I've run into a problem a few times now where I'm installing linux in a virtual machine, and all of my interfaces look like "enp0s3" or "enp0s8" ect.
In one test, I was running a VM with 4 virtual NICs, somehow those showed up in linux as:
enp0s3 enp0s8 enp0s9 enp0s17
The numbering scheme alone confuses me, but I'm mostly not sure on how to determine which one points to which NIC.
If I do lspci, it shows me all the devices in the system but not how they connect to the list of interfaces....if I do "ip link show" it shows me all the interfaces, but not the NIC they're attached to. What do I do?
To clarify, I'm not trying to do much of anything with my physical layer of hardware. When I seek to see "which nic is which" I'm trying to figure out the best method to determine which interface (enp0sX) is pointing to which of Virtual Box's 4 virtual NICs. Obviously if you have one nic, that explains itself, but if you're using all 4 virtual NICs and they're all using the same driver, it gets hard to sort out which is which.
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– td512 – 2015-05-14T00:44:37.213that gets me closer, now I have a mac address and I can work my way backwards from there...but some systems are nice where you can tell which nic is which by what driver its using, but that doesn't seem present anymore.. – Volumetricsteve – 2015-05-14T00:51:47.540
1Am I correct in saying you want to know which of your virtual NICs corresponds to the hardware NIC in the host? The guest is oblivious to the host hardware, it only knows the virtual. From the host, you can do someting like
VBoxManage showvminfo {vmname}
orVBoxManage list bridgedifs
will get you other info as well . . . still need to do some cross referencing . . . – ernie – 2015-05-14T00:54:02.513oh, no sorry ernie, I'll clarify more. My Virtual Machine has two virtual nics, one based on an AMD chipset and the other is an Intel driver...I think it's commonly regarded as 'e1000'. Virtual Box is bridging the AMD nic to my wifi connection so it can talk directly to the DHCP in my house. I want to be able to set up my other virtual nic to forward packets to yet another virtual machine simply to teach myself how to do it...but I'm not that far into the problem yet. I'm still trying to figure out from within the OS I can determine which NIC is which. – Volumetricsteve – 2015-05-14T01:01:03.987
Right now it looks like I have to know the MAC of each NIC and then go from there. – Volumetricsteve – 2015-05-14T01:01:15.117