Filter data from pivottable to only current day


I have a pivottable where I amongst others have a date column/row. In a regular table I can put a filter on "current day" however this is not an option in the filters for the pivottable. How can I get only data from the day today, other than copying the data in the pivottable to a regular table and filter there?


Posted 2015-10-23T13:42:04.547

Reputation: 199

You can filter both column labels and row labels. Can you show an example of your pivot table? – CFreitas – 2015-10-28T11:44:49.457

@CFreitas Yes, I can filter both column and row labels, but I cant find any date conditional filters ("Last week") etc. The pivot table has dates in the first column and some other information in the second. – bjornasm – 2015-10-29T08:23:19.953

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