using system scheduler on win 2012R2 I would run the following bat file:
echo %DATE%_%TIME% >> C:\test\testschedule.txt
timeout /T 300 /NOBREAK
start ping -t
start ping -t
start ping -t
the script runs fine if manually executed. the script seems to run fine if scheduled with a user with log as batch job local policy applied. The txt file gets populated at every restart. I would like to check if it's running on task manager (or an easy way to identify it with the equivalent of a process id written in the txt file). Could anyone give me a tip about how getting it done?
wmic process where "caption='cmd.exe' or caption='ping.exe'" get ProcessID, CommandLine
– JosefZ – 2015-08-18T09:14:43.047thank you, and by the way, I forgot that starting the pings with: start ping, makes them visible in the task manager, so I already had a way to track them, but I like more your solution. – Malkavian – 2015-08-18T19:12:05.213