Is it possible to install 2 IP cameras in the same Wi-Fi network in a way that they are both visible by external networks, e.g. 3G mobile networks?


As just stated in the title, I am having trouble installing 2 IP cameras such as these pictured below. Basically, they both work with Wi-Fi network, but when I switch on 3G only one of them is visible by the IP camera Android app.

I have been told that it is not possible to have multiple IP cameras publicly visible, but only one of them, and that if you want to do so the configuration is highly complicated... is that true?

enter image description here

Cris Cole

Posted 2015-08-31T17:16:33.160

Reputation: 307

3If both of them use UPnP to appear online and allow incoming connections, make sure they are using different ports. Two devices on one port is impossible to route. – GiantTree – 2015-08-31T18:12:24.350

They are on different IP and different ports... – Cris Cole – 2015-08-31T18:50:03.027

Do you own two distinct external IP addresses? If not, then that's the issue I'm talking about. You can only assign one device to one port (unless you are using load based routing that requires switches, distinct servers etc.). – GiantTree – 2015-08-31T18:51:58.413

The first camera has with port 81,the second with port 3333. – Cris Cole – 2015-08-31T20:09:09.550

1These are local IPs. You can't access them unless you are in the same network. Make sure both ports are forwarded through your router or set up a VPN to access those local IPs through that. – GiantTree – 2015-08-31T20:51:03.233

As GiantTree says, you'll need to create two port forwards on your router - one for each camera IP and the respective ports you've configured thenm on. This should work perfectly if your Android app allows you to choose the port the cameras are on so you can connect to multiple cameras. – Kinnectus – 2015-08-31T21:46:00.927



Its difficult to tell for sure as your cameras are very generic - It should be possible to run both cameras by having them on different ports and/or doing appropriate port-mapping on the router.

An alternative solution would be to get a router which is VPN server capable (you may well be able to convert your existing router to use dd-wrt or similar), then connect to your VPN from your phone and use the cameras as if you were on the LAN. [ Note that you may need to use a dynamic DNS service as well so the VPN client on your phone can find the server. ] A good VPN system to use is OpenVPN


Posted 2015-08-31T17:16:33.160

Reputation: 49 152

They indeed are on different ports and IP... – Cris Cole – 2015-08-31T18:50:52.703