how to concatenate the output of vlookups in one step


I'm trying to run two vlookup operations and concatenate the results in one formula as such:


The result should be 5/6, but instead I am getting the whole formula character for character. I know I can do this by running the vlookups in separate cells and them concatenating everything, but I'm looking to get this done in 1 step/formula and without any macros. Is it possible?


Posted 2015-11-02T21:52:27.803

Reputation: 233

1Make sure your cell that has this is formatted to general and not text – Eric F – 2015-11-02T21:53:55.913



Make sure your cell that has this is formatted to general and not text. Here is how to change the format of a cell:

enter image description here

Eric F

Posted 2015-11-02T21:52:27.803

Reputation: 3 070