Tag: applescript

33 Assign a shortcut to running a script in OS X 2010-06-17T23:03:59.650

28 How to find my stolen Macbook 2011-11-09T19:04:40.577

17 How do I set up an AppleScript to open a new iTerm2 tab and change the directory? 2011-06-20T05:38:53.617

17 Programmatically set the color of a tab in iTerm2? 2012-03-22T15:33:15.410

14 Applescript to open a NEW terminal window in current space 2010-10-04T12:54:00.003

13 Track kids browsing history even when they know how to clear it manually 2009-10-10T14:08:57.087

13 AppleScript: Open a new window in current space without switching to active window in another space 2013-02-12T23:52:41.000

12 Execute applescript without open the editor 2009-07-29T00:22:22.427

12 MacOS X: How to have a handy "Open this folder in iTerm" shortcut? 2010-01-08T19:44:00.113

11 OS X Lion Inverted Scrolling Automation Shortcut 2011-08-09T17:58:06.663

10 Only get the size from "du" command, not the folder names 2012-12-17T08:22:33.137

9 Automated Interaction with Google Chrome 2011-07-13T18:19:12.217

9 Prettier text dialogs in OS X scripts 2011-10-25T08:48:54.667

9 How do I close a window from an application, passing the file name? 2013-01-01T09:55:49.653

9 Get path of parent folder of script location : Applescript 2013-11-07T13:50:10.020

8 How do I automate clicking a button in an application's window with AppleScript? 2011-09-16T21:15:01.393

8 Identify Mac OS X Window, Group, and Text Field names for use in AppleScript 2011-10-15T22:15:02.493

8 Folder actions on OS X observing all subfolders 2012-07-06T01:31:49.910

8 How do you duplicate current open Finder view in new tab (Mavericks)? 2013-10-29T09:04:46.700

7 Toggle "ask for password after screensaver/sleep" or the delay in 10.7 using terminal 2011-07-21T19:56:46.357

7 How can I launch Finder in a specific directory, from Automator or AppleScript? 2012-07-31T17:28:51.883

7 Make AppleScript wait for an Application to finish loading 2012-09-03T18:22:57.383

7 Get the media buttons on my bluetooth headset working with Spotify on OS X 2013-11-12T13:03:52.507

6 How do I make Mail.app quit after iCal sends an alert? 2010-03-13T04:07:24.083

6 What is the best way to make Calculate SHA1 as a context menu option in Mac OS X? 2010-05-09T15:22:10.997

6 How can I run a script whenever I plug in an external monitor? 2010-08-01T14:36:17.110

6 Mail.app: Showing remote images automatically for specific senders 2012-05-06T13:24:08.573

6 Creating "save as" functionality to .eml file in AppleScript 2012-10-07T11:58:29.590

6 Logout user script 2013-09-19T13:24:00.770

5 Responding to Growl notifications with Applescript 2009-10-02T12:55:25.263

5 Mac Screenshot of a Specific Window without Using the Mouse/Click 2010-01-13T18:45:29.503

5 Determine Mac's screen state using AppleScript 2010-08-29T03:42:49.960

5 Switch between Google Chrome Tabs using AppleScript 2011-03-27T18:09:08.793

5 Apple Mail: Flag message from keyboard 2011-10-14T08:23:12.633

5 How to zip multiple files into separate archives? 2012-05-30T06:00:49.307

5 AppleScript to paste clipboard into current application 2012-07-30T23:09:07.127

5 Open new terminal tab and execute script 2012-08-26T17:49:08.947

5 Applescript to connect to bluetooth device 2012-08-31T08:56:56.823

5 How to update Mac OS X Mavericks desktop background from a script 2013-10-23T11:47:44.447

4 How to prevent iTunes from adding converted Mp3s to the library? 2009-09-28T08:11:28.380

4 Applescript to lock the screen 2009-12-03T11:22:08.313

4 How to update Preview.app from the command line without losing focus on Mac OS X? 2010-03-24T17:22:03.937

4 AppleScript Editor record doesn't work 2010-08-22T18:45:29.103

4 Automatic PDF renaming based on title 2011-04-10T14:17:03.490

4 Way to switch F keys to 'application' keys and back on mac via terminal? (10.6) 2012-05-15T18:03:25.990

4 How to open a new Firefox window with URL argument 2012-06-11T14:14:13.370

4 Mac OS: How can I launch the iTerm terminal, with a specific profile, from Automator or AppleScript? 2012-07-31T17:20:33.767

4 Quotes within quotes applescript 2012-12-17T15:42:57.927

4 How do I automatically print only part of a PDF page in OS X? 2015-01-02T15:09:10.763

4 Open "About This Mac" from Terminal? 2015-06-05T15:55:58.980

4 Remove All Illegal Characters from All Filenames in a Given Folder and subfolders 2016-03-11T14:08:59.290

4 Alfred Workflow to move multiple files to Dropbox Folder 2018-05-05T15:03:24.593

3 Finding folders that contain changed files since date 2009-08-01T14:58:15.930

3 Get a list of all files and their attributes on OS X 2009-11-25T01:33:17.367

3 Script Editor in Snow Leopard painfully slow after adding apps to Library 2009-12-10T20:35:54.273

3 Save and reopen Spaces configuration in Mac OS X 2010-01-28T11:17:09.247

3 Save as PDF to Folder Script for Apple Mail 2010-03-11T11:19:25.360

3 how can I save the layout of my open apps on osx? 2010-04-03T13:29:12.460

3 How do you send the "ESC" key in OS X using osascript 2010-10-05T14:37:23.497

3 Selective Play/Pause VLC and iTunes with AppleScript 2011-05-08T09:18:43.440

3 Set OS X application preference to stop prompting for admin password 2011-08-22T01:40:26.610

3 iTerm2: How to get output of a shell command with applescript 2011-12-14T16:09:17.450

3 How do I run an Automator action, shell script or AppleScript on startup in OS X? 2012-01-02T14:50:31.740

3 Get parent of folder in AppleScript 2012-01-08T22:23:15.677

3 iCal AppleScript, how to specify 'the same day at 9'? 2012-05-21T13:55:06.213

3 How can I run an AppleScript or shell command on Mac OS X at screen unlock? 2012-07-10T15:30:42.233

3 auto-create symlink to currently inserted DVD 2012-07-14T21:10:03.573

3 Applescript create event in calendar, how do I remove the default alert? 2012-07-30T05:44:39.343

3 Use Automator to open shell script, see output in terminal 2012-11-06T07:12:42.587

3 AppleScript based Automator service quite unstable (sometimes very slow, sometimes encounter error) 2013-05-16T18:27:12.433

3 Change the OSX system language in a script 2013-09-09T19:55:43.567

3 NSUserAppleScriptTask and Script Monitor 2015-03-05T20:10:31.073

3 Applescript to update existing mail rule 2016-12-16T20:45:28.603

2 A way to strip certain text from incoming email in Mail.app (Mac Mail)? 2009-08-08T11:08:27.567

2 Are Snow Leopard text substitutions scriptable? 2010-01-09T16:09:27.843

2 Different Wallpaper if two monitors are attached 2010-05-24T08:17:46.480

2 How do I escape a slash in AppleScript? 2010-07-28T15:22:07.920

2 Is there a way to use AppleScript to create an iCal alarm that runs AppleScript like you can manually? 2010-08-05T21:34:36.257

2 How do You Open the Contents of a Folder with AppleScript? 2010-08-12T17:23:46.447

2 How do I create a Genius playlist in iTunes 10 from a script? 2010-09-08T00:32:03.173

2 Trying to silence Terminal Applescript 2010-11-04T21:34:09.090

2 Can you resize all mac windows at once? (e.g. when docking) 2011-01-03T02:33:55.560

2 Open Terminal Here, as Root (OS X) 2011-02-23T05:37:37.387

2 In OSX, can I launch, position and scale an application using applescript/automator? 2011-03-14T11:51:30.353

2 Limiting number or closing oldest open Safari windows 2011-05-15T09:42:54.533

2 OS X Lion: AppleScript unbearably slow for moving Mail messages 2011-08-05T12:04:20.337

2 Set file creation date by reading modified date 2011-08-27T20:59:01.120

2 Need an everyday reminder at a specific time of the day on Mac OS X? 2011-10-27T04:22:17.227

2 How can I type text from a file on Mac OS X? 2012-01-14T17:44:20.247

2 How can I get Automator to open a URL in the current Safari tab? 2012-01-25T23:03:21.847

2 How to open a new Firefox window with Terminal 2012-03-03T04:39:49.630

2 Change Pseudo-Function Keys to Show/Hide Application 2012-05-01T02:16:53.640

2 Script to join WPA2 Enterprise wifi 2012-06-14T16:50:06.883

2 AppleScript to logoff Mac user after closing an application? 2012-08-03T02:17:20.600

2 Automating tasks in OSX like VPN Connection? 2012-08-14T01:18:52.917

2 Applescript Adobe Updater 2012-09-06T14:08:27.920

2 Applescript Woefully Slow Finder.app Set Comment 2012-09-25T05:44:15.540

2 Close all Mac Terminal windows, but the one running a script 2012-09-25T15:25:47.993

2 How to get which file is requested to open using a mac application? 2012-09-27T14:02:32.337