How do I locate a file / folder which is too long and bars me from uploading to OneDrive


I have a file/folder which is preventing me from uploading to OneDrive. I did not generate this file/folder and after 3 complete searches of my PC I cannot locate the file/folder. However, according to OneDrive the name is:

C:\Users\iseul_000\OneDrive\Desktop\DROPBOX\BACKUP files, Aileen, Louis, Iseult\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\ShockWave Flash\YWPD7WHE\\support\flashplayer\\settings.sol

Please tell me how to find this file/folder so that I can shorten the name and thus allow uploading of OneDrive files & folders, as advised by OneDrive on-screen whenever I do try to upload.

Iseult Catherine O Brien

Posted 2015-08-29T14:34:14.617

Reputation: 11

Are you searching with hidden and system files included? – DavidPostill – 2015-08-29T14:36:51.557

Hi David ~As far as I know I have searched including system files. However, I hadn't heard of 'hidden' files and so do not know if they are automatically searched as well when a search of every file & folder in a PC is commenced. Thank you for your post. Kind regards, Iseult. Iseult Catherine O'Brien. – Iseult Catherine O Brien – 2015-08-30T20:37:16.203

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