How does Windows Explorer determine categories for devices on the network?


I have a number of devices on my network: some PC's, servers, and printers. When using Windows Explorer to view my network devices are separated into two categories:

  • Computer (Number of devices)
  • Printers (Number of devices)

How can I change the Categories definition of my servers so that they are listed in their own category and not mixed in with the PC's?

For example:

  • Computer (Number of devices)
  • Server (Number of devices)
  • Printers (Number of devices)


Posted 2015-08-31T00:21:01.597

Reputation: 21

Essentially each device talks with your computer using a specific network protocol. Depending on that protocol and what information is exchanged the Windows explorer categorizes the devices. – MrPaulch – 2015-08-31T10:21:35.890

I am presuming that the device identifies itself using LLT (Link Layer Topology) therefore I am hoping that the Categories value of Computer in this case is stored somewhere in the registry. Does anyone know where this categories value is stored? – Antony – 2015-09-01T22:10:42.753

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