Tag: carriage-return

34 Convert CRLF's to line feeds on Linux 2009-10-07T05:06:22.460

34 Vim: show line feeds & carriage-return 2010-01-19T08:11:53.007

33 Did Mac OS Lion switch to using line feeds (LF '\n') for line breaks instead of carriage returns (CR '\r')? 2012-06-20T19:16:24.097

33 What do you call a keyboard with a bar-shaped Enter key? 2014-11-08T03:07:50.440

22 How are \n and \r handled differently on Linux and Windows? 2012-01-03T06:45:53.873

19 Is there a Bash command to convert \r\n to \n? 2010-06-24T14:15:41.760

13 Join lines inside paragraphs in vim 2010-10-17T17:36:55.213

6 Why new lines at the end of files? 2009-11-19T02:26:40.290

6 How can I replace all \r\n with \n using Komodo Edit 2012-05-03T01:37:17.860

6 How to remove line breaks (or carriage returns) only from certain parts of a block of text? 2012-09-02T06:16:05.493

6 WSL - Trailing whitespaces being added to Bash code pasted into CMD WSL TTY per window size 2017-04-25T08:50:03.860

5 copy excel cell copies carriage return also 2012-04-24T20:56:00.447

3 Ignore carriage return for a specific file with Git 2011-01-29T17:35:43.127

3 Let Tee Handle Carriage-Returns Better 2016-09-14T06:39:09.670

3 What is the meaning of the Carriage Return symbol in MSO Word? 2020-01-08T21:23:42.270

2 Komodo Edit: How to use Tabs and Carriage Returns in Find/Replace? 2009-12-14T10:42:40.020

2 Removing carriage returns (^M) from certain lines without modifying every line 2013-12-04T19:52:04.883

2 Why is carriage return badly handled in redirections? 2016-04-07T12:44:43.947

1 Terminal printing carriage return as ^M?? [linux telling me to stop coding?] 2011-06-06T07:21:40.013

1 Paste from text editor to spreadsheet keeping CR in one cell 2013-03-13T00:34:28.697

1 Removing carriage returns from a mail merge field in Word 2014-07-31T10:07:47.187

1 linux password contains carriage return (^M or 0x0D or \r): how to send password through ssh 2015-11-19T13:10:45.593

1 Carriage Return not getting printed in the end of line 2018-10-01T05:32:27.793

1 How to disable PuTTY to not sending CR at the end of the buffer? 2019-08-29T06:51:20.000

0 How to Launch a Program and Two Returns 2010-05-11T21:37:16.917

0 Get External Data with carriage returns 2011-07-11T17:26:46.817

0 Doing an SVN merge on a different OS from most users - does this cause issues? 2012-04-25T06:42:53.583

0 Is there a Windows file format with <CR>-separated records (without <LF> characters)? 2013-12-11T18:51:37.883

0 Using \r in bash PS1 2014-04-04T21:09:13.790

0 Delete "unidentified" carriage-return char from a text file 2014-12-10T19:21:20.343

0 Why sed regexp digit character class includes CR character if the last digit is at the end of the line? 2016-03-10T14:46:00.367

0 Unix, Shell Scripting 2016-06-15T02:36:39.323

0 Does line-ending cause an issue for Local Folders in Thunderbird? 2016-10-11T20:07:46.280

0 Clean carriage returns from a text file so that it looks like its printed to console 2017-04-12T10:07:16.820

0 Extra Carriage Returns in Windows 10 - Update Issue? 2019-03-14T17:30:03.260