Creating a table similar to pivot table


I'm not sure how to explain it, but I hope this example makes it clear.


Yes/No | Place1 | Place2 | Place3
Yes    | Thing1 | Thing2 | Apple
No     | Apple  | Thing2 | Thing1
Yes    | Orange | Banana | Apple

Desired output:

        | Place1 | Place2 | Place3
 Thing1 |  100%  |        |   0%
 Thing2 |        |   50%  |        
 Apple  |   0%   |        |  100%
 Orange |  100%  |        |
 Banana |        |  100%  |       

The percentages correspond to the percentage of Yes for that place thing combo. So the 50% there for Thing2xPlace2 is because in the data, 1 out of 2 times that Thing2 was in Place2, the corresponding Yes/no column was yes.

I think I can get it working for fixed values for things, but I would like that to be more dynamic. If there is a new value in the data, there should be a new row in the table.

Any tips are much appreciated, and thanks in advance!

Edit: preferably for google spreadsheets but if there's a way in excel i might be able to do the same in google docs


Posted 2015-08-25T00:24:18.420

Reputation: 113

I am able to do this in excel for you I will post my answer in a few minutes. – Matthew Lozoya – 2015-08-25T03:23:49.187



I setup a sheet as you did above enter image description here

I then converted the data part to a table with headers enter image description here

I then used a COUNTIFS formula in cell G2 to count the number of "yes" and matched it to F2 and Place 1 in the table.

That result is then divided by the number of "yes" and "No" that Match cell F2 for Place 1 in the table using the same COUNTIFS format in the table to get the percentage.

The IFERROR at the beginning gets rid of #DIV/0 errors.

Here is the complete formula for G2

=IFERROR(COUNTIFS(Table3[[Place 1 ]],F2,Table3[Yes / No],"yes") / (COUNTIFS(Table3[[Place 1 ]],F2,Table3[Yes / No],"yes")+COUNTIFS(Table3[[Place 1 ]],F2,Table3[Yes / No],"no")),"")

I then drag filled the formula down for each item in Column G.

I then created the same formula with appropriate references for Place 2 and Place 3 and filled down for each

enter image description here

If you add rows to the table it will automatically update the values on the right because you referenced the columns in the table.

enter image description here

Matthew Lozoya

Posted 2015-08-25T00:24:18.420

Reputation: 276

I am sorry I am not familiar with Google Sheets but I hope this helps – Matthew Lozoya – 2015-08-25T05:02:51.753

There also might be a way to make the other table dynamic for items as well let me know if your interested and I can look into that – Matthew Lozoya – 2015-08-25T05:05:23.637