitute) 2015-06-24T11:20:11.960

1 Automatic text entry dependent on text in other cells 2015-09-10T09:08:07.367

1 Excel: conditional COUNTIF? 2016-01-11T14:04:21.503

1 Mail Merge Multiple IF Conditions for cell 2016-01-12T22:00:03.490

1 Excel rearrange column using copy + paste 2016-03-11T01:31:21.417

1 Delete every row that doesn't contain a blank 2016-05-19T14:27:28.423

1 Conditionally add images to bubble chart? 2016-08-19T20:53:33.873

1 Load condition within execution line in Bash 2016-09-18T23:50:06.947

1 How to use if statement in batch file? 2016-11-07T16:02:56.103

1 Vba Excel : using OR column condition without duplicating row 2017-03-29T02:17:49.317

1 Excel 2016 conditional statement in combination with an OR? 2017-11-18T21:31:30.270

1 Excel 2016: to find the first occurance of a value in a vector 2017-11-19T00:23:14.723

1 Excel: Identify Cells with Duplicate Value in One Cell, and Equals 0 in the Next Cell 2017-12-10T16:15:12.170

1 Ignoring /substituting missing certificate files in apache 2.4 config 2018-07-25T21:36:40.190

1 Can I implement IF EXIST with a given file extension? 2018-08-26T00:57:46.187

1 Preserve Styles in Microsoft Word 2016 Conditional Text 2018-12-12T19:15:28.870

1 How does bash test 'false'? 2019-01-31T00:05:52.930

1 TCL/Expect script with if/else logic based on host IP address 2019-03-05T05:38:16.873

1 Hide, Show and Replacing PDF form content blocks with multiple fillable fields 2019-04-10T14:01:49.700

0 Sum of rows conditional on two conditions 2013-07-31T13:27:44.037

0 IF evaluation in Field codes checking for last page in Word 2011 2013-09-04T10:35:32.423

0 How can I return a list of specific words found in a cell's contents? 2014-02-05T15:05:36.340

0 Delete files which have almost identical filenames EXCEPT last word (Windows) 2014-03-06T21:30:43.207

0 I'm trying to run a batch file that test for 4 different files then based on the correct file present it runs the correct command 2014-03-29T05:01:23.950

0 Excel: formula to fill text data from sheet based on condition? 2014-05-26T13:57:57.313

0 Excel (how to use if then else for the following condition) 2014-06-29T04:45:39.087

0 AVERAGEIF based on formatting 2014-08-27T14:02:45.620

0 Excel cell value (text) based on 2nd cell value (number) appearing in a named range 2014-12-01T19:32:58.900

0 AHK if/else of output from Custom Message Box Function 2015-08-29T20:11:27.337

0 Word 2010 Mail Merge Suppress Blank Conditional Mergefields 2015-11-13T16:42:35.777

0 Excel nested IFs 2016-01-03T15:53:30.533

0 Need help to hide/show excel rows based on value in a cell, but allow for moving rows around later 2016-04-06T20:32:14.930

0 If Function is not working in Excel 2016-05-31T09:53:45.773

0 Is is possible to set the "expires" time based on "creation" time? 2016-07-06T14:54:51.333

0 how diff command behaves on if statement in shell script 2016-08-09T07:44:21.210

0 How do I externally reference rows from one sheet to another based on a non-numerical condition in one column no the original sheet? 2016-09-23T19:23:38.547

0 Why is bash using -ge to compare instead of ==? 2016-11-20T01:49:13.157

0 Excel - If two cells are greater than 0, than return the cell that is greater, if only one cell is greater than 0, than return that value 2017-08-30T08:00:32.707

0 EXCEL 2016 VLOOKUp or conditional statement? 2017-11-11T16:36:39.220

0 how to use Jenkins conditionals? 2018-03-20T08:28:16.443

0 Run command only on certain files in subfolders, depending on other files 2018-09-24T19:38:09.907

0 Is there a better way to accomplish this? Excel copy-pasting using conditional statement based on formatting conditions of the cells above and below 2018-10-24T13:55:41.680

0 Optimize code to check a Data Validation cell to pick another cell 2019-03-21T00:20:17.013

0 Highlighting cell using if condition 2019-04-24T10:50:04.283

0 How to exclude a LibreOffice Calc cell from calculation based on its properties? 2019-06-11T20:59:33.507

0 What's wrong with the batch file? 2019-06-23T11:05:08.077

0 Condition in bash script 2019-09-12T21:17:52.060

0 Using AVERAGEIF() over a range of years 2019-09-19T06:09:21.520

0 Identify pseudo-duplicate rows with conditionals 2020-01-27T20:47:17.147

0 Disable certain drop down list selections based on another cell 2020-02-13T19:51:03.823

0 I can't tell why my IF statement is producing false result 2020-02-26T18:43:54.530

-1 How do I set up a conditional formula with multiple criteria? 2016-10-07T04:15:01.837

-1 Nested IF and AND Statement for a range 2019-03-08T18:37:26.583

-1 Excel over 100% then = 100% 2019-03-22T18:23:46.117

-2 I'm trying to return the results of one of the if statements, but I am only able to get True/False results? 2018-09-04T13:39:32.327