Howto Emacs nyan-mode image in console



I have emacs’ nyan-mode working in my OS X desktop emacs (24.5). But I’d very much like to get that working in my console emacs. I’m using:

  • Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS (precise), in a Vagrant VM.
  • (OSX) Terminal 2.5.3

Given that I'm in a Vagrant VM, I'm not sure this is possible. But would like to try. Incidentally, the nyan image doesn't display in a non-vagrant console emacs, either.

For the vagrant version, I’ve downloaded and compiled emacs 24.5 with image support. And nyan-mode's actual image file is an xpm, which emacs supports.

I’ve added my user to the "video" group, which owns the frame buffer device ( ....------ 1 root video 29, 0 Nov 9 04:09 /dev/fb0 ).

And still no dice. I've tried troubleshooting this, by trying out the fbi console viewer, as per this SO post. It runs without error, but no image displays. So I'm pretty sure the console just isn't setup to display images.

Is there anything I can do to display images in my console?

$ sudo fbi -T 1 <parent-dirs>/img/nyan.xpm 

using "DejaVu Sans Mono-16", pixelsize=16.67 file=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf


Posted 2015-11-09T06:14:30.360

Reputation: 131

You could also try to use on the client side MLTerm, which supports the Sixel format, a standard for sending pixels via escape sequences, or terminology, which can show images too. You would just have to print the raw escape codes from your emacs configuration, and they would show up on the client side.

– Suzanne Dupéron – 2016-02-11T21:40:03.023

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