How to prevent Ubuntu booting into X


I am actually wondering how to prevent services (in this case the X server) in Ubuntu (14.04) from startup automatically at boot time. I tried:

sudo update-rc.d lightdm remove


sudo update-rc.d lightdm stop 2 3 4 5

but the session managager starts up nevertheless. What piece of Ubuntus startup system I have to work with in order to do the job?

Thanks for your help!


Posted 2015-08-28T08:26:44.613

Reputation: 167



As far as I know, this is configured within a parameter in the GRUB default file.

Edit your /etc/default/grub file and there should be a parameter called GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. Change its value to text.

After that, don't forget to update your GRUB config:

sudo update-grub2


Posted 2015-08-28T08:26:44.613

Reputation: 4 960

Ugh - That worked out for me. Thanks! I now could start X manually by issuing "sudo service lightdm start". But I really think the Ubuntus startup/service system is quite a bit too decentralized... I would never have come to the idea that this could be configured within the GRUB configurations :( – fragwürdig – 2015-08-28T08:44:30.683