Wireless network management


My (wireless) network implementation, goes like this :

5 ADSL lines (Up to 24 Mbps) but they work aprox. @ 4-5 Mbps.

I want to support 60 clients on the same time.

The routers we have available : ZTE ZXHN H108NS -> Annex A(PSTN)

I was wandering what is the best practice i should follow in order to avoid big downtimes.

The default firmware (according to my knowledge) cannot restrict torrents, nor monitor the network usage.

Also, i am balancing my load by splitting the lines into different lines.

C1,C2...C12 -> Line 1
C13 ... C24 -> Line 2
C25 ... C36 -> Line 3
C37 ... C48 -> Line 4
C49 ... C60 -> Line 5

At least one client in Line 1 and one in Line 2 with bad behaviour could cause me 24 dissapointed clients.

Dimitris Sapikas

Posted 2015-05-12T23:02:52.497

Reputation: 111

Yeap, i know that i will have big downtimes, but i want to minimize that time, so i would like some tips like how to block torrents or monitor the activity, blocking irrelevant websites etc. – Dimitris Sapikas – 2015-05-13T05:09:23.543

Because 5 ADSL lines for 60 people is too much, and i don't believe that they will follow any kind of rules :( – Dimitris Sapikas – 2015-05-13T05:13:09.150

If at least one of them has enabled some torrent or windows update or something big, he will destroy the whole line. – Dimitris Sapikas – 2015-05-13T05:14:04.183

As i said on my 2nd line, the lines are actually working on 4-5 Mbps, for aprox 12 clients each. The WiFi, i think is irrelevant but i thought i should mention that also. – Dimitris Sapikas – 2015-05-13T05:20:21.220

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