Can't calculate % of row in Excel Pivot Table



Product types A, B, C, D Each type has numerous products, say type A has 100 products, type B 50 etc..

product#    product type     buyer
01          A                john
02          A                
101         B                mary
102         B                peter

I want to calculate % of products sold per product type. My pivot table looks like:

total = count(product#)  ' number of 'product#' column 
sold = count(buyer)      ' number of non-empty 'buyer' column

product type    total    sold     %sold
A               100      50       50%
B               50       20       40%

I can get pivot table to show "total" and "sold" columns, but how do I calculate "%sold" column?


Posted 2015-10-29T04:58:00.943

Reputation: 424

Your question isn't clear now. How can you get total and sold amount of products from your original data? – Máté Juhász – 2015-10-29T05:04:27.460

Added 'buyer' column where an empty cell means it's not sold. – ytk – 2015-10-29T05:11:48.900



You need to add a new column where you put 1 for sold and 0 for the other rows.
(can do easily with a formula: =(C2<>"")*1)

Then in table pivot table just calculate average of this column and format it as percentage.

enter image description here

Máté Juhász

Posted 2015-10-29T04:58:00.943

Reputation: 16 807