Opening Excel 2007 to a specific worksheet from a file:// link



Our internal website links to Excel files on a network-mapped drive. The links specify the filename and worksheet to open, in the following format (path and link information omitted):


This works fine with Excel 2003, but we're moving to Excel 2007, which won't even open the file if that extra information is present.

I haven't been able to find a definitive answer on whether this feature has been removed (or the syntax changed) in 2007. Any help will be highly appreciated!

Ben M

Posted 2010-01-11T18:00:31.023

Reputation: 223


You should ask this to Microsoft guys.

– Mehper C. Palavuzlar – 2010-02-11T13:08:57.393

@Mepher: SU exists so that questions can be asked. If you don't know the answer, then don't post. -1 if I could. – guitarthrower – 2010-04-21T19:55:48.960

1@Ben: you've omitted the path and link information, but I think that might be helpful in solving the issue. Can you provide (at least obfuscated) the path and link? – guitarthrower – 2010-04-21T19:56:48.800

1@guitarthrower: Mehper's comment came a month after this question was initially posted. suggesting another resource to the asker of a month-old, not-answered question isn't a bad thing. – quack quixote – 2010-04-22T01:30:58.800

1@quack quixote: good point. Didn't notice that. – guitarthrower – 2010-04-22T15:18:21.430



You can create a VBS script to do this. Save the following as filename.vbs:

Dim xlApp
Dim wbkTemp
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wbkTemp= xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\folder\file.xls")
xlApp.Visible = True

and create a shortcut to this .vbs file.


Posted 2010-01-11T18:00:31.023

Reputation: 2 473