Tag: compile

29 Where do I find nmake for Windows 7 x64 2010-05-29T05:32:07.713

25 Does recompiling a program produce a bit-for-bit identical binary? 2013-08-31T23:54:15.557

23 Visual Studio not auto-building when I press the debug button 2010-04-28T16:41:43.197

21 How to list imported symbols in ELF executable? 2010-07-09T13:14:27.397

18 Detect compiler used for EXE file 2009-12-08T21:54:09.297

16 Which PC components make the biggest impact on your compile times for Visual Studio? 2009-07-30T19:39:50.193

14 How was the first compiler compiled? 2010-04-25T07:41:35.467

14 Re-compile VIM with options 2014-01-28T15:59:56.593

13 Compiling the Linux kernel, how much size is needed? 2010-04-13T07:22:15.920

11 Compile gvim from sources? 2011-05-25T02:16:42.240

11 Python ./configure does not find g++ compiler 2014-07-24T12:40:53.583

9 Compiling FFMPEG for ARM 2013-10-05T01:16:34.587

8 Compiling the Linux kernel 2010-12-30T23:05:53.170

8 Difference between programs compiled for different OS 2013-01-29T23:39:03.520

7 Has anyone successfully configured mutt for GMail on FreeBSD? If so, how? 2010-04-21T12:44:00.190

7 What language are compilers written with? 2010-04-29T21:30:32.550

7 How to fix _decimal module compilation error when installing Python 3.3.2 in CentOS 5.9 (x86_64)? 2013-09-17T09:14:40.080

7 How do general binaries take advantage from new instructionsets on new CPUs 2014-01-29T11:01:51.463

6 Can you skip the "checking.." steps when running ./configure? 2009-08-30T18:18:06.707

6 Is it possible to run an x86 binary on an ARM processor? 2010-12-13T16:08:07.783

6 How to build Firefox from 4.0 source and optimize it? 2011-03-25T14:24:46.217

6 Is it usually best to compile on the same machine you want to execute on? 2011-08-26T08:17:52.373

6 GCC 4.8.1 failed complilation 2013-06-18T12:13:31.980

6 How to get `make` to recognize alias command 2015-07-04T17:51:34.260

5 How to remove a package I compiled and installed manually? 2010-09-02T19:06:04.607

5 replace/remove background image on gimp 2.6.11 2010-10-28T23:18:19.787

5 Compiling PHP on OS X: iconv works only if forced to 64-bit 2012-02-26T03:38:54.700

5 segfaults while compiling VLC on low memory system 2013-07-27T16:00:20.390

5 Compiling PHP 7 with mssql support 2015-12-10T08:15:03.157

5 Compiling Emacs 25.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 2016-09-27T09:33:27.207

4 What steps do I need to take to compile and install a Linux kernel? 2010-07-26T11:48:07.397

4 Where did SELinux go? 2011-03-06T17:35:26.140

4 Errors compiling Firefox on Debian 2011-04-18T07:28:17.127

4 Force specific CPU core usage in programs on Windows 7 2011-07-13T23:26:04.337

4 Portable C compiler for Windows on USB stick 2011-11-09T11:17:29.807

4 Use matlab in makefiles etc. How to speed things up? 2011-12-07T00:09:18.550

4 Case-sensitive error in compiler's building using crosstool-ng under Cygwin 2012-02-06T07:45:46.690

4 Add module to nginx after installation 2015-03-21T19:54:58.030

4 SSL not available when attempting to compile “wget” from source? 2015-03-29T05:50:21.337

4 Compiling pinfo on OS X 2015-10-23T03:17:24.617

4 How to compile the best version of FFmpeg for Windows 2019-04-14T16:29:27.290

3 Vista C Compiler 2009-08-18T13:12:50.157

3 Is it usually necessary to do make and then make install? 2009-11-20T01:30:58.927

3 Linux, recompiling from source 2010-01-31T18:25:45.013

3 Installing Qt headers and libraries 2010-03-29T07:30:25.947

3 c code compiles but is not executed in kubuntu 2010-04-14T15:50:39.153

3 Scala compiler _incredibly_ slow on Mac OS X 10.6 2010-10-06T10:33:38.793

3 Installing tmux on Ubuntu from source 2010-10-07T05:01:31.190

3 Distributed Compiling on Windows 2010-12-02T19:06:06.473

3 In Linux, how to get the man page for compiled programs? 2010-12-09T19:47:08.790

3 Compile linux kernel for different machine 2011-02-10T17:08:30.973

3 Performance difference between yum and self-compilation 2011-03-19T14:38:36.357

3 Xcode installed, but gcc/ g++ compilers are not found 2011-05-14T23:55:19.857

3 Can't compile because valac not found, but it's installed 2011-12-31T06:47:22.297

3 Should I replace my system drive or work files drive with an SSD? 2012-01-10T23:03:22.253

3 Combine compilation-mode and ansi-term-mode in Emacs? 2012-04-25T08:38:39.867

3 Installing Cygwin C and C++ compilers for NetBeans IDE 7.2 2012-07-28T09:17:52.350

3 iconv error for PHP 5.3 when compiling 2012-09-07T13:23:39.147

3 How do I compile gVim.exe as a 64 bit executable? (Windows 8) 2013-01-11T19:49:11.420

3 Building Boost in Arch 2013-06-16T22:37:22.520

3 What crashed Automake? 2013-11-01T10:43:16.177

3 How can I fix this configure error? 2013-11-07T20:47:11.147

3 Adding nonstandard files to a checkinstall package 2014-02-14T14:27:41.350

3 Why do compilers have to be "smarter" for RISC instruction set architecture 2014-03-07T09:09:54.673

3 Does a better/newer C or C++ compiler produce more performant compiled code? Or do they just perform faster/better while compiling? 2015-06-10T14:10:52.543

3 Segmentation Fault when building GCC 2017-02-03T04:15:19.370

3 configure not finding ffnvcodec dependency 2018-03-30T17:37:38.607

3 How to discover and list static libraries used by a software in Linux? 2018-07-06T19:42:49.517

2 Which RAID setup to use for a build-computer? 2010-03-16T01:41:04.813

2 internal compiler error 2010-04-06T17:43:12.900

2 Advantages of Re-Compiling of Linux Kernels: Share your Ideas 2010-06-06T06:35:19.797

2 How to build Ubuntu packages, so the install layout will exactly match the Ubuntu distro? 2010-06-29T23:11:59.457

2 Ubuntu libraries problem 2010-07-09T11:34:25.383

2 Use default options when compiling ports 2010-07-10T21:58:58.887

2 Compiling Python 3.1.1 in Windows XP 2010-08-01T00:18:33.320

2 Solid-State-Drives for Improved Performance 2010-11-29T18:08:47.023

2 How to compile Vim 7.3 with +signs on OSX 10.6.6? 2011-06-03T03:30:17.687

2 Out of space while bulding Linux kernel 2011-07-10T17:33:29.407

2 Compiling mpich2 on OSX (and targeting the OSX 10.5 SDK) 2011-09-20T19:17:28.940

2 Visual Studio 2010 won't compile/create new projects 2011-10-05T08:17:47.603

2 How do you add RefocusIt to Gimp? 2011-10-19T12:43:42.860

2 Native build of gcc compiler on windows 7 x64 2012-02-06T20:18:08.253

2 Is it better to compile from source or to install from a .deb package? 2012-02-08T02:02:05.477

2 compiler for c++ (thought it was g++?) 2012-02-18T23:21:05.927

2 How to compile .bat file using QT Creator 2012-04-16T10:47:04.007

2 Issue with Newlib install 2012-07-07T23:35:55.427

2 Issues installing/compiling mfcuk/libnfc on Windows 2012-07-16T11:10:55.623

2 alias gcc='gcc -fpermissive' or modifying ./configure script 2012-12-15T09:47:00.563

2 Linux kernel compiling: standalone OS 2013-01-01T14:41:58.377

2 Does modern software use different CPUs features selectively? 2013-03-18T22:28:19.223

2 Incorrect version of sed when compiling on OSX 2013-03-30T14:38:08.820

2 Error compiling and installing mcrypt from source 2013-04-15T16:11:41.990

2 Bootstrap error while compiling GCC 4.8.0 2013-05-07T12:49:35.440

2 Can't compile static ZFS binaries on Gentoo 2013-09-26T06:56:26.533

2 Can Firefox 18+ be compiled on RHEL 5.9? 2013-10-08T13:50:25.050

2 How to compile a gvim from source using the latest version? 2013-10-16T09:44:56.423

2 make a .deb package for a compiled source 2014-01-23T17:11:53.660

2 Would x86 assembly work on x64 processors? 2014-01-30T04:53:11.473

2 How do I install GCJ on OSX 2014-03-13T12:04:28.180