How to prevent automatic login of the last user in Windows 10?



There was a pretty arcane hack that worked in Windows 8.1, but it doesn't work any more. Any suggestions?


Posted 2015-07-29T17:43:48.717

Reputation: 391

1You should describe the "hack" in your question. If the link ever goes dead then your question will be useless to both you and future visitors. – Mokubai – 2015-07-29T19:05:25.333

1not sure about this, but try: Run secpol.msc as admin -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> Interactive logon: Do not display last user name -> Enabled – Divin3 – 2015-07-29T22:16:18.907

@Divin3 thanks for a good suggestion, but it also disables the user list, and i have to type in the username manually. I'd rather be presented with the list of users, so i can log in with one click. – user697683 – 2015-07-29T22:31:41.690

there are a few options for Windows 8 here: one of them should work for Win 10 as well.

– Divin3 – 2015-07-29T22:48:06.487

These procedures don´t work. This does:

– None – 2016-02-03T17:19:01.610



The following works for me on Windows 10 Pro x64. It's particularly useful if some accounts don't have passwords.

  • Go into the Local Group Policy Editor (you can get there by searching the configuration panel)
  • In the navigation panel, click to expand the User Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
  • In the right panel, double click to open Logon (not Logoff!)
  • In the windows that opens, click on Add
  • In the Script Name field, input: C:\Windows\System32\reg.exe
  • In the Script Parameters field, input: ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\UserSwitch /V Enabled /T REG_dWORD /D 1 /F
  • Click OK and close the window
  • Restart the PC (logging out might also suffice)

Now when you login and go to shut down the PC, you will be greeted by the list of user names at the next boot.

I have confirmed this works on my Windows accounts, but only if you put the script at the Logon, not the Logoff, which used to work for Windows 8.x. What this does is change a registry key to enable the User Switch (sets it to 1). Apparently, this registry key gets reset (set back to 0) by another process (likely during logon) and this Policy puts it back to 1.

Source: Option Two of this Eight Forums tutorial


Posted 2015-07-29T17:43:48.717

Reputation: 190

This approach will make UAC crazy - see an example at

– AntonK – 2016-07-30T22:50:56.697

Looks like you mess up UAC only when you change permissions, resp. ownership of Registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\UserSwitch. Setting the value each time at Logon seems to work well. – Wernfried Domscheit – 2017-03-01T06:57:45.973


I've found that enabling the user switch via HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\UserSwitch breaks UAC popups for standard (non-admin) users.

The alternative, hiding the list of users ( requires typing in the user name.

What worked best for me was to non-intuitively enable auto-signin ( If you put an empty username and password, the sign-in screen will:

  1. Prompt with user "Other User"
  2. From here you can click OK
  3. You can then click whatever family account to sign-in from the bottom left list.

The extra click for the OK was an acceptable compromise for me.


Posted 2015-07-29T17:43:48.717

Reputation: 21


The problem is that your computer is set to only "show" the last user that logged in and since that user does not use a password, it simply logs in. Set it up to show all users every time instead of only the last user to log in.

Curtis Thomas

Posted 2015-07-29T17:43:48.717

Reputation: 1

2I'm not using Windows, so maybe it's really obvious, but: can you describe "Set it up to show all users every time instead of only the last user to log in."? – Arjan – 2017-08-06T14:21:00.747


For everyone else using a version of Windows 10 without GPO, you can do this.

  1. Windows + R
  2. Enter control userpasswords2 and click OK
  3. Tick the box that says Users must enter a username and password to use this computer
  4. Click OK



Posted 2015-07-29T17:43:48.717

Reputation: 4 778

3That's true, but this doesn't work if one of the user accounts does not have a password. In that case, it will login straight away, regardless of that setting. – Veliremus – 2015-08-06T17:43:14.267

This did not work for me. The box was already checked, but the auto login occurs – paqogomez – 2015-10-12T22:21:32.537