How can identify an unknown source of suspicious network traffic on my Mac OS X computer?



Sometimes (maybe about once a day) I appear to have a quite high amount of incoming network traffic of around 2.5Mb/s during 15 minutes for no apparent reason. No P2P, nothing launched except browser and email and I even tried to stop them without changes.

My computer is a personal Mac OS X 10.10.4 (Yosemite) updated from Mac OS X 10.9.6 (Mavericks) and I’m the only owner. I have a script that rsync’s data on my local network every hour but it’s obviously not that. I also have a Synology app installed but it's closed and doesn't appear in ps aux or top.

I investigated with iftop, so I can see where it’s comming from:

iftop screenshot

When I turn port display to numeric, FMTP is 8500, it corresponds to flight message protocol.

Then I tried to ping the IPs:

Buzut:~ Buzut$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
36 bytes from ( Communication prohibited by filter
Vr HL TOS  Len   ID Flg  off TTL Pro  cks      Src      Dst
 4  5  00 5400 abc7   0 0000  38  01 5abc 

Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
36 bytes from ( Communication prohibited by filter
Vr HL TOS  Len   ID Flg  off TTL Pro  cks      Src      Dst
 4  5  00 5400 ae78   0 0000  38  01 580b 

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

Buzut:~ Buzut$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

What’s weird is that I’m on my network but here it’s downloading data from to like if it just went through my computer without it to be the destination. has something to do with my ISP because it’s Bouygues Telecom. But appart from that, it still look suspect to me. How can I know more? What is being downloaded? For what purpose?

At the same time, I don’t see this with netstat. The version of netstat in Mac OS X doesn’t work the same way as on other systems as far as options go. So here it goes:

Buzut$ netstat -a
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)    
tcp4       0      0 ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0     ec2-23-21-110-17.http  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0     ec2-23-21-110-17.http  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0       ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0     a23-200-86-198.d.http  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0     mrs04s09-in-f206.http  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  localhost.cap          *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4       0      0  localhost.1024         *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4       0      0  localhost.blackjack    *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4       0      0 ESTABLISHED
tcp46      0      0  *.53673                *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4       0      0  *.53673                *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4       0      0     ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  localhost.27017        localhost.64807        ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  localhost.64807        localhost.27017        ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  *.27017                *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4       0      0 ESTABLISHED
tcp4     143      0       CLOSE_WAIT 
tcp4     143      0       CLOSE_WAIT 
tcp4     143      0       CLOSE_WAIT 
tcp4       0      0    ESTABLISHED
tcp4       0      0  localhost.intu-ec-clie *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0  localhost.intu-ec-     *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp4     143      0       CLOSE_WAIT 
tcp4       0      0  localhost.ipp          *.*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0  localhost.ipp          *.*                    LISTEN     
udp4       0      0  *.53878                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.62654                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp46      0      0  *.53673                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.53673                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.54480                *.*                               
udp4       0      0       *.*                               
udp6       0      0  buzut.ntp              *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.62268                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.62268                *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.53100                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.53100                *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.63111                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.63111                *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.53310                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.53310                *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.65513                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.65513                *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.62913                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.62913                *.*                               
udp46      0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.54514                *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp6       0      0  localhost.ntp          *.*                               
udp4       0      0  localhost.ntp          *.*                               
udp6       0      0  localhost.ntp          *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.ntp                  *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.ntp                  *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp46      0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp6       0      0  *.mdns                 *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.mdns                 *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.*                    *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.netbios-ns           *.*                               
udp4       0      0  *.netbios-dgm          *.*


Posted 2015-08-15T08:05:07.983

Reputation: 153

To display port numbers I'd have to use -P option in iftop, then to see which process is running on a port I could do netstat -tunp | grep portNumber or even lsof -i:portNumber – Buzut – 2015-08-15T08:35:40.513

You say your ISP is Bouygues Telecom, but how is your internet connection handled? Meaning do you have DSL with a modem or are you using a Mi-Fi 3G/4G card or something similar? – JakeGould – 2015-08-31T00:05:40.570



So here is my forensics on what you are presenting:

The Basics is a multicast address in the administratively-scoped (local) multicast range of addresses from to

Since resolves to Bouygues Telecom, my best guess is that is your outward/WAN interface address or perhaps a router on the Bouygues Telecom network.

And as far as your differences between iftop results and netstat goes, this answer on Server Fault sums it up concisely: iftop uses pcap (packet capture) to show/capture all packets on a network while netstat strictly shows the sockets open machines on the network.

So my educated guess is while you might not be aware of a process actively running, something on your network—and possibly even your ISP connection device; modem or router—is broadcasting outwardly to the network. And multicast means basically that: Just throw packets onto the network.

More Details/Theories

Yes, port 8502 translates to “FTN Message Transfer Protocol” on some port deciphering sites but the receiving port of 49152 is within the dynamic/private port range. My gut tells me that port 8502 might be used for something else in this case because—for example—software like CommCell/CommVault uses port 8502 as well.

As for what would constitute 2.5MB of traffic every now and then? No clue. But following up on the CommCell idea and reading the documentation on the software reveals:

The software provides a powerful set of storage management tools that help you move and manage your critical data. These tools enable you to store and retrieve data associated with computer systems in your enterprise.

So knowing all of that, you say you are using Mac OS X I am but unclear what machine you have or where it initially came from. Was it ever a machine that was a part of an Enterprise (aka: workplace) environment where data on machine usage would need to be sent to an administrator on a regular basis? Because what you are saying about this burst of 2.5MB of data every now and then seems to mesh nicely with some background/daemon system monitoring process that is trying to “reach out” to a network central server to send data.

Meaning, I believe that some CommCell related process—perhaps the iDataAgent installed on a client system as explained here—is attempting to broadcast your machine’s system EKG data to the larger world; what it thinks is a central CommCell Console server. But it’s failing since you are not in an Enterprise environment or this machine is misconfigured. So that 2.5MB of data is just being dumped into the ether and the “destination” of your (Bouygues Telecom) external IP address is the best it can do.


All of that said, in a comment on this answer you state, “…but the 2.5MB of data is ingoing, not outgoing…” Well, yes it technically is incoming; the traffic is coming from the address (a Bouygues Telecom address) and apparently going to (a multicast address on your system). So it would seem that something on the Bouygues Telecom network is broadcasting that 2.5MB of data to all multicast connections; including yours. That is what multicast is about.

Which is to say, I don’t believe any of this is coming from a process on your Mac OS X computer but rather iftop is just picking up all packets it gets and tells you what it sees.

Should you be concerned that a seemingly random 2.5MB burst of data is headed to your Bouygues Telecom network connection? I am a bit unsure about that but if it concerns you I would recommend contacting Bouygues Telecom tech support and asking, “Is there a reason why 2.5MB of multicast traffic is being sent to my computer’s network by your network every 15 minutes or so?” Granted, the chances of you getting a straight/real answer to that question are slim at best, but honestly it wouldn’t be a bad first step to take if you are truly curious about this.


Posted 2015-08-15T08:05:07.983

Reputation: 38 217

Thank you very much for your comprehensive answer. The machine is a personal OSX 10.10.4 updated from a 10.9.6 and I've been the only owner. I have a script that rsync data on my local network every 1/hour but it's obviously not that. I also have a Synology app installed but it's closed and doesn't appear in ps auxor top. You say "[…] attempting to broadcast your machine’s system EKG data to the larger world", but the 2.5MB of data is ingoing, not outgoing. Could it be the to attempt reach out some server that would generate this broadcast from BTelecom in return? – Buzut – 2015-08-31T10:36:01.127

Moreover, is there a way I could try to identify the potential source, like if there's iDataAgent installed and trying to communicate with a CommCell Console server? – Buzut – 2015-08-31T10:41:02.290

1@user1717735 You state, “…but the 2.5MB of data is ingoing, not outgoing…” If it is 2.5MB of data coming from (a multicast address) and apparently going to (a Bouygues Telecom) it then seems that something on the Bouygues Telecom network is broadcasting that data to all connections; including yours. I don’t believe any of this is coming from a process on your Mac OS X computer but rather iftop is just picking up all packets it gets and tells you what it sees. – JakeGould – 2015-08-31T11:09:06.297

This is enlightening, thank you very much. I will definitely contact BT's tech support and ask them about it. I'll post any relevant key they might answer. – Buzut – 2015-08-31T11:45:18.493

1@user1717735 FWIW, small issue with my comment above. I adjusted my answer to address it but is an address on your system; a multicast address. And, yes technically there is incoming traffic is coming from the address (a Bouygues Telecom address) and apparently going to (a multicast address on your network). But the overall assessment is still the same; I just got the IP addresses mucked up a bit. Sorry for an inadvertent confusion that might have caused. – JakeGould – 2015-08-31T17:30:46.990