Sorry if the title is a bit confusing. Recently, I joined a forum event. They were strict about one entry per IP.
The mods contacted me and told me that multiple entries were entered from same IP. So they concluded that both entries were from same device. I use a laptop from home broadband connection. No one else has access to it. The other entry was from a different user.I don't know that user, nor is he from the same locality. But both are from India.
How is it possible?
4In some places in the world, entire towns show the same IP address. It's a poor solution to avoiding multiple entries. – Tetsujin – 10 years ago
This forum has some dated admins or not really techy at least. NAT/PAT protocols have been used for decades now, so to identify the use by IP only, is like asking them to use analog modem for browsing. Forum should step it up and use some browser fingerprints or similar. – mnmnc – 10 years ago
@mnmnc Yeah some of the mods are tech illiterate. I'm going to try my best to explain the situation to them, but it's going to be difficult as they view these situations as inevitable friendly fire / casualties of war. Unfortunately, we don't have access to anything beyond IPs - only the admins have that power. – krikara – 10 years ago
@krikara, didn't expect to see you here, thanks for the help... :) – Jacob Thazhath – 10 years ago