Tag: cat

224 What is the Windows equivalent of the Unix command cat? 2012-06-10T07:22:07.960

41 What is the general consensus on "Useless use of cat"? 2011-08-14T18:07:41.100

41 Why can I cat /dev? 2018-11-02T07:01:22.667

40 Unix cat starting from line 2009-10-30T08:21:12.197

29 Change Behavior of Linux Power Button 2014-01-10T17:42:53.933

25 Why is cat not changing the access time? 2012-08-21T09:22:30.803

22 List only the device names of all available network interfaces 2010-10-25T20:41:03.617

20 Why does this not work? "ls *.txt | xargs cat > all.txt" (all files into single txt document) 2010-09-28T11:04:48.910

19 Are there any options to let cat output with color? 2009-12-17T04:52:28.507

18 how to copy entire linux root filesystem to new hard drive on with ssh and tar 2013-05-11T04:41:12.450

14 Cat file to terminal at particular speed of lines per second 2012-12-31T07:31:26.640

12 lossless concatenation of ogg vorbis files 2015-01-15T00:18:13.733

12 Using -replace on pipes in powershell 2015-04-22T15:09:02.447

9 How to recursively find a .doc file that contains a specific word? 2011-08-31T11:57:23.680

9 How can I stop cat output immediately despite massive output? 2013-07-02T14:32:30.780

9 pipe and stdin redirection to cat 2015-11-12T13:46:03.087

9 Print (decrypt) a vim encrypted file 2016-06-07T21:09:17.467

8 Xargs and Wget stops working after an hour 2011-05-28T09:39:41.767

8 How to display the file contents recursively? 2013-01-10T14:53:22.710

7 Let less work like cat, if only one screen full of text 2010-11-26T12:55:30.310

7 MacOSX 10.6.7 cuts off stdin at 1024 chars 2011-03-30T10:31:17.913

7 Read non-blocking from multiple fifos in parallel 2012-10-03T14:39:58.497

7 What is the equivalent of Bash's cat -n in PowerShell? 2017-05-10T12:57:23.670

6 How do I close a file that I created using cat > command? 2010-10-11T22:48:56.063

6 Can cat be used to clone a partition? 2013-12-24T11:46:45.443

5 Showing the line count of a specific file 2011-03-30T06:48:51.357

5 Is it wasteful to call cat? 2011-07-07T13:18:17.137

5 Concatenating files from multiple subdirectories 2011-08-30T20:25:25.140

5 Escaping Variable in Cat 2012-11-02T04:58:11.327

5 Cannot cat file which has space in name in linux 2013-06-12T18:21:36.870

5 Is there anyway to `cat` two remote `tail -f` streams via SSH? 2013-06-17T11:01:43.897

4 Why does cat not use options the way I expect UNIX programs to use switches? 2010-06-09T11:55:17.740

4 Bash "Permission denied" issue when trying to append to EOF 2011-09-26T17:57:00.630

4 cat wc -l count lines line with defined line endings (e.g Mac OS X specific) 2014-03-22T02:41:56.920

4 Add text to list of files 2017-05-18T15:47:44.130

3 Linux cat example 2009-12-21T22:44:26.530

3 cat on Mac OS X never exits 2010-06-02T11:10:53.230

3 Is there a GUI 'cat'-like program for any platform? 2011-07-12T18:27:53.637

3 Why did my bash prompt turn to gibberish after I accidentally ran `cat` on a .coverage file? 2013-10-16T21:01:52.667

3 Piping commands into nc 2016-09-08T02:16:51.263

3 What is the "next cell character" when coping and pasting from a table? 2018-06-26T21:48:25.617

2 copying files by using cat on a network interface ? 2011-06-02T05:14:56.957

2 Linux shellscript combine all files without for loop 2011-06-12T21:08:47.727

2 Overwrite a file with an edited version in bash 2011-07-20T21:26:52.850

2 Utility to cat/gunzip a list of files 2011-11-09T17:18:56.707

2 How could I identify the usable Cat-5 pairs in this mess of torn-out wiring? 2012-02-14T17:52:06.153

2 Cat command output varies unusually in regards to * character 2012-07-13T01:49:44.380

2 Linux: cat /dev/video0 TS into some kind of ring puffer 2012-08-30T09:14:32.143

2 How to prepend contents of a file to another 2013-04-22T12:26:01.393

2 Trying to cat the result of piped commands 2014-08-12T21:55:34.250

2 Prevent cat from opening a binary file 2015-03-17T15:46:48.540

2 Receiving data from Serial Port 2015-12-06T02:43:28.463

2 Running 'cat' on a file opens the print dialog? 2017-11-16T13:59:17.227

2 the hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file- Creating a .cat file for an edited .inf? 2017-11-30T02:28:58.840

2 Cat hangs when attempting to read empty STDIN 2018-09-27T14:40:04.043

1 Error in the command "cat file | xclip" 2009-08-23T07:06:34.043

1 accidentally concatenate a large file on a remote system 2010-05-06T21:34:19.007

1 Command to update terminal as file is updated 2011-03-13T13:58:21.073

1 Scripts shell recording playback 2011-09-15T00:23:20.077

1 Pass an option syntax string as filename 2011-10-11T21:57:00.767

1 What will happen when I 'cat' 'ksh'? 2012-05-11T18:24:46.563

1 What to expect in permanent installations of ethernet cable 2012-08-24T12:21:42.710

1 Creating a new file that has one line added to to the first line and one line added to the last 2012-09-12T04:56:56.327

1 How do I create a new file with text outputted from a command? 2013-01-04T19:04:35.973

1 Move multiple files from filename list to a new folder 2013-12-06T16:39:40.323

1 head and cat don't recognize Microsoft Excel text files 2014-01-09T11:52:40.947

1 Adding text to the end of multiple files, minus one line( Adding return 0; at the end of each program in C) 2014-06-28T04:39:11.617

1 Make a web request, cat response to stdout? 2014-08-25T11:32:16.793

1 linux cat into file including exiting code all from copy+paste 2014-10-17T08:24:13.460

1 Empty line appears while merging different file contents in shell script 2015-06-22T11:24:43.600

1 add new line after every end of file's contents while merging multiple files 2015-06-22T12:41:30.070

1 Cat playing with mouse broke my Windows/Explorer :( Cannot click buttons in most of standard apps/menus 2015-11-23T06:56:22.820

1 To print values in diferent line in mail body shell script 2015-12-12T05:56:56.233

1 cat files from pipe 2016-05-28T16:54:04.880

1 Is it safe to split large encrypted GnuPG file then cat and decrypt later? 2016-11-29T19:28:01.623

1 echo stdin, unless empty, in which case cat a file 2017-03-03T21:06:34.297

1 How to overwrite with a pipe in unix 2017-04-15T02:09:26.593

1 cat command with a variable that has spaces 2017-06-03T18:14:34.443

1 Append to compressed log 2018-01-15T10:25:51.327

1 cat and grep with a huge file - Broken pipe 2018-04-13T08:46:41.990

1 CMD equivalent of cat >> text.txt 2019-02-17T15:00:16.577

0 Monitor sometimes does not go to sleep on a Mac 2009-08-04T07:17:00.373

0 Terminal is Stuck in "cat" 2011-09-20T04:53:38.907

0 cat file that contains escaped characters to netcat 2011-09-27T22:09:00.963

0 Join parts of two files together in Bash 2012-01-18T15:31:39.637

0 What is going wrong with cat 2012-12-06T11:48:06.290

0 Combining multiple data files with header while also adding a data column 2013-02-01T23:13:23.017

0 cat command outputs the whole directory when used in a bash script 2013-04-13T15:11:26.163

0 Write output to $TMPDIR/$variable : file does not exist (should be created) 2013-05-07T02:36:06.683

0 How can I simplify this command in Linux consisting of cat piped to a grep? 2013-05-21T05:05:28.010

0 Copying a template header to multiple existing files 2013-07-12T20:08:31.100

0 Why does echo work through pipe but not cat with msmtp? 2013-08-07T21:31:51.243

0 How to print statistics from lines in a file 2013-11-22T10:47:01.460

0 Special and diacritic charactres using less, cat and other linux tools 2013-11-25T12:22:06.413

0 Execute a command for 3 lines at a time 2014-01-05T06:20:09.353

0 Sort piped to uniq unexpected output 2014-08-08T16:05:23.197

0 how to clone a directory list to another directory 2014-09-13T19:13:34.993

0 Unix cat to Windows user 2014-11-03T19:12:15.060

0 Combine the results of a CAT and TAC in a single window in Linux 2015-01-31T15:10:28.117